Panther Commando

Chapter 4433: Bunker by the Woods

The wind knife turned his head and looked around, the light here was much brighter than in the forest, the forest floor was already scattered with starlight, and the tree trunks that were densely growing in the forest had also become sparse.

Through the night vision goggles in his eyes, he quickly glanced at the sparsely forested forest, and he already knew in his heart that this was the edge of the forest! Dim starlight has shot in from the sparse forest gap, and those boys who set up ambush on the hillside must be nearby!

He hurriedly looked up to the top of his head. The dark canopy was shaking in the gust of wind, and countless blown leaves were flying in the dim starlight. Wan Lin and Xiaohua could not be seen on the dark canopy.

Feng Dao had an anxious look on his face, and then he was about to withdraw his gaze from the canopy and climb forward. It is already close to the position of the enemy, and fierce battles may start at any time.

But in order to covertly kill the enemy in front, he and Wan Lin must act synchronously in the dark, so that he can kill the enemies on the edge of the forest at the same time and prevent them from pulling the trigger to alert the rest of the enemies.

Just when Fengdao looked anxiously about to withdraw his gaze from the canopy of the tree, a big tree in front of it was swaying in the wind, and suddenly two light blue light spots flashed, and the light spots flashed in the dark canopy. gone.

Fengdao was overjoyed, knowing that this was a signal sent by Xiaohua to him, and the leopard head and Xiaohua were on the dense canopy of the tree in front of him. Now, the light in Xiaohua's eyes flashed away, which means that there is the place where Leopard's head is going to hide. Under the trees in front, it must be the hiding place of those enemies, otherwise Xiaohua would not be so careful!

He hurriedly raised his hand in the dimness to inform Leopard Head and Xiaohua that he had seen the signal they sent. He knew that Wan Lin and Xiao Hua, who were agile, had already arrived at the tree one step ahead of themselves, and waited in the dark for him to arrive together. He followed with a pistol in his left hand and a flying knife between his right fingers, crawling under the trees in front of him among the tumbling branches and leaves on the forest floor.

Wan Lin and Xiaohua were indeed in the canopy in front of the wind knife. Wan Lin was squatting on a thick branch, and his body was shaking slightly with the swaying thick branch. Xiaohua was lying on another thick tree branch in front of him, her body was already arched, she was staring at the forest edge in front of her with her head lowered, and she was ready to pounce at any time!

At this time, Wan Lin was already in the dark canopy, and when he saw the wind knife crawling under the tree on his side, he immediately turned around and looked towards the forest edge in front of him. Lin could clearly see a few shadows lying on the dark forest floor.

In front of the forest is the edge of the forest. Thick tree trunks stand staggered on the hillside. Under the tree trunks as thick as one person, a simple bunker is built with rocks. Four black shadows are lying on the ground in the strong wind. Looking forward in their respective bunker.

One of them held a night vision binoculars and looked down the mountain, while hurriedly uttered a low cry in the gale. The other people had assault rifles and machine guns on their bunkers, and they looked nervous.

Wan Lin lowered his head and glanced at Cheng Ru, who was already lying under the tree. He stretched out his right hand and waved it down, and then quietly stretched out the installed * * from the swaying branches and leaves in front of him.

At this time, he has realized that the boy in the forest has been unable to contact his companions on the back of the mountain for a long time, and he will definitely realize the danger. If he can't contact his companions behind the mountain again, he will definitely order a few men around him to enter a fighting state.

The fighter plane is fleeting, he must use the wind knife to kill the following enemies as soon as possible in the gale and darkness before the enemy finds a few of them, so as to prevent them from sending a warning to other companions.

Just as Wan Lin stretched out* from the dark branches and aimed downwards, the boy who was holding his binoculars and looking at the foot of the mountain in front suddenly stopped his cry, crouched under the cover and turned to look up the hill on the left. very nervous.

Wan Lin quickly stopped the protruding *, and the air knife that was about to climb forward under the tree immediately lowered his body and stopped.

At this moment, a low shout suddenly sounded from a bunker near the foot of the mountain, and several people around slammed down behind the assault rifles and machine guns in the bunker, and they raised their hands to pull the bolts.

The boy who was turning his head and looking back heard the low shout of his companion next to him. He also turned around abruptly, threw away the binoculars in his hand, grabbed a bazooka that was standing in the bunker, and then carried the bazooka on his back. shoulder.

Wan Lin was shocked, he immediately realized: the enemy must have found a few scorpions hiding close to the hillside! He stretched forward suddenly, "Puff puff puff", the installed * immediately made a low sound, and a string of bullets whistled and swept towards several bunkers in front of him.

At this moment, the pistol that was stretched forward in the left hand of the wind knife also shot out a few faint flames, and at the same time the right hand also raised the flying knife forward and roared towards the boy who was carrying the bazooka.

In the dim woods, where Wan Lin and Feng Dao were located, they were close to the shelter under the tree where the enemy was hiding. As soon as the other party was lying on the back of the gun, his body leaned to the side. The flying knife that Cheng Ru threw out also got into the neck of the boy who carried the bazooka at this moment.

At the moment when these boys fell, the bazooka suddenly roared and spewed out a burst of fire, and a * flew straight down the mountain. While the boy carrying the bazooka was hit by bullets and flying knives, his fingers had subconsciously pulled the trigger of the bazooka.

Wan Lin was shocked! He could see at a glance that it was shooting down the mountain. He squatted on the branch of the tree and roared into the microphone in a low voice: "Scorpion, hide!"

In the voice, * sprayed a dazzling fire over the foot of the mountain, followed by a big tree in the swamp on the side of the foot of the mountain, "There was a loud noise, and a cluster of dazzling fire rose into the sky! In the whistling wind, the blown up Half of the big tree flew back with the wind in the fire, and then fell heavily into a puddle that reflected the starlight.

Wan Lin quickly glanced at the boys in the bunker below, and when he retracted it, he turned around and jumped off the tall tree branch. At this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed from the branches and leaves above him, and the little flower eye lying on the branch turned blue light and rushed towards Wan Lin, slamming into Wan Lin's shoulder like a cannonball.

Wan Lin was caught off guard, his body slanted down the thick branch, and went straight to the tree that was more than three meters high.

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