Panther Commando

Chapter 4444: fluttered flower

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru hid in the canopy of trees and the grass, raising their guns motionlessly and aiming at the forest in front of them. They have already understood that the person who came suddenly shot and killed the two hares must be to use the two hares to feed their stomachs, and the person who came will definitely show up to take the two hunted rabbits.

Moreover, these guys who shoot covertly actually use a silencer, which shows that they are not ordinary hunters. Ordinary hunters don't have such sophisticated equipment, and hunters don't need to cover up their whereabouts. These shooters are probably the mercenaries who chased and killed Xie Chao and the others!

The gunshots rang out, and the forest in front was silent and no one could be seen. After a while, a shadow suddenly appeared in the woods near the two rabbits.

This person appeared and disappeared between several thick tree trunks, moving extremely fast. He flashed a few times behind a few thick tree trunks in the forest, and then rushed behind a tree flanking the two rabbits.

He hid behind the tree trunk and paused for a while, and then carefully leaned out halfway from the side of the tree trunk. He raised an assault rifle and observed the surroundings vigilantly. There was indeed a thick * on the muzzle. He then stepped out from behind the tree and stepped to the side of the two rabbits in a few steps. He bent down and grabbed the two hares in his hands.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru secretly raised their guns and aimed at this kid. They could clearly see through the scope that this man was wearing a helmet, his face was smeared with yellow, green and black tactical paint, and his upper body was wearing a black body armor. He was holding an assault rifle in his left hand, and a pistol was attached to the side of his thigh. This kid is fully armed, and his attire is exactly the same as those Black Hawk mercenaries that Wan Lin and the others encountered at the edge of the forest.

At this moment, Xiaohua, who was hidden in the tree canopy in front, turned her head to look at Wan Lin, then raised her right paw and pointed to the forest in front, with a faint blue light in her eyes. Obviously, it was telling Wan Lin that there were other enemies in the forest ahead. Would you like to kill these enemies?

Wan Lin stood motionless among the thick branches and leaves with his infuriating energy, his cheeks pressed against the cheek rest of the sniper rifle, and he did not give Xiao Hua any instructions.

The two series of gunshots just now sounded at the same time, which means that there are at least two people on the other side. One of them must be hiding in the forest in front of him. He is raising his gun to provide cover for the boy in front of him, but he does not know the location of this person.

Moreover, the boy in front of him suddenly appeared here, and his movements were so careful, which means that Xie Chao and the enemy snipers were probably in the nearby forest. The other party must be worried about disturbing Xie Chao and the two in the forest, so he moved to be so careful.

Wan Lin raised his gun and aimed at the boy in the forest. He secretly said in his heart: "This mission is to support Xie Chao and Johnny. Covert action is the key to victory! Unless it is absolutely necessary, I really can't order this boy to be killed to avoid alarm. The enemy's sniper." He then raised the muzzle slightly and aimed at the forest behind the boy.

Just as the boy in the forest lifted two tree hyraxes and just stood up from the grass, a gust of wind suddenly sounded in the forest in front of him. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, who was hiding under the tree on the side, were startled, and their guns immediately moved to the side quietly.

Amidst the sound of the wind, a small gray shadow was rushing out from the grass behind a tree, dashing towards the figure on the forest floor like lightning, and the slender figure brought out a gust of wind in the air.

At this moment, "Puff Pu Pu" and "Pu Pu Pu", two series of low gunshots sounded again, and two faint flames suddenly shot out from under the two thick tree trunks not far away.

In the low sound of the piano, the little shadow who was rushing towards the figure in the forest suddenly let out a miserable howl, and the figure fell sideways from the air. It tumbled for two weeks as soon as it hit the ground, and then limped toward a thick grass in the side forest.

The boy on the forest floor was shocked! He threw away the rabbit in his hand the moment Huang Ying rushed, turned around and rushed to the side of the woods, the assault rifle raised in his hand also sprayed out a burst of fire towards the side.

Just at the moment when the boy's gun spewed out flames, a small black shadow suddenly popped out from behind the tree on the side.

He was panicking and suddenly screamed from the side of the woods, the assault rifle in his hand dropped to the woods, his body was also thrown to the ground by this ferocious little animal. The little black shadow jumped out from the boy's left arm, and rushed into the grass where the little black shadow escaped just now with first-rate blood.

"Puff puff", "puff puff", the low gunshot sounded again, and two strings of bullets whistled and swept towards the rushing small animals. The two figures followed and stood up from under the two trees 100 meters away, and the whistling bullets shot straight at the small animals running wild in the forest.

With a miserable howl, the little animal that Zheng was running wildly on suddenly rolled on the forest floor for a few weeks. It then jumped up from under a thick tree behind it, and limped into the thick grass on the side.

At this time, a boy who appeared under the tree in front of him ran towards his companion who fell on the forest floor with a gun. As he ran, he raised the assault rifle in his hand and swept the grass into the grass where the two small animals got into. A string of bullets came out.

"Ow!" A deafening leopard roar Xiaohua's invisible canopy suddenly shot a blue light beam, Xiaohua's figure sprang from the high canopy like lightning, and ran straight to the side Go boy pounce!

"Broken!" Wan Lin was shocked. He didn't expect that Xiao Hua didn't obey his orders and jumped at the enemy without authorization at this moment! Without thinking about it, he aimed the gun at the boy who was still standing under the tree in the distance and pulled the trigger. At the same time, he shouted in a low voice, "Chengru, kill them!"

Following Wan Lin's shouting, there was a "poof" shot from the side of the tree trunk, and the boy who was bitten by a small animal and was crawling up from the forest fell to the ground, almost identical to the one in the distance. The boy targeted by Wan Lin fell to the woods at the same time.

At this moment, a scream had already sounded from the glade in front! Xiaohua was condescending and rushed to the side of the boy who was running towards his companions like lightning. Before the other party had time to turn the muzzle, Xiaohua's right paw had already stabbed into the boy's neck, and its open mouth also bit the boy's shoulder at the same time.

In the shrill screams of the other party, Xiao Hua bit the other party's shoulder, and her two hind legs slammed the other party's arm, and her body leaped to the side like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Hua appeared beside a tree on the side with a red bloodstain. Blood mist sprayed from the neck and shoulders of the boy behind it and fell sideways to the ground.

With a burst of blue light in Xiao Hua's eyes, she rushed to the tree. Her long, curled legs stomped on the thick tree trunk. She turned around and rushed towards the boy who was holding a gun under the tree in front of her.

: . :

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