Panther Commando

Chapter 4454: crescent moon hook

In the dark forest, Cheng Ru had a worried look on his face. He had realized that once the thick night shrouded this dense forest, there would be murderous intentions everywhere. They not only had to face the harassment of various poisonous snakes and beasts. , and it is very possible to encounter dangerous enemy snipers!

Wan Lin raised his gun to observe the darkened forest, and replied in a low voice: "I haven't found any trace of Xie Chao yet, Xiaohua should search around the creek on the hillside below. Lao Cheng, let's not be in a hurry, Let’s go down and have a look first. The more urgent this situation is, the more stable we must maintain our mentality. You should keep a distance from me so that we can cover each other in case of situations.”

With that said, he drilled out from under the tree with a sniper rifle, dodged a few thick tree trunks on the side, and then jumped over the creek in the forest with agile movements, and his figure quickly disappeared into the dense forest on the other side of the creek.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru ran up and down in the dense forest on both sides of the creek. By this time the sky had dimmed, and the forest was hazy. In the dense forest, tree trunks of different thicknesses, like giants with hats standing in the dark, stared motionlessly at the two Wan Lin who appeared and disappeared in the forest.

The forest has dimmed, and the animals that sometimes pass by the trees seem to have disappeared without a trace suddenly; the birds that "chirp" over the dense forest also suddenly disappeared. trace. The dense forest that was full of vitality has quieted down with the setting sun,

Wan Lin quickly ran down a few hundred meters in the forest on the left side of the stream, the sound of running water echoing faintly in his ears, suddenly disappeared in the dense forest in front, and the dim wood suddenly became deadly silent. .

Wan Lin raised his gun vigilantly and glanced at the surrounding forest. Then he took the gun and ran to the front of a half-thick tree. He raised his gun from the side of the trunk and aimed at the dim forest below. At this time, he had realized that the stream water gushing out from near the top of the mountain had been absorbed by the thick soil layer in the forest below, and the small flowers should be in this lush forest.

In the dark forest, Wan Lin's scope was only a large tree with lush branches and leaves, and there were no petite flowers in the forest below. Wan Lin frowned, moved the muzzle to aim at the forest opposite the stream, and Cheng Ru's figure flashed past the forest on the side.

Wan Lin saw that Cheng Ru had followed him. He flashed a sniper rifle in one hand from behind the tree trunk, and ran quickly towards the hillside below. He ran for about 100 meters to the hillside below, followed by hiding behind a tree and raised his gun to aim at the stream below. At this time, he was indeed a little anxious.

The night is about to fall, and the dense forest will not only be shrouded in thick night, but there will also be a strong mountain wind. Once the violent mountain wind blows, Xiaohua has a keen sense of smell, and it is difficult for it to smell Xie Chao's smell in the whistling mountain wind.

The silver chain-like stream has indeed disappeared here, and the grooves washed out by the stream have only left some water stains. Carrying a sniper rifle, Wan Lin ran down several dozen meters in the dark. He then rushed to a thick tree trunk and stopped, then quickly raised his gun to aim down.

In the darkness, two blue gleaming light spots suddenly flashed out from the dark jungle below, and the blue light disappeared in a flash. Wan Lin quickly picked up the gun and ran over. He knew in his heart that Xiaohua had smelled his own scent on the hillside below, and was calling him over with his eyes, and reminding himself to be more vigilant.

At this time, Cheng Ru in the forest on the side had also seen the blue light flashing in Xiao Hua's eyes, and he quickly ran to the forest where Xiao Hua was. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru ran to Xiao Hua's side. The two of them hid behind a thick tree trunk. Cheng Ru followed him and stretched out a sniper rifle from the side of the trunk, looking vigilantly at the dim forest below.

Wan Lin turned his head and saw that Cheng Ru had raised his gun to warn him. He immediately crouched under the tree and watched Xiao Hua gesture a few times. Xiao Hua watched Wan Lin wagging her tail, and then pointed her right paw to the dark forest below.

Wan Lin immediately understood what Xiao Hua meant. Xie Chao's footprints did appear here, and they were running towards the dim forest diagonally below.

He turned his head to look at Cheng Ru who was behind the tree on the side, made a "find the target" gesture, and then stretched out his finger to check the direction Xie Chao was running to. He then crouched under the tree and raised his sniper rifle to take aim at the forest below.

Seeing Wan Lin's gesture, Cheng Ru immediately showed a look of surprise in his eyes. He then gently pulled the bolt and moved the muzzle to aim at the dim woods below.

The night fell, and the thick night shrouded the mountains. The towering peaks in the distance were already hidden in the darkness, and a few faint starlights flickered in the dark sky.

It was dark in the forest, and Wan Lin and Cheng Ru couldn't see the scene in the distant forest at all. Only the trunks of different thicknesses appeared vaguely in their sights.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were hiding behind the tree and slowly moving their guns. They both knew in their If Xie Chao was still in the forest below, those enemies who were closely following Xie Chao and them, Will definitely be there too!

Wan Lin and the two leaned tightly against the dark tree trunk, and slowly moved the muzzle against their shoulders, carefully searching the surrounding woods in the dark.

The two observed in the dark for a while, but there was still no movement in the forest below the side. Wan Lin raised a burst of infuriating energy and forced him into the surrounding forest, until he was sure that there were no people around, and then he lowered his muzzle.

He raised his head, looked at the little flower lying on a thick vine next to him, and commanded in a low voice, "Look for Xie Chao's scent." He followed and pointed to the woodland where Xie Chao's scent was left, and raised his hand again. Point to the middle of the forest in front of you.

With a flash of blue light in Xiao Hua's eyes, she turned around and ran towards the dark forest below. Wan Lin stared at Xiao Hua, sniffed the woodland and disappeared into the forest below. This time, he raised his hand and tapped the microphone beside his mouth lightly to order Cheng Ru to follow. He also carried his sniper rifle to keep a distance from Cheng Ru, not in a hurry. Chase behind Xiaohua.

The thick night shrouded the endless forest. Wan Lin rushed into the forest below with a sniper rifle. He followed behind a dark tree trunk. He raised his gun and quickly observed the movement in the surrounding forest. Head to the night sky above the glade.

A bright crescent moon is already hanging over the top of the mountain in the distance. The crescent crescent moon is like a hook shining with cold light, facing the forest on Wanlin's side. Several bright stars are scattered around the crescent moon like guards, staring at the dark jungle below.

: . :

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