Panther Commando

Chapter 4443: low gunshots

Wan Lin gave Cheng Ru a distressed look in the fog, then raised his head and looked into the surrounding forest. When he was at the edge of the forest just now, Cheng Ru took Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, two female generals, to block a team of enemies in the rain of bullets.

Now, Cheng Ru followed him fast in the jungle again, his comrade in arms who shared life and death was indeed too tired, and the average person was already exhausted.

At this moment, Xiaohua already felt that Wan Lin woke up. It opened two round eyes and glanced at Wan Lin, then raised its head and looked into the air of the woodland on the side, suddenly there was a look of surprise in its eyes.

At this moment, the originally gray sky suddenly became bright, and the western sky was fiery red, followed by swirls of golden sunlight passing through the gaps in the dense branches and leaves, shooting diagonally into the forest, as if countless lines were hanging diagonally in the forest. Golden yellow thread.

In the blink of an eye, the dark and cold forest suddenly filled with warm breaths, and the white fog that filled the forest also dissipated in the sunlight. In the golden sunlight, the crystal dewdrops hanging on the green blades of grass reflected colorful rays of light.

Its daybreak! Wan Lin and Xiao Hua stared at the magnificent forest with intoxicated expressions in their eyes. At this moment, Cheng Ru, who was sitting quietly on the root of the tree, suddenly opened his eyes. He picked up the sniper rifle that was leaning on his side and rushed under the thick tree trunk. Extend the muzzle and aim forward.

Wan Lin was startled, raised the sniper rifle on his leg and looked in the direction Cheng Ru was aiming at. He followed with a smile and put down the sniper rifle in his hand, looking down at Cheng Ru who was under the tree.

Xiaohua also stood up abruptly from the branch. It glanced around with blue light in its eyes, and then lay down on the branch with its tail wagging. It also stuck its head out and grinned at Chengru who was under the tree. .

Cheng Ru stared at the suddenly bright forest for a moment, then shook his head vigorously, he lowered his gun and grinned. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, looked up at Wan Lin and said in an embarrassed low voice, "Hey, I just dreamed that Lao Feng, Yingying and Wen Meng were surrounded by enemies. Grandma, I'm so nervous!"

Wan Lin looked down at him and waved his hand, smiled and said in a low voice, "You even startled me, thinking that those **** are coming out again."

Before Wan Lin spoke in a low voice, Xiao Hua, who was lying on the branch beside him, suddenly turned her head and looked into the forest in front of her, followed by a faint blue light in her eyes.

Xiaohua's four powerful claws then vigorously kicked the branches under her body, and her petite figure slanted towards the woodland under the tree. It jumped up from the forest floor as soon as it landed, ran forward like a smoke, and disappeared behind the thick tree trunks in a blink of an eye.

The muzzle that Cheng Ru had just lowered immediately raised, Wan Lin squatted from the thick tree branch, twisted his body and stretched out the barrel from the gap between the branches and leaves.

In the golden rays of light, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru's sight was blocked by a tree trunk not far away, and they couldn't see the scene in the forest in the distance at all.

Wan Lin turned and pointed at Cheng Ru to the side of the tree. He stood up from the invisible branch with a sniper rifle, and stared at the thick branch of a big tree four or five meters away. He kicked his feet vigorously, and his body leaped out from the tall tree branches like an arrow from the string.

In the blink of an eye, he was like a monkey pounced on the branch of a large tree on the side. He grabbed the branch with his left hand and swayed, his legs were raised upwards, and he moved swiftly. There is another thick tree branch on the side.

Wan Lin bent over and squatted on the branch. He stretched out his hand to push aside the branches and leaves in front of him, took a step laterally toward the trunk, and then leaned his back against the thick trunk. He followed and stood up from the branch and aimed his sniper rifle through the gap in the branches and leaves to the forest ahead.

At this time, Cheng Ru also carried a sniper rifle, bent over and ran under a big tree more than ten meters away. He followed him and lay down in a weed under the tree, extending the barrel of the gun from the grass and aiming forward.

In the forest in front of them, trees of different thicknesses grow in different directions, and the location of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru can already see the forest a hundred meters away. At this moment, the figure of Xiaohua jumped out of a half-person-high grass like lightning. It quickly ran to the front of a tree and jumped up, "swish, swish," and jumped into the thick branches and leaves in a few strokes. It then quietly lay on the branch and looked forward.

At this moment, between the thick branches of the two big trees in front, a few small dark shadows suddenly appeared. The black shadow glanced around in panic, and then quickly emerged from the branches and leaves.

They stuck their heads out and glanced at the forest in front of them in horror, and then jumped down from the tree branches. A few small animals of thirty or forty centimeters in length jumped and fled to the surrounding woods when they landed.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru immediately moved the muzzles of their guns to look at the shadow, and the two of them could see clearly that it was a few rabbits who were frightened, but they were obviously much bigger than the hares they had ever seen.

Wan Lin stared at a few hares that jumped and escaped through the and suddenly remembered the information he saw before departure, which is a small animal called tree hyrax.

It is said that it is an animal with the same ancestor as the elephant. Its bones and muscles are very similar to those of the elephant, but the body size is different. They did not expect to see this strange little animal here. Obviously, these tree hyraxes either discovered Xiaohua, a ferocious carnivore, or they sensed that there was some danger hidden in the forest ahead, so they jumped down from the tree in panic.

Just as Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were staring intently at a few escaping animals, a burst of "puff puff" and "puff puff" suddenly came from the forest in front of them. Hard to hear.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru's eyes suddenly flashed light, and they moved their guns to aim at the forest ahead. They had already heard the sound from the sudden sound in front of them, it was the sound of a gun with a gun installed, and it was two people firing at the same time!

At this moment, they suddenly understood that the small flowers were not for the few tree hyraxes hidden in the tree canopy, but with their keen sense of hearing and smell, they discovered something abnormal in the forest in the distance.

The gunshots rang out, and two hyraxes, who were jumping and fleeing on the woodland ground, fell to the grass in the middle of the woodland. The rest of the rabbits turned their heads and glanced at their fallen companions, then continued to jump and flee to the surrounding woods.

In the blink of an eye, the tree hyraxes that were hurriedly fleeing in the forest disappeared, and the early morning forest regained its calm. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru concealed themselves in the canopy and under the tree, raising their guns motionless and aiming at the forest a hundred meters away.

: . :

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