Panther Commando

Chapter 4451: withered grass on cliff

Wan Lin knelt on one knee on the edge of the cliff and slowly moved his gun to aim at the cliff on the side. The whole cliff is covered with twisted cracks, and some raised rocks are already far away.

He carefully observed the rock face on the cliff, and then moved the muzzle to aim at the top of the cliff on the side. Just as he moved the muzzle, his body suddenly stopped, and his eyes were fixed on the scope on the gun body.

Through the scope of his sniper rifle, Wan Lin stared motionlessly at a cluster of dead grass that had burrowed out of a rock crevice in front of him. Withered grass fell on a dark gray rock, while the few clumps of grass blades drilled out of the side rock crevices were green and straight.

He stared at the bunch of dry grass and said in his heart, "These dry grasses are likely to be trampled on. The person who left the footprints by the stream just now may have been to the top of the mountain, but what is he doing on such a steep rock wall? "

At this moment, Xiao Hua suddenly and silently appeared under the rock beside Wan Lin. Wan Lin turned his head to look at it and pointed to the cliff in front of him. Xiao Hua immediately ran forward from under the rock like a smoke.

Wan Lin immediately raised the muzzle to look up the cliff in the distance, and then moved the muzzle to look at the mountain top on the side. On the top of the mountain, no one could be seen. Wan Lin drilled out from behind the rock with a gun and ran forward like a smoke.

He ran under a raised rock on the side of the withered grass in front of him, knelt on one knee on the top of the mountain, raised his gun and glanced to the side, he followed and turned to look at Xiaohua.

At this time, Xiaohua was raising her head from the withered grass to look at Wan Lin, her eyes flashing with a look of surprise, the big tail behind her stood up like a flagpole, and it stood up to face Wan Lin excitedly. Lin Bi drew up.

Wan Lin was overjoyed to see Xiao Hua's actions! He immediately understood the meaning of Xiaohua. The smell of Xie Chao remained on the fallen grass. Xie Chao once appeared on the edge of a steep cliff. He quickly lowered his head and looked down.

The dead grass was drilled out of the soil in the crevice of the rock, and there were no footprints left on the surrounding smooth rocks, but Wan Lin knew that this cluster of fallen grass must have been stepped on by someone, and the smell of Xie Chao still remained on it. He hurriedly moved two steps to the side and followed the probe to look at the rocks around the cliff, and there were indeed no footprints left around.

Wan Lin stared at the rock in front of him and said in his heart, "Xie Chao's ability to covert operations has improved a lot. It seems that he has indeed learned a lot of special warfare knowledge at the Eagle Base."

He then glanced around, and then pondered in surprise: "That Johnny instructor should be with Xie Chao, but why did Xiaohua only report Xie Chao's news? Could it be that Johnny and Xie Chao have separated?"

He thought in his heart, looked at Xiao Hua and said in a low voice, "Xiao Hua, smell the surroundings again and see if there is anyone else's breath here?" He raised his hand and pointed to the top of the mountain around the cliff.

Xiaohua wagged her tail and slowly ran on the cliff with her head down, her little nose almost touching the rock, and she ran towards the surrounding mountain tops.

After a while, Xiaohua ran back from behind Wan Lin. It ran up to Wan Lin and stood up, raised its two front paws and gestured, and then pointed to the top of the mountain behind.

Wan Lin stared at Xiao Hua's movements, his face suddenly gloomy, he secretly said in his heart: "On the top of the mountain there is only the smell of Xie Chao, how can there not be the smell of Johnny? Is Johnny already dead?"

He followed and glanced at the bare top of the mountain around him, with a puzzled look in his eyes: "Also, why did Xie Chao come to this bare and inconvenient top of the mountain?"

Wan Lin stared at the steep cliff in front of him and pondered for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up. He suddenly understood that Xie Chao must have come up to find a way out and see if he could get rid of the enemy's pursuit from behind the mountain.

He guessed Xie Chao's motive for coming here, and thought in surprise: Could it be that Xie Chao has gone down from here and got rid of the chasing soldiers behind him? He hurried to the edge of the cliff again and looked down, but he frowned at the cliff wall covered with cracks below.

The rock on this cliff has been severely weathered, and pieces of mottled rocks on the rock wall may fall off at any time, and the top of the cliff is four or five hundred meters away from the bottom of the cliff, and people can't go down from here at all, even if there are higher Even Qinggong couldn't climb down this severely weathered rock wall!

Wan Lin was a little disappointed when he stared at the cliff below, but he suddenly felt a little more at ease in his heart. He and Cheng Ru were on the way, always worried that Xie Chao and Johnny would not be able to persist until they arrived. But from the current situation, no matter what happens to Johnny, at least Xie Chao is still dealing with the enemy in this dense forest!

He looked at Xiao Hua, raised his right hand and pointed at the fallen cluster of dead grass, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Hua, which direction is Xie Chao going now?" Xiao Hua hurriedly raised her right paw, turned and pointed to the top of the mountain behind her.

Wan Lin immediately said, "Okay, let's follow!" With that, he stood up from behind the rock with a sniper rifle. Xiaohua glanced around and ran to the top of the mountain behind, Wan Lin also followed with his gun.

Wan Lin followed Xiao Hua to the side of the hillside, and then got into the dense forest below the hillside. Xiaohua ran and sniffed the scattered rocks on the forest floor, and then stopped in a clearing in the forest. A rushing sound of running water had reached Wan Lin's ears.

Wan Lin hurriedly ran over and looked down. A clear spring was emerging from a few wet rocks on the forest floor. The spring water flowed down to the forest below. Wan Lin asked in a low voice, "Xiao Hua, to which is Xie Chao? direction gone?"

Xiaohua circled around the rock, then jumped to the rock and looked at Wan Lin blankly. Wan Lin immediately understood that Xie Chao's smell suddenly disappeared here!

Wan Lin stared at the spring water emerging from Quan's eyes and thought for a moment. He followed Xiao Hua and smiled. He raised his finger and pointed to the stream flowing down the hillside below and said in a low voice, "Xie Chao must have been running down the stream. If you run down on both sides of the stream, you will definitely find Xie Chao's scent." He then leaned his sniper rifle against the rock, stretched out his hands and gestured towards Xiao Hua.

Xiaohua stared at Wan Lin's gesture for a while before she understood what Wan Lin meant. It opened its mouth wide and watched Wan Lin wagging his tail, indicating that he had understood. It then jumped off the rocks, head down on both sides of the creek and slowly ran down to the woods below.

Wan Lin followed Xiao Hua, and ran down to the forest below, raising his sniper rifle from time to time to look into the dense forest on both sides. After more than two hours, Wan Lin and Xiao Hua followed the clear stream and ran to the glade near where Cheng Ru was.

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