Panther Commando

Chapter 4431: wind blowing

On the pitch-black hillside, two cold lights flew out from under the tree and from the rock like lightning, and the cold light flashed away in front of the two shadowy faces that had just approached the big tree.

At this moment, two black shadows sprang from under the dark tree and behind the rock. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru stepped in front of the two boys. The machine guns and assault rifles fell around the enemy, and they bent down and quickly dragged the two corpses of the enemy under the thick tree trunk, and disappeared under the thick tree trunk in a blink of an eye.

Wan Lin leaned against the thick tree trunk. He glanced coldly at the two corpses lying on their backs under the tree. At this time, the eyes of the boy in front of him had already seen two bloodstains, and the hilt of a flying knife was exposed on the neck of the other corpse.

The hidden weapons thrown by him and the wind knife have been inserted into the eyes and throat of the enemy respectively, instantly killing the enemy! At such a close distance, Wan Lin knew that there would never be any deviation between himself and the hidden weapon thrown by the wind knife. He would definitely avoid the bulletproof vest on the enemy's body and hit the vital parts of the enemy's head and neck.

Wan Lin straightened up under the tree and turned his head to look at Feng Dao, who was squatting beside him. Feng Dao put the boy in front of him under the tree, stretched out his hand and pulled out the flying knife stuck in the throat of the enemy, he quickly wiped the flying knife on the enemy's body twice, raised his hand and inserted the flying knife into his waist .

Feng Dao turned around and picked up his assault rifle under the rock behind his back, then reached out and pulled out two spare magazines for the machine gun from the enemy and inserted it into the tactical vest, and then carried the captured machine gun to Wan Lin. Look here.

Wan Lin glanced at the bazooka and assault rifle on his back in astonishment, and asked in a low voice, "Are you going to take this machine gun?" After speaking, he reached out and grabbed the assault rifle on the back of the air knife and said, "The assault rifle. Give me the rifle, you will have to fight in a while, you are too heavy to affect the speed."

The wind knife pushed his hand away and said in a low voice: "No, this place is close to the area where the enemy is, and this weight will not affect my speed of movement." He glanced at the foot of the mountain and continued: "We will be with Scorpion and the others in a while. After the rendezvous, I handed the machine gun to them, just in case. If we encounter a large group of enemies, our firepower is too poor."

As he spoke, he tidied up the weapons on his back to prevent it from making noise during the action. He then looked at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, shall we go?"

Wan Lin raised his gun and glanced at the dim hillside in front of him. He raised his hand and pointed to the hillside in front of Xiaohua, who was hidden in the tree. Then he pointed at the wind knife: "Go!" Jumping up and down from the dark branches above, he ran forward like a smoke.

Wan Lin then whispered into the microphone: "Scorpion, Chengru, the last two enemies have been resolved, we are approaching the hillside above the enemy, and Laocheng's actions under the mountain are under the command of Laocheng. Scorpion, the three of you follow Laocheng's orders."

"Yes!" Cheng Ru and Scorpion's low reply came from his earphones. Wan Lin waved at Feng Dao, and the two followed Xiao Hua and ran towards the front hill with guns in hand.

At this moment, the mountain wind blowing slowly from the side of the mountain suddenly became stronger, followed by a gust of wind howling. And gravel, some fist-sized rocks on the hillside are rolling with the wind.

The sudden gust of wind made Wan Lin and Feng Dao squat down behind two boulders, and the two looked up into the air. The originally starry night sky had already floated a piece of white clouds, and the mountains shrouded in the night looked even darker. The faint sound of the lake water lapping the shore and Lin Tao has been covered up by the gust of "woohoo".

Wan Lin saw that the mountains had become darker, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes, and he pointed forward to his side. The two then bent over from behind the rock and ran out to the front corner in the strong mountain wind. On the hillside, they immediately crouched on the hillside amid the flying dust and gravel, raising their guns to aim at the side hillside.

The two quickly observed their surroundings in the dark, then stood up amidst the flying gravel and ran forward with their guns in hand. The two of them knew in their hearts that they had entered the enemy's surveillance range. Fortunately, the wind was blowing, and the flying dust mist and gravel could just hide the moving figures of the two.

The two of them moved very fast in the wind. They jumped up and down by the rocks and thick tree trunks in front of them, and then crawled forward and quickly crawled forward in the grass on the hillside.

Wan Lin grew up in the mountains since he was a child. He knew that the climate in the mountains changed greatly. Strong winds and torrential rains would come, but they would leave. Once the strong winds stopped, they would be easily spotted by the enemy in the bright starlight, so he Take the air knife to speed up and run to the top of the hidden hillside of the enemy.

At this time, Scorpion and Chengru, who were hiding at the foot of the mountain below, were lying behind the gun and looking at the mountains ahead. In the mountain wind of "woo woo", the originally calm lake water has already raised white waves one after another, the swamp between the mountains in front and the left hillside have been shrouded in dust and fog, and a few big trees on the hillside beside a few people are gusting wind. The dense branches and leaves shook violently in the Cheng Ru raised his head and glanced at the hillside shrouded in dust, mist and gravel, he covered his mouth and whispered to the microphone beside his mouth and ordered: "Scorpion, by the strong wind The cover of your team is from the foot of the mountain to approach the enemy's location, and we approach the enemy from the hillside below." Scorpion's reply sounded from his earphones.

Cheng Ru heard Scorpion's reply, he turned around and pointed at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, who were lying behind him.

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng immediately raised their guns and stood up, and they also bent over to follow. At this time, the three of the scorpions also stood up in the darkness ahead and ran up and down along the foot of the mountain in front of them in the strong wind.

The howling wind and the dust and mist flying all over the sky made Wan Lin and Cheng Ru overjoyed. The thick night, the whistling wind and the pervasive dust mist can just conceal their whereabouts, allowing them to quietly approach the enemy's location in the strong wind.

Several people were divided into upper, middle and lower parts on the hillside, and quickly approached the forest halfway up the mountain in front. Cheng Ru brought Wu Xueying and Wen Meng to a sudden stop about 100 meters away from the woods where the target was located.

Cheng Ru raised his hand and made a "hidden" gesture to Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were following behind him, then he lay under a rock and raised his gun to aim at the front hillside.

Sand and rocks were flying on the hillside. Through the night vision scope on his sniper rifle, he could only see the trees swaying in the wind, but he couldn't see the dark forest at all. He turned his head up Looking at the hillside.

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