Panther Commando

Chapter 4448: fierce little flower

In the deafening roar, Xiaohua's agile figure had already scurried to the back of the other hyena, and the sharp nails on its four claws were like daggers, deeply inserted into the back of this hyena.

The hyena under it howled miserably, and fell down with a "pop". Its head was firmly attached to the forest floor, its whole body was shaking in severe pain and panic, and there was a look of extreme fear in its eyes.

The hyenas in the surrounding forests saw Xiaohua's ferocious appearance, and they all retreated in panic, followed by a howl in Xiaohua's blue light beam, they turned around and fled to the surrounding forests, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. trace.

Wan Lin and Feng Dao saw Xiao Hua's mighty appearance, and smiles appeared on their faces. Xiaohua saw that the hyenas around her had escaped without a trace, so she jumped down from the backs of the hyenas under her.

It looked at the hyena that had been paralyzed in the forest, with a blue light flashing in its eyes, and then it let out a low growl, as if to say, "Get out of here!"

The hyena's back has been scratched by Xiaohua's sharp claws, and its back hair has been dyed red by the gushing blood. It looked at Xiaohua in panic, then climbed up amid Xiaohua's roar, turned around and rushed towards the forest in front of it. .

The hyena was panicking in panic, and slammed into a thick tree trunk on the side with a loud "bang". It fell on its back under the tree with its feet in the sky, and then rolled on the forest floor and jumped up from under the tree.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru almost laughed when they saw the hyena's panicked appearance. Cheng Ru picked up the sniper rifle and ran behind the tree where Wan Lin was hiding, looked at the direction where the hyenas were fleeing, and said with some fear, "Grandma, this is the hyena you mentioned in the past, right?"

Wan Lin raised his gun and glanced at the dense forest in front of him, and then replied in a low voice, "Yes, it's hyenas, they are social animals, and when they hunt for food, they form a group. Only. The wild beasts in the mountains try to avoid them when they see them, this kind of animal is very ferocious."

He then looked at the forest where the hyenas were fleeing in fear, and said, "Thanks to bringing the little flowers this time, otherwise we can only climb the trees to kill them, otherwise the hyenas won't let us go easily."

He turned his head and looked into the forest behind him, and then said in a low voice, "Alright, the mercenaries' earphones just now heard the question from their comrades. At that time, I was really worried that their accomplices would send someone to check. , once they see that the boys in the next year were hit by bullets, we will definitely expose. Now, with these beasts collecting their bodies, they can only see a pile of bones even if they come. "

He followed and moved the muzzle to look at Lin Jian on the right and said, "Old Master, except for the enemy snipers, we try not to get entangled with other mercenaries, and try to kill the enemy snipers before they find us. Let's go."

Cheng Ru replied in a low voice, and followed Wan Lin to run forward. At this time, Xiaohua had withdrawn the blue light that burst from his eyes. It glanced at the surrounding forest, and also turned around and ran towards Wan Lin and Cheng Ru.

At noon, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru appeared in a forest on the hillside in front of them. Pieces of rocks covered with moss appeared on the forest ground in front. The surrounding trees were sparse, and Wan Lin's vision suddenly became much wider. .

Wan Lin ran behind a tree and raised his gun to look around. Cheng Ru also rushed to the side under a boulder that bulged from the hillside. He knelt on one knee beside the rock and raised his gun to aim at the open space in front of him.

The surrounding woodlands were quiet, and there were a few small trees growing crookedly in the clearing. The branches and leaves on the trees were also somewhat withered and yellow, but the trees around the clearing were very lush. The open space was very quiet, even the small animals that were often encountered in the forest were gone, only some weeds and some withered leaves on the trunks, swaying in the breeze.

Wan Lin raised his gun and looked around, then turned his head to look at Xiao Hua who was running towards the hill above. Xiaohua was rising and falling among the rocks in the clearing, and then went straight to a crooked tree trunk and jumped up. It grabbed the trunk and jumped up. In a blink of an eye, it jumped up on a tree branch with a thick wrist and lay down, and it followed with concentration. Looking up into the somewhat sparse forest above.

Wan Lin saw that Xiao Hua was already on guard on the hillside above, so he took a gun and ran under the boulder where Cheng Ru was invisible. He ran behind the boulder and glanced at Cheng Ru, who was gasping for breath, and said in a low voice, "Sit down and rest for a while." With that, he took out the kettle and handed it to Cheng Ru, then sat down with his back against the boulder.

Cheng Ru took the kettle and shook it for a while. He whispered in amazement, "After running in such a sweltering forest all morning, why do you still have more than half of your kettle? Mine is early." After saying that, he After twisting the lid off, he took two sips, and then handed the kettle to Wan Lin.

Wan Lin took the water bottle and took a sip, then said: "I have the cold and cold energy of Xuanxu Guan in my body now. I didn't sweat much along the way, and the water loss in my body was small. You drink more." It was handed to Cheng Ru again.

He then looked at the hillside above and said, "There was a heavy rain The hillside in front of me is a rock structure, and there must be fresh water on the hillside above. You rest here for a while, and I will let Xiaohua take me there. Find water."

Cheng Ru raised his head "gudonggudong" and drank a few more gulps, then panted and handed over the water bottle of himself and Wan Lin, he followed: "You can take a break and go again, I have to adjust my breath for a while. ."

He followed Wan Lin and asked, "By the way, those two little animals that rushed towards the mercenaries were too ferocious. I haven't seen them before, they looked a bit like Xiao Hua, but they looked a bit like dogs. What kind of animals are they?"

Wan Lin leaned on the rock and shook his head and replied, "I have never seen such a small animal before. Before we set off, Xiaoya prepared me a list of animals and plants that may appear in this area, which mentioned that there is a A civet cat is an animal that looks like a cat but has a face like a dog."

He glanced around vigilantly, and then said in a low voice: "When I was healing them just now, I observed them carefully, the fur on this small animal is very rough, the two hind legs are thick, the fur is black and white, and the mouth is outward. Protruding, there is a circle of black fur around the eyes, a bit like a puppy, a bit like a raccoon, it looks very cute."

When he said this, he turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and continued: "By the way, when I bandaged the wound of one of the small animals, I smelled a faint fragrance. This should be a civet cat, which can secrete fragrance. Set up your own territory. There is a cat that emits fragrance in the mountains of our hometown. We call it fragrant cat there. It is said that their secretions can be used as spices.”

: . :

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