Panther Commando

Chapter 4449: blurred footprints

The sun hung high above the glade, the sun was blazing hot and dazzling, and a white mist was slowly rising from the damp rocks and thick foliage. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru sat under the rock and talked in a low voice, while looking at the surrounding forest with vigilance.

At this time, Wan Lin looked at the side of the forest and said with a sigh: "Xiaohua looks fierce, but in fact has a Bodhisattva's heart. He saw those mercenaries shooting at the civet, so he didn't obey the order and rushed forward in anger. Go out. Later, I rushed over to see Xiaohua licking the wounds of two civet cats. At that time, I was really moved. Although it is extremely fierce, it is loyal and kind, and it is better than those beasts who forget their righteousness and only care about their own escape. too much!"

He said, bent down and stood up, looked at Cheng Ru and said in a low voice, "You just adjust your breath here for a while. Give me the kettle, and I'll go around to find water."

Cheng Ru replied with a tired look: "Okay, go ahead, I'll adjust my breath here for a while. From yesterday to now, we have only slept for more than two hours, and I'm really tired." Two kettles were handed over.

Cheng Ru knew that Wan Lin's internal strength was extremely deep, and he couldn't compare with him at all. Moreover, the battle could break out at any time, and he had to maintain sufficient physical strength, so he unceremoniously handed over his empty water bottle.

Wan Lin took the water bottle and carried it on his back. He raised his gun and slowly swept through the surrounding woods. He whispered, "Pay attention to the movement around you, and don't fall asleep."

"Okay, go ahead, I'll adjust my breath for a while, and I won't fall asleep." Cheng Ru replied, turning his body to face the woods below, and then leaning his back on the rock. He leaned his sniper rifle against the rock beside him, closed his eyes, lifted his infuriating energy, and slowly started running it.

Wan Lin saw that Cheng Ru had closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. He took the water bottle, turned around with a sniper rifle, and ran up the hillside.

At this time, it was noon, and the hot sun was shining on the open space above the hillside. A layer of water mist was slowly rising on the rocks that were wet with heavy rain and dew. The air in the forest really gave people an unbearable sweltering heat. feel.

Wan Lin ran to the tree with the crooked neck where Xiaohua was, and Xiaohua looked down at him. Wan Lin looked up at it and pointed to the kettle at his waist, then waved.

Xiaohua saw Wan Lin's actions and knew that Wan Lin asked him to help him find water. It raised its head and took a few breaths, then glanced up at the hillside, and then jumped straight down from the tree branch. It landed on the hillside, turned around and ran up the hillside. Wan Lin quickly followed with his gun.

The hillside above is covered with rocks that protrude from the body of the mountain. There are small trees with twisted trunks growing in the cracks of the rocks, and clusters of green weeds are drilling out of the soil in the depressions of the rocks. Wan Lin carefully looked at the open space beside him, then raised his head to look at the hillside near the top of the mountain.

On the hillside above the clearing were big trees with thick branches and leaves. In the lush forest, the hillside in front of Wan Lin looked barren and desolate. Wan Lin looked at the open space with some puzzlement, and then stared at the exposed rocks around him for a while before he understood.

The **** of this glade was steep, and it was the years of torrential rain that washed the soil covering the hillside into the forest below, exposing large pieces of rock in the mountain, and then forming this rocky glade.

At this moment, Xiao Hua, who ran to the front, suddenly jumped up on a rock and looked back, with a look of surprise flashing in her eyes. Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua's eyes and knew that it had found the water source, so he quickly ran over with his gun.

He ran to the rock where Xiaohua was and looked forward. There was a rock crevice between the two boulders in front of him. The clear stream was flowing quietly along the rock crevice to the forest below. The low "whisper" sound is hard to hear if you don't pay attention.

Wan Lin hurriedly ran to the crevice of the rock. He quickly took off the two water bottles from his body, crouched on a rock beside the stream and filled the water bottles. He rolled up his sleeves, picked up the stream and washed his face and arms. He bowed his head and lay down beside the stream and took a few sips.

The stream water is cool and sweet, refreshing in the sultry air. Wan Lin raised his head and praised in a low voice, "What a sweet stream!" He then took out a towel from his backpack and soaked it in the water, followed by picking up the wet towel to get up and stand up.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly stopped on a few green grasses beside the stream. The green grass is located in a sunken rock next to the stream. The grass is drilled out of a thin layer of soil. There are several green grass lying down in the soil. Dirt edge.

Wan Lin immediately lay on the rock and raised his gun to look around. Xiao Hua, who was playing in the stream below, saw Wan Lin suddenly raise his gun. He hurriedly jumped out of the water, jumped on a rock next to him and looked around, his ears flapping. a few times.

There was nothing unusual in the quiet surroundings, Xiaohua's sharp eyes swept the and she turned her head to look at Wan Lin. Wan Lin raised his finger and pointed to the vague footprints on the side, and Xiao Hua immediately ran towards Wan Lin.

Wan Lin grabbed the sniper rifle in his right hand and slowly crawled to the rock in front of him. He stared intently at the depression in the rock. There are indeed half vague footprints on the soil. The soil is soaked in the overflowing stream water, and a few fallen grasses have been mixed in the mud with the fuzzy texture of the sole.

"Xiaohua, look at which direction the footprints came from?" Wan Lin instructed in a low voice to Xiaohua who came running while staring at the footprints. He then raised his hand and pointed around.

Xiaohua glanced at the footprints among the rocks, then lowered her head and sniffed the surrounding rocks and ran to the side. After a while, Xiao Hua ran back to Wan Lin again with a blank expression on her face. Wan Lin saw the look on Xiao Hua's face and knew that it didn't smell the smell of someone coming. He looked at the babbling creek in surprise.

Wan Lin immediately understood that the person who came was very careful. In order to avoid leaving footprints and being followed, he walked along the stream from the hillside above or the forest below. The flowing stream had washed away his scent, so even Xiaohua No sharp sense of smell.

Wan Lin squatted beside a half-human-high rock on the hillside above, raised his gun and aimed at both sides of the hillside, carefully observing the rocks and mud on both sides of the stream. There are no other footprints around, as if this footprint appeared out of thin air.

He then stared at the half footprint not far away. Although the footprint had been soaked in the stream water and blurred, he could still see the lines on the soles of his feet. At first glance, they were marks left by military mountain boots.

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