Panther Commando

Chapter 4452: black snake

At this time, he had been bouncing back and forth beside the stream in front, sniffing the little flowers in the woodland, and suddenly stopped on a rock on the right side of the stream. It lowered its head and smelled the rocks under it, then jumped off the rocks, lowered its head and ran slowly into the side forest.

Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua running towards the forest on the right hillside, so he quickly followed with his gun. At this time, Xiaohua had already run under a thick tree trunk on the side, and a blue light loomed in her eyes, looking towards Wan Lin.

Wan Lin ran under the tree and raised his gun to aim at the surrounding forest, and then squatted under the tree. He lowered his head and looked intently, and next to the raised roots under the tree, a footprint appeared vaguely. Wan Lin immediately looked up at Xiao Hua and asked in a low voice, "Are the footprints left by Xie Chao?"

Xiaohua raised her right paw and shook it to indicate that it was not. Wan Lin lowered her head and looked at the footprints intently. The footprints on the soles of the shoes had been washed by the overflowing stream, but they could still be seen as footprints left by a military mountain boot. Then he stretched out his right hand to measure the length of the footprints.

He then retracted his right hand and pondered: "The size of the shoe print is very small. The height of this person should be about 1.7 meters." He then stood up and looked at the footprints he left behind, and then looked a little puzzled to the surrounding forest. look.

Based on his footprints, he judged that this person was not only short in height, but also very light in weight, which was indeed rare among Black Hawk's mercenaries. He has fought against Black Hawk's mercenaries several times, and he knows that most of these people are white or black, and they are all strong and tall, and it is rare to see such thin people.

Wan Lin walked to the side of the tree and looked down attentively. At a glance, he saw a few vague footprints left in the open space between the two trees. He quickly walked to the footprints and squatted down, his eyes fixed on these few. Very vague footprints. He stared at the footprints for a while, his face suddenly gloomy, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes!

Wan Lin abruptly stood up and ran behind the tree on the side, raised his gun and aimed at the surrounding forest. The surrounding woods are very quiet, only a few colorful pheasants walk leisurely in the woods in the distance.

He quickly observed the surrounding woods, and then lowered his gun and walked over to a few footprints again. He stared at the footprints on the forest floor with his eyes full of light, and pondered for a moment. Following the direction of the footprints, he lifted his feet and walked a few steps from left to right on the grass in the forest. He stopped and looked back, and the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank to the size of needles: "Black snake, it really is him!"

At this time, Wan Lin had already seen from the footwork of these vague footprints that this was the black snake with excellent dexterity! Wan Lin had already played against this kid, and knew that this kid's light-handedness skills were extremely peculiar. At that time, he pulled the trigger several times and missed the opportunity to kill this kid. The last time he fought, he deliberately studied the footwork of this black snake, and he was very impressed with this strange action footwork!

At this time, Xiaohua also ran over from the surrounding forest. It sniffed hard around a few footprints, and then looked at Wan Lin with blue eyes, with a strong murderous aura in her eyes.

Wan Lin saw the strong murderous aura in Xiaohua's eyes, and was even more sure that the footprints in front of him were those of the black snake. He knew that Xiaohua had sniffed out these footprints in front of him, and this was the smell of a black snake!

Xiaohua stretched out her right paw and pointed to the middle of the dense forest on the right, and then she was about to follow the footprints. Wan Lin quickly crouched down and pressed its back and whispered: "Xiaohua, don't worry, our mission on this trip is to rescue Xie Chao, we will encounter this black snake sooner or later, and we will deal with him then! Continue! Look for Xie Chao along the creek."

Xiao Hua reluctantly raised her head and glanced at Wan Lin, followed by drooping her tail and ran to the stream again. Wan Lin stood up, raised his gun and aimed at Lin Zhong, who was going to chase after Xiao Hua, with a cold look in his eyes.

At this time, he already understood that Yamaguchi Security did indeed send this black snake. The last time the black snake ambushed him in the forest, the boy had already injured his arm and buttocks by him. I didn't expect the boy to arrive here just in time.

He raised his gun and aimed at the dimly lit forest on the side, scolding inwardly: "It seems that the black snake really doesn't have a long memory, he must have thought that he was Xie Chao, so he wanted to take revenge on himself. , it looks like his **** is itching again!" He lowered his sniper rifle, glanced at the dense forest with cold eyes, turned and ran to the stream.

Wan Lin followed Xiao Hua and ran along the stream to the woods on the side of the glade. At this time, Cheng Ru ran over with a gun. He looked at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, did you find anything?"

Wan Lin glanced at Xiao Hua who was running down the hillside along the creek, then dragged Cheng Ru to the side and squatted down under a tree as thick as one person. He raised his gun and glanced at the dim woods, and then informed Cheng Ru of what he had discovered.

Cheng Ru was overjoyed when he heard that Xie Chao's traces had been found, but then he heard that the black snake of Yamaguchi security guard also appeared in the forest at the same time, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes and said angrily: "Leopard head~www.wuxiaspot .com~ You follow Xiaohua and continue to look for Xie Chao and the others, and I'll kill that black snake. This bastard, how dare you follow me here!" As he said, he picked up the gun and was about to run towards the forest above.

Wan Lin quickly stretched out his hand to hold him and said, "Now our mission is not to kill the black snake, but to rescue Xie Chao and the others first. Let's find Xie Chao and the others first."

He followed and glanced at the dark woods on the side, and continued in a cold tone: "Now, these Black Hawks and Yamaguchi security snipers will definitely follow Xie Chao and the others like hyenas. As long as we find Xie Chao, these People will show up sooner or later, and then we'll clean them up together!"

Cheng Ru saw Wan Lin holding him, he angrily glanced at the dark forest on the side, and continued: "Hei Snake must have followed the traces left by Xie Chao and the others, and traced it here, you and Xiao Hua didn't find it. The footprints of other snipers?"

Wan Lin shook his head and said thoughtfully: "No, there is only the footprints of the poisonous snake at the scene. From the current situation analysis, the poisonous snake is acting alone, if this kid either likes to be alone, or is sniping with those black eagles. Hands can't get along."

He followed and said coldly: "The security guards in Yamaguchi are all arrogant people. The black snake is very likely to be unable to get along with outsiders. At that time, when he set up an ambush in the forest, he acted alone, and there was no one around to provide support."

Cheng Ru said thoughtfully, "During the last battle, when the Black Snake fled to the border, didn't a few mercenaries and a sniper show up to meet him?"

: . :

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