Panther Commando

Chapter 4447: pack of hyenas

Wan Lin was hiding behind the thick tree trunk. He bent down to pick up the earphones thrown from the enemy's corpse, and held the earphones beside his helmet to listen intently. There was a rushing voice in the earphones, as if waiting for an answer.

The speed of the voice was extremely fast, and it took Wan Lin a while to understand that it was the voice of the other party in Y language, asking the boy who had died, why didn't he report the situation at the specified time? Ask for a call back immediately. The voice coming out of the earphones was hurried and severe, and it sounded like the superiors of the three killed mercenaries around.

Wan Lin roughly understood the other party's question. He carefully placed the earphone in his hand on the other party's body, followed by raising his gun and aiming into the surrounding forest to prevent the enemy from running from a distance to check the situation.

At this moment, Xiao Hua suddenly ran back from the forest in front of her eyes, and a faint blue light flashed in her round eyes. Wan Lin quickly raised his gun and aimed at the forest behind Xiao Hua.

At this moment, he suddenly heard faintly in his ears, there were bursts of "rustling" running sounds coming from the forest in the distance. He slammed down under the tree, followed the sound and turned his gun to aim at the forest in front of him.

Thick tree trunks had blocked his vision, and he couldn't see the distant scene at all. Xiaohua ran to him quickly, stood up and pointed to the middle of the forest in front of him, then raised her two front paws and gestured a few times.

Wan Lin immediately understood what Xiao Hua meant. He suddenly stood up from under the tree, ran 20 to 30 meters diagonally into the forest in front of him, and then rushed to a tree and raised his gun to aim forward.

Through the gap in the forest, he saw at a glance that a large animal with extremely vigorous movements was running in the glade several hundred meters away. The animal ran fast, clinging to the big trees.

At this time, the other party has also seen Wan Lin running through the forest. This large animal jumped up, and then quickly jumped up to a thick tree on the side. In a blink of an eye, it appeared in the On a thick tree branch more than three meters high, it arched its whole body, and the sharp eyes on its face were staring at Wan Lin intently.

At the moment when the agile animal jumped up the tree branch, Wan Lin could see that it was an extremely ferocious leopard. Its yellow fur was covered with black markings, as if it was an enlarged version of the leopard. A small flower, with a very mighty demeanor.

Wan Lin saw a mighty big leopard in front of him, he immediately lowered the muzzle, then turned his head and glanced coldly at the corpse of the enemy soaked in blood, he immediately waved at Xiaohua, indicating not to provoke The big leopard immediately ran forward with a gun.

At this time, he already understood that it was the strong smell of blood in the forest that attracted this ferocious leopard. I am afraid that it will not be long, there will be more beasts here.

As he ran forward with the gun, he secretly said in his heart: "I just don't know what to do with these three corpses, and now I just have to hand them over to these beasts in the forest. Even if the other party's accomplices come, they will only You can see a pile of leftover skeletons, just enough to cover up the marks of being shot."

He ran to Cheng Ru, who was aiming his gun at the leopard. He whispered, "The smell of blood will definitely drive more beasts. Let's leave as soon as possible and ignore this big leopard." There was already a sound of animals running in the forest, and there was also a howl of a beast in the distance.

Cheng Ru heard Wan Lin's cry and hurriedly crawled out of the grass. He raised his gun and glanced at a few dark shadows rising and falling in the forest on the side. He took the gun and ran forward behind Wan Lin and Xiao Hua.

At this time, he had realized that the breeze in the forest was slowly blowing to the side and front, and the strong smell of blood would definitely permeate the wind. If they don't get out of here as soon as possible, they are likely to be stopped in this forest by these ferocious beasts.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru followed Xiao Hua and ran several hundred meters into the forest in front of them. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound of animals running from the forest in front of them. A dozen black figures scrambled to follow them from the front. A large tree rushed out from the side.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru turned their faces to look, their faces immediately became tense. The two rushed to the back of the two trees in front of them, stopped under the trunks, and pulled the bolts to aim at the forest in front of them.

They had already seen clearly in this glance that the dark shadows that came smelling the smell of blood were actually a group of hyenas covered in spots. Wan Lin knew very well that hyenas were very ferocious animals, and they often hunted their prey in groups. Even a ferocious lion would shy away from this group of animals.

At this time, the hyenas who were burrowing out of the forest in front of them had already spotted Wan Lin and Chengru who were hiding behind the trees with their keen sense of smell. The group of hyenas that were running forward suddenly stopped.

A big hound running in front suddenly stopped. It stared at the forest where Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were, raised its head and sucked its nose a few times, and then it made an extremely unpleasant howl in the air. , then lowered his head and charged fiercely towards Wan Lin and Cheng Ru.

A group of black hyenas in the back heard the horn sound of this and immediately ran forward quickly behind this big hyena. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru raised their guns and stared at a group of hyenas that were moving fast in the forest, their eyes filled with astonishment. This group of hyenas ran extremely fast, at least fifty or sixty kilometers per hour, and in the blink of an eye, they had already appeared in the forest a hundred meters away from Wanlin and Chengru.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru nervously raised their guns and stared at the rushing hyenas. The two then looked up at the dense branches and leaves above their heads, preparing to jump up the tall tree branches in time in a critical moment.

Just when Wan Lin and Cheng Ru felt nervous, Xiao Hua's deafening roar suddenly sounded in the forest ahead! A blue light beam suddenly shot out from the thick branches and leaves of a big tree in front of the group of hyenas. The small flower was like a shell out of its chamber, and it went straight to the nearly two-meter-long giant hyena below.

In the sudden loud roar, the hyenas who were running wildly stopped suddenly in the woods, before they could see what was rushing in the blue light? Xiaohua's figure had already leaped onto the head of the hyena in front of her like lightning, and a cracking sound of a skull followed from the top of the hyena's head.

Xiaohua's figure rose up on the top of the hyena's head as soon as it touched it. A beam of blue light burst into its eyes, and leaped to the top of the head of another hyena in front of her like lightning, followed by a crisp beating sound.

Amid the miserable howls of the two hyenas, Xiaohua raised her head on top of the sluggish hyena, and made another deafening leopard roar at the group of hyenas that had stopped. The blue beams in its eyes swept across the eyes of the hyenas like lightning.

: . :

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