Panther Commando

Chapter 4432: wind in the woods

In the howling wind, Cheng Ru couldn't see Wan Lin and Feng Dao at all. But he knew in his heart that the leopard head, wind knife and Xiaohua must have been close to the enemy's position, and he turned his head to look at the foot of the mountain on the right.

The lake not far away is setting off huge waves rolling in the strong wind. The white waves whistled towards the lake in front, and the mountains echoed with the sound of earth-shattering waves. The foot of the mountain was filled with thick dust and mist, and the three scorpions could not be seen at all.

Cheng Ru followed and glanced at the terrain on the hillside in front of him, and then pointed to Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, who were lying behind him.

At this time, Wan Lin and Feng Dao had already used the cover of the strong wind, and suddenly appeared on the hillside above the grove. At this time, Xiao Hua, who was running in front of Wan Lin and Feng Dao, had already got into the forest below where the branches and leaves were violently swaying in the strong wind.

Wan Lin was lying beside a rock and raised his gun to look down. The dense canopies of the big trees were swaying in the strong wind. The dense canopies were like a rolling water surface, extending towards the distant mountains.

Wan Lin frowned when he saw the scene in front of him. When he was at the foot of the mountain just now, he thought that the hillside was just a small forest, and the endless forest should still be in the mountains in the distance. The forest is connected into one piece, and this is the starting point of that forest.

He observed the surrounding terrain for a while, then put down the sniper rifle in his hand, turned around and took off the gun from his back, which was convenient for moving in the forest. In his right hand, he took out a few steel needles from his waist and sandwiched them between his fingers.

Lying in the dark, the air knife saw Wan Lin's movements, he also turned around and put the machine gun in his hand under a rock, and put the spare guns of the two machine guns next to the machine guns. The pistol is mounted on the gun, and then the left hand holds the pistol, and the right hand also pulls out a flying knife between the fingers.

The battle was about to start, and it was really inconvenient for him to carry a long machine gun in the forest, so he put the machine gun and spare magazines under the rocks outside the forest to reduce the weight of the action as much as possible.

Wan Lin turned his head and saw that Feng Dao was also ready to act. He raised his hand to the Feng Dao and made a "separate action" gesture, then put the sniper rifle behind him, grabbed the * with his left hand, and crawled towards the dim woods below. Climb in.

When Feng Dao saw Wan Lin approaching the forest, he turned around and climbed four or five meters out of the hillside, and then crawled into the forest below.

The sand and gravel flying in the air made a burst of "crackling" sounds on Wan Lin and Fengdao, but the "wheezing" wind and the earth-shattering sound of waves had already covered up the abnormal sound in the dark.

Wan Lin was crawling in the woods close to the hillside below, and then he lay on the rock and looked down intently. The mountains below were extremely dark, with tree trunks of different thicknesses in front of him, and a few trees with thick arms at the edge of the forest. The small tree was swaying the trunk and the top branches and leaves in the strong wind, as if to break free from the soil under the roots and run wildly with the wind. In the dark woods, there was no enemy figure.

Wan Lin took a quick look at the forest, and then quickly squatted down on a raised boulder below. He looked into the forest with his head, then bent down from the side of the rock and stood up. Stepping forward, he kicked a bulging rock in front of him vigorously, his body sprang up with the strong wind, and rushed straight into the dense canopy of a big tree like a bolt of lightning.

In the blink of an eye, the figure that Wan Lin saved had disappeared on the branches and leaves that were swaying in the wind. The wind knife on the side saw the leopard's head suddenly rise from the hillside, and immediately understood that Wan Lin wanted to use the cover of the canopy to search for the enemy's position in the forest.

Feng Dao took a deep breath and accelerated to climb into the forest. He crawls behind a tree trunk as thick as one person at the edge of the forest, suddenly stands up from behind the thick trunk, and then stretches out half of his head to look into the forest through the night vision goggles in front of him.

The forest is pitch-dark, the dense branches and leaves above the big trees are swaying in the strong wind, a touch of starlight penetrates into the forest through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and the light and shadow scattered on the forest floor are constantly changing with the swaying branches and leaves Location, not a single figure can be seen in the forest in front.

The air knife followed and got out from behind the tree, carrying the pistol and rushing under a big tree in front of the right. He rushed to the back of the tree in front of him and didn't stop. Instead, he swayed, and in the deafening sound of the branches and leaves colliding, he rushed to the back of another tree in front of him like lightning.

The speed of the wind knife was extremely fast in the dense forest. In a blink of an eye, he had already rushed out dozens of meters. He rushed to a tree as thick as one person and suddenly stopped, and his body was firmly attached to the trunk of the tree. Amidst the whistling sound, while listening intently to the surrounding movement, he quickly observed the dim woods on both sides with his eyes.

At this time, the wind knife has already judged that in order to block the people from the Eagle Falcon base, their location must be at the edge of the forest near the foot of the mountain in Only in this way can I find these people in time, so he entered the forest Afterwards, he ran straight to the edge of the forest on the right. He believed that the leopard head would also be close to the forest edge from the canopy.

At this moment, a low voice suddenly came from Lin Tao's voice of "Wow!". Feng Dao's eyes lit up, and he immediately judged the direction of the sound, and he followed from behind the tree to stick out half of his head to look into the forest below.

Through the night vision goggles in front of him, the surrounding dark tree trunks have been clearly displayed in front of Feng Dao's eyes. The forest floor is scattered with speckled starlight. Small tree branches are rolling with the wind.

Feng Dao looked up and looked into the distance. Thick tree trunks were erected in front of him. He couldn't see the sight of the forest in the distance. He frowned, then he got out from behind the tree, went straight to the back of the other tree below the side, and rushed behind the tree, he suddenly changed direction, and rushed to the back of the other tree on the side.

His movements were extremely fast, and his figure flickered left and right among the tree trunks, like a ghost fluttering in the gust of wind. In a blink of an eye, he had already rushed forward twenty or thirty meters. He followed and stopped suddenly under a thick tree trunk. Stopped, quickly lay under the tree and looked up to the surroundings.

The vague voice just now has become clear, and the voice is coming from the side and front. Although Feng Dao couldn't understand the voice of the other party shouting in a foreign language, he already knew in his heart that the other party must be calling the two companions who were watching behind the mountain in the strong wind, and those two boys had been killed by himself and the leopard head. There was no way they could respond.

: . :

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