Panther Commando

Chapter 4455: feeling of danger

The crescent moon is like a hook! The night sky over the forest was dark blue in the cold moonlight, the rolling hills were rolling up and down, and the dark jungle was silent, except for one or two shrill wolf howls from the distant mountains.

In the dark jungle, Cheng Ru quietly appeared behind a tree beside Wan Lin. Wan Lin raised his gun and glanced at Cheng Ru, and said in a low voice, "Xie Chao ran diagonally into the forest below. Judging from the current situation, the people from Black Snake and Black Eagle did not appear in this forest, which means that The Black Snakes did not know the exact whereabouts of Xie Chao. It seems that Xie Chao was very careful in his actions, and there were no obvious traces under his feet."

Cheng Ru heard Wan Lin's low voice and nodded, he raised his gun and aimed at the side of the forest, and said in a low voice: "It seems that the other party just followed this forest, and did not grasp Xie Chao's information. Accurate whereabouts, this kid Xie Chao has really practiced it, good job!"

Then, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice: "Leopard head, shall we call Xie Chao? If he and that Johnny temporarily lost contact with the Eagle Base because of the distance, then they should listen here. to our call."

Wan Lin pondered for a moment when he heard Cheng Ru's request, raised his gun and pointed at the dark jungle below and replied in a low voice: "Judging from the communication equipment we wear, the communication equipment equipped at the Eagle Falcon Base is very advanced, and it uses satellites for transmission. Video and audio communication can be implemented simultaneously and should not be affected by distance and terrain.”

He moved the muzzle to aim in the side forest, and then said, "Well, you can try after the side tree. I'm here to give you a warning to prevent the sound from attracting those beasts." "Yes." Cheng Ru replied in a low voice Road, followed the gun and ran to the side under an ancient tree with several people thick.

Wan Lin stared at Cheng Ru disappearing under the dark old tree, he immediately knelt on one knee on the root of the tree and raised his gun to look around, followed by raising his infuriating energy and slowly pushing towards the surroundings, his vigilant eyes fixed on the scope, Avoid the voice of Confucianism to attract the enemy.

"Xie Chao, Xie Chao, hear the answer, hear the answer immediately!" "Xie Chao, Xie Chao, hear the answer..." Cheng Ru's low voice echoed in the jungle, but Wan Lin and Cheng Ru's earphones It was still silent, and there was no response.

Cheng Ru's voice was extremely low, but in the dark surrounding forest, Wan Lin still had a deafening feeling. In this silent, dark jungle, it is very dangerous to make continuous calls, and the hairs on Wan Lin's body are already standing up. He tried his best to lift the infuriating energy in his body, and the background sound of the surrounding forest clearly appeared in his ears.

The rustling sound of reptiles moving, the rustling sound of nocturnal animals, the swaying of branches and leaves in the breeze, the sound of collision, a very low sound, has clearly echoed in Wan Lin's ears in the darkness . But in the repeated calls of Chengru, there was no response from Xie Chao in Wan Lin's earphones.

Wan Lin squatted under the dark tree and moved the muzzle slowly following the sound echoing in his ears. At this time, his brows were already wrinkled, and a sense of danger had quietly risen from the bottom of his heart,

He raised his right hand and gently pulled the bolt, his right index finger quickly placed on the trigger of the sniper rifle, hiding under the dark tree, ready to shoot at any time.

Just when Wan Lin moved his gun to the dense forest on the side, a low rustling sound suddenly came from the forest below the side. Wan Lin's muzzle moved quickly, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

Through the gap between the big trees, Wan Lin could clearly see from the low-light scope of the sniper rifle that a sound was coming from a thick trunk a hundred meters away, and a slender black shadow was twisting. Emerge from the thick canopy of a large tree and slide down the thick trunk.

Just as the shadow was nearly one meter high near the root of the tree, the slender shadow suddenly protruded to the side, and a snake body with a thick wrist immediately appeared in Wan Lin's scope.

"Poisonous snake!" The word suddenly flashed in Wan Lin's mind. In the darkness, a triangular snake head clearly appeared in his scope, and a "hissing, hissing" snake letter snoring followed to Wan Lin's ears, and the terrifying sound echoed in the dark jungle. Creepy!

Wan Lin's muzzle immediately moved in the direction of the snake's head. He knew in his heart that the posture of the snake's head was an attacking posture, and there must be a target under the tree!

Just as the muzzle of his gun moved past, a cold light suddenly flashed from the dim starlight, and swung straight towards the head of the snake! A figure rushed out from under the dark tree and rushed straight to the side of a half-person-high grass. At the same time, a fierce murderous aura suddenly shot out from under a tree on the side of the silhouette!

In the darkness, the pupils in Wan Lin's eyes suddenly shrank, and his face changed greatly! He kicked the woodland with his feet, and his body squatting under the tree suddenly sprang out to the side like an arrow from the string. With a violent internal force from his left hand, he went straight to Cheng Ru, who was squatting under the tree on the side. !

Cheng Ru, who was squatting behind the tree and calling, suddenly heard the sound of Wan Lin kicking the ground from under the tree on the side. His heart rose, his upper body suddenly fell back, and the sniper rifle in his hand was lifted up.

Just as he leaned back, a fierce murderous aura rushed towards him from the darkness below! "Whoosh", a hot wind swept across his face, the hot wind made his face hurt, and the whistling sound of bullets breaking through the air was shrill!

On the dark tree trunk in front of Cheng Ru, there was a crisp sound of "pop", and a cluster of red sparks splashed from the dark tree trunk.

Amidst the splashing sparks, a piece of bark slammed into Cheng Ru's helmet, and a white groove shot out by the bullet suddenly appeared from the dark trunk, and the bark on both sides of the groove ignited in the darkness. Dark red firelight.

Just as Cheng Ru reacted quickly to dodge a bullet, the wind of the palm shot by Wan Lin's left hand was whistling on Cheng Ru's shoulder. Fly sideways!

At this moment, Cheng Ru already understood that this was the volley of the leopard's head. He took advantage of this sudden force to kick the thick tree root under his left foot, and his body tilted to the side and back. out. At this moment, "Whoosh", another bullet whizzed past, grazing his back shot and the head of Wan Lin who was rushing towards him.

In a flash of lightning, two fiery bullets flew over the heads of Cheng Ru and Wan Lin, who came after him. The two clusters of sparks shot by bullets splashed almost simultaneously from the ancient tree in front of Cheng Ru and the trunk more than ten meters behind him.

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