Panther Commando

Chapter 4450: bare mountain top

The stream is clear and translucent, flowing quietly down the crevices of the rock. Wan Lin pondered for a moment while staring at the somewhat confused footprints soaked in the stream. He raised his hand and whispered to the little flower standing on the side of the rock: "Expand the search area and see if we can find this person's hidden location? Send it to Lao Cheng."

After he finished speaking, he took the wet towel and twisted it twice, and then raised his gun vigilantly and aimed at the dense forest on the side. After he was sure that the surrounding was safe, he ran down the rock next to the stream to the hillside below. .

Wan Lin quickly ran to Cheng Ru with his gun in hand. Cheng Ru, who was closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, sensed someone was approaching. . When he saw that it was Wan Lin carrying the gun running, he quickly turned the gun and aimed at the surrounding woods.

Wan Lin ran to Cheng Ru's side and immediately squatted down. He handed Cheng Ru the wet towel and whispered, "You wipe your face first and drink some water." He took off Cheng Ru's kettle and placed it on the rock beside him. , move to the boulder and raise the gun to look around.

Cheng Ru raised the towel and wiped his face, then twisted the towel to dry and handed it to Wan Lin. He hung the water bottle on his body, squatted and raised his gun to aim at the hill above. While observing, he asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, what did you find?" He could already see that Wan Lin's expression was a little nervous, and he knew that he and Xiaohua must have found something.

Wan Lin raised his gun to observe the surroundings, and replied in a low voice: "There is a small stream on the hillside above the side, and there are half vague footprints next to it. There was a heavy rain in this mountain yesterday afternoon. If it was left in the past. The footprints should have been washed by yesterday's heavy rain. Therefore, the owner of this footprint should have come here last night or night to replenish fresh water."

Cheng Ru heard someone haunting here, there was a light in his eyes and he asked in a low voice, "A few people's footprints, could it be Xie Chao and the others?"

Wan Lin pointed his gun at the dense forest next to the clearing and replied in a low voice: "There is only a vague footprint of a right mountain boot, and there are no other footprints around. The other person should be walking along the stream, and the smell has been washed away by the stream. The movements are very careful, it should be a strictly trained special operator, and now it is impossible to determine whether it is Xie Chao and the others."

After listening to Wan Lin's answer, Cheng Ru said in a low voice, "If it wasn't for Xie Chao and the others, it would have to be the Black Eagles or the snipers of the mountain pass security guards." "Yes, they are probably in this mountain!" Wan Lin said in a low voice. He replied with a sound, then turned his head to look at the direction of the stream above the side.

At this time, Xiaohua was running from the hill above. It ran in front of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, waving its thick tail in frustration. Wan Lin and the two saw Xiao Hua's expression and knew that she had not found any other footprints around.

Wan Lin pondered for a moment while looking at the stream on the hillside above, and said to Chengru in a low voice, "The toes of that footprint point to the hillside above, I guess the person who came here should be walking towards the top of the mountain. I'll go to the top of the mountain to see, you Just be vigilant here, and notify me in time if you find the situation.”

He followed and looked at Xiaohua and ordered: "Xiaohua, expand the search range, and find me at the top of the mountain in a while." After that, he ran out from the side of the rock with a sniper rifle. The right one ran to the fan-faced hillside.

Wan Lin ran quickly beside the stream where the footprints were found, and then quickly ran up among the rocks beside the stream. There has been a suspicious situation here. He has to guard against hidden enemies around him, so he moves very fast, and runs up the hillside between the towering rocks, to prevent being locked by the hidden enemy snipers. .

It wasn't long before Wan Lin's figure had passed through the open space in the forest and appeared in the dense woods on the hillside above. He rushed under a thick tree in the forest, stopped suddenly, and then extended a sniper rifle from the side of the trunk to take a look around.

There was a sudden commotion in the forest. In the forest in front of them, a few dark shadows jumped up the canopy sensitively, and then got into the dense branches and leaves above. Wan Lin raised his gun and quickly observed the surrounding forest, and then moved his gun to aim at the branches and leaves of the big tree in front of him.

A few small animals were sticking their heads out of the thick branches and leaves, looking at Wan Lin in panic. The two front teeth protruding from their mouths were shooting into the sunlight in the forest, reflecting streaks of white light. Wan Lin saw these small animals clearly through the scope, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He had already recognized that this was the kind of tree hyrax he had encountered in the morning. He didn't expect them to climb trees with such agility, and in the blink of an eye, they had already burrowed into the thick branches and leaves. He lowered his muzzle and continued to run up the hillside. Since there are these vigilant animals in this forest, it means that there are no suspicious people around.

With his gun in hand, he ran quickly under the thick tree trunks, and in a short time he appeared on the top of the high mountain. The dense forest has disappeared here, the top of the mountain is covered with jagged boulders, and clusters of green grass blades are scattered scattered among the black rock Behind a boulder on the top of a mountain, he raised his gun and looked around. There was no moving target in sight on the top of the mountain. He scanned the surroundings through the scope on the gun, then turned his head to look behind him.

The forests are all over the hillsides, and the dense branches and leaves on the tops of the trees extend along the rolling hills, and the whole mountain seems to be covered with a furry green carpet. In the distance is the lake at the foot of the mountain. The lake is like a flat mirror in the sunlight, reflecting a glittering luster.

Wan Lin raised his gun and observed the entire mountain, then ran out from under the rock with his gun, and ran straight to the top of the mountain in front. As soon as he ran a few hundred meters away, he suddenly discovered that the top of the mountain seemed to disappear out of thin air among the jagged rocks in front of him. There was only the blue sky and the rolling hills in the distance in front of him.

He quickly picked up his gun and ran to look under a rock in front of him. Only then did he see that the top of the mountain seemed to be cut off by a sharp axe, and a rock wall that went straight up and down had appeared in front of him!

He raised his gun and glanced around, then ran to the edge of the cliff and squatted down, looking down. There are black cracks everywhere on the rock wall below, and the traces of collapse everywhere are all over the steep rock wall, and the whole rock wall has been severely weathered in the wind and rain.

Wan Lin glanced at the rocks under his feet, then knelt down on one knee on the edge of the cliff and raised his gun to look down. Through the scope on his gun, he could clearly see that there were collapsed rocks everywhere under the 600- to 700-meter cliff. Rocks of various sizes have been piled up to form a 100-meter-high hill below.

: . :

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