Panther Commando

Chapter 4430: 2 cold lights

At this time, Wan Lin saw Xiaohua who was flying over and already understood that Xiaohua must have found the enemies hidden on the hillside in front. Now he saw two enemies walking towards the back of the mountain, so he hurried back to report the situation to himself.

On the dim hillside, Xiaohua ran up and down towards Wan Lin. It ran under the tree where Wan Lin was hiding, and immediately glanced vigilantly at the wind knife lying beside Wan Lin. It then stood up, swayed its front paws and gestured to Wan Lin, and pointed to the side **** as it gestured.

Wan Lin stared at Xiao Hua and nodded, then raised his hand and pointed to the dense branches and leaves above his head, he waved his hand to Xiao Hua and whispered: "Lao Feng and I will kill those two enemies in a while, don't take part in the operation, Avoid making noises to alert other enemies." He then gestured at Xiaohua twice.

Seeing Wan Lin's gesture, Xiao Hua wagged its tail in frustration. It twisted around and grabbed the thick tree trunk beside Wan Lin, and then grabbed the tree trunk with the sharp nails on its claws, "swish, swish" and then drilled into it. into the dense foliage above.

Wan Lin saw that Xiaohua had entered the canopy to hide, so he turned around and made a few gestures at the wind knife. The wind knife immediately turned and climbed behind a rock more than one meter high on the side.

Wan Lin immediately stood up and stretched out his hand to grab the sniper rifle leaning against the tree trunk. He turned around and retreated behind the tree trunk as thick as one person. He then stuck out half of his head and looked forward at the top of the branch protruding from the side of the tree trunk. In the blink of an eye, the two figures had disappeared on the pitch-black hillside.

After a while, Cheng Ru's low voice suddenly came from Wan Lin and Feng Dao's earphones: "Leopard head, the two figures on the hillside have already turned over the hill above where we are, and their movements are very concealed." Wan Lin Immediately replied in a low voice: "Received."

Just now, he already knew from Xiaohua's gesture that two people dressed in the same clothes as those mercenaries who appeared in Taniguchi were walking towards this side from the opposite hillside, and their movements were very concealed. One of them was also carrying a long gun.

Wan Lin immediately judged that the other party most likely received a notification from the mercenaries in Taniguchi and knew that a group of people were running in this direction, so they immediately dispatched two people to the hillside to guard against it, one of whom was supposed to be a machine gunner. Their purpose must be to increase the firepower to intercept a few of them.

Wan Lin stood behind the thick tree trunk, and looked at the front hillside from the connection between the branch and the trunk. At this moment, he looked at the clear hillside through the night vision goggles in front of him, and suddenly felt a little puzzled in his heart: "More than two hours have passed since the Taniguchi battle, how come the enemies here are only notified now, aren't they the same? An enemy?"

He looked at the dimly lit hillside ahead, and carefully recalled the mercenaries he met at Taniguchi. He suddenly remembered that the mercenaries in Taniguchi's bulletproof vests were all Asian faces, and those people must be Yamaguchi security guards. And the people who set up ambush here must be the mercenaries of Black Hawk.

Thinking of this, he thought to himself: "It seems that this operation must have been initiated by Black Hawk, and the target is mainly aimed at Charlie. The security guard Yamaguchi is cooperating with the operation, and the main target is himself! Try to preserve your own strength in the action, so the communication between each other is not timely."

He wanted to understand the reason, and then turned his head and glanced at the dark mountains behind him. It had been more than two hours since the battle at Taniguchi, and the distance was also 20 to 30 kilometers. These Black Eagle mercenaries were hidden here. Behind the mountain, it was impossible to hear the sound of gunfire in the distance or see the fire from the battle, so it is not unusual for them to get information now.

Just as Wan Lin was analyzing, two shadows suddenly appeared one after another on the dark hillside in front of them. The two quickly rushed behind the two trees in front of them in the darkness, and then raised their guns from the side of the tree trunks to the person behind Wan Lin. Aiming at the mountains.

Wan Lin and Feng Dao were hidden behind the dark roots and rocks, motionless. Both of them gathered up their energy and waited calmly for each other's arrival.

The two shadows hid behind the dark trees, raised their guns and swept across the hillside where Wan Lin and Feng Dao were located. They moved their gun muzzles to aim at the mountains below, but did not move for a long time.

After a while, one of them stretched out his hand and made a gesture to his companion behind the tree, and then pointed to the thick tree where Wan Lin was hiding. The two then got out from behind the tree, bent over with guns in hand, and ran towards where Wan Lin and Feng Dao were.

Wan Lin hid behind the thick tree trunk, and ran quietly staring at each other through the branches and leaves sticking out from the branches, with two steel needles already sandwiched between his right fingers. The air knife under the rock on the side has also put the assault rifle under the rock, and the right hand is holding a air knife tightly, judging the enemy's position from the movement sound of the opponent's feet.

Feng Dao knew in his heart that the intention of the leopard head was to kill him with one blow. He must not allow the enemy to counterattack, and avoid the opponent making a sound to alert other enemies.

The two shadows moved very fast in the dark, and it didn't take long. They had already appeared on the hillside 30 meters away from the two of At this time, they had completely entered Wanlin and Fengdao. Hidden weapon attack range.

Twenty meters, ten meters, Wan Lin has not issued an order to attack! The wind knife was lying under the dark rock, anxiously looking at Wan Lin from the side of his eyes with the corner of his eyes.

Wan Lin stood under the tree and looked at each other, his right hand was slightly raised, his whole body arched like a leopard finding its prey. Obviously, Wan Lin was ready to attack. The wind knife withdrew his gaze and looked to the side of the rock, his fingers tightly holding a flying knife between his fingers, and his body arched slightly in the darkness.

At this moment, the two shadows approached the position five or six meters in front of Wan Lin Hefeng's blade. At this time, Fengdao suddenly heard something that the black figure near Wanlin suddenly said in a low voice, "creeping"?

Feng Dao suddenly understood that the leopard head was waiting for the other party to make a sound! The other party suddenly appeared here, the purpose is to covertly detect whether a few of them are running in this direction. When they approach the lurking position, they will definitely report to their companions that they are "in place". Only after the other party's report is completed, the two of them will not disturb the enemy behind the mountain.

Sure enough, just as the other party finished the call and raised his head, Wan Lin suddenly let out a low cough! With the sound that suddenly sounded from the darkness, two cold lights suddenly flew out of the darkness.

"Whoosh", "Whoosh", two cold lights with a gust of wind flashed away under the dim starlight, and the two shadows who were running under the tree fell to the back, the weapons in their hands Let go and fall to the hillside.

: . :

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