Panther Commando

Chapter 4462: Wan Lin's figure

Wan Lin held up his sniper rifle and stared at the green light spots that were flickering in and out of the woods in the distance. He already knew in his heart that a large amount of fresh blood had flowed from the corpse of the enemy who was killed by Xiaohua. The strong smell of blood will definitely spread to the distant forest with the breeze in the forest.

In the dark jungle, Wan Lin raised his gun and stared at the green spots that flashed from time to time in the forest in the distance, and his brows were already wrinkled. At this time, he had already judged that these green light spots were the green light in the eyes of some beasts.

Some large predators hidden in the forest must be looking for the smell of blood wafting in the forest, and gradually gather in the forest here. This dark jungle will soon become a battlefield for these beasts to kill each other. He and Cheng Ru must leave this **** jungle as soon as possible, otherwise they will definitely become the target of those beasts' attacks.

Although they had Xiaohua, a little overlord in the mountains, their mission on this trip was to rescue Wan Lin and Johnny, and they didn't have time to deal with those beasts.

He lowered his muzzle and said in a low voice to the microphone: "Laocheng, the two enemy snipers in the forest below, one was killed by Xiaohua on the spot, and the other was injured by me and fled to the right forest."

Cheng Ru's low voice came from his earphone: "Yes. An enemy sniper in the woods on my side was also killed on the spot by me just now, and the other one also fled to the right woods. I It is estimated that he went to pick up the wounded sniper."

Wan Lin immediately ordered in a low voice: "Okay, we have now killed two enemy snipers in the forest and wounded one. According to the information provided by Charlie, there should be two or three more enemy snipers in the forest. Now, We followed quietly from the forest, and I guess other snipers of the enemy will definitely gather around the wounded boy to prevent him from being chased by us."

He pondered for a while when he said this, and said in a dignified whisper: "Xiaohua has roared just now, I guess Xie Chao and the others are also approaching this forest. In the following battle, we must distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, Try to follow the direction of Xiaohua's attack as much as possible. Note that the black snake has not yet appeared. This person is good at covert actions and is very dangerous. We must be vigilant and must not be careless!"

Wan Lin said in a low voice, raised his gun in the dark and glanced at the dark surrounding forest, he followed in a low voice: "Xiao Hua can distinguish Xie Chao's smell, and that Johnny has been with Xie Chao all the time, Johnny There will also be the smell of Xie Chao on her body. If Xiaohua launches an attack in the forest, the target of its attack must be the enemy."

He followed the movement of the gun and aimed at the forest above the hillside, and continued to lower his voice: "So, we can only cooperate with Xiaohua to start the action to prevent accidental injury to Xie Chao and Johnny. You follow me in the forest on the right behind, Let me follow Xiaohua to attract the enemy's attention in front, and you provide fire support for me and Xiaohua in the forest on the hillside above."

Cheng Ru heard Wan Lin's order, and immediately replied in a low voice, "Then how? You are too dangerous in front. I will attract the enemy's attention in front, and you will provide support in the forest behind me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wan Lin's stern voice had already sounded: "Obey the order! You follow me in the forest to the right and covertly, and you must not overtake me and Xiaohua without authorization!" Cheng Ru quickly replied, "Yes!"

Cheng Ru knew in his heart that Leopard Head was worried that he would be in danger, so he asked him to provide support in the forest above the hillside, but the military orders were like mountains, and he had to obey Leopard Head's orders unconditionally on the battlefield.

Moreover, he knew that Wan Lin, the leopard head, had profound inner strength. Not only could he use his vigorous infuriating energy to explore the movements of the surrounding enemies, but he also had an extraordinary sixth sense of danger.

At the same time, Leopard Head also knows Xiao Hua's actions like the back of his hand, and he can quickly understand the meaning of Xiao Hua's every move. Leopard Head is indeed better than him when he searches ahead.

Wan Lin issued an order to Cheng Ru, and immediately looked up at the little flower lying on the branch of a big tree on the side, raised his hand and pointed to the middle of the forest below. He immediately raised his sniper rifle, aimed at the side of the forest and made a shooting posture. He then raised his right hand and slashed down.

Xiaohua stared at Wan Lin's movements, and a blue light flashed in its eyes. It already understood that Wan Lin let it search for the side of the forest, and at the same time gave it an order to kill the enemy! It stared excitedly at the right hand that Wan Lin cut off, and then jumped straight down from a tree branch several meters high, and rushed out into the dark forest on the side.

Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua rushing out through the night vision goggles in front of him. He bent over with a sniper rifle and ran behind Xiao Hua. At this time, Cheng Ru heard Wan Lin's order, and also focused on the direction Xiao Hua was running from the side of the forest. He followed with a sniper rifle in the dense forest above Wan Lin.

Enemies have appeared in this dark forest one after another. Although Wan Lin and Cheng Ru are worried about accidentally hurting Xie Chao and Johnny, the fighter plane is fleeting, and they have no time to search for Xie Chao in this endless jungle. The traces of the Now, they can only rely on Xiaohua's sensitive sense of smell to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and kill the enemy snipers in the forest as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only would the two of them not be able to rescue Xie Chao and the two of them in this dark jungle, but even themselves would likely be surrounded by enemy snipers and be in deep danger!

In the pitch-dark forest, Xiaohua quickly ran forward on the woodland dozens of meters in front of Wan Lin, her two round eyes looking at the surrounding pitch-dark forest from time to time.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru in the forest above the hillside also opened a distance of nearly 100 meters. Both of them had already raised their inner strength and Qinggong with all their strength, and their feet seemed to be swiping across the grass in the forest, only in the dark. Very slight "rustling" sound.

Wan Lin held a sniper rifle in his right hand, and his figure swept past the dark tree trunks from left to right. A faint circle of air had appeared around his body in the darkness, and the infuriating qi that he forced out of his body was extending forward and in the left and right forests, and the movement in the surrounding forests had already appeared in his mind.

It was pitch black under the lush trees in the forest. Only the grass in the glade showed the moonlight, and the pale silver spots flickered to the left, right, front and back along with the swaying branches and leaves around, like a thousand Lin's fast-moving figure in the forest is generally elusive.

Wan Lin followed Xiaohua just three or four kilometers away, when Xiaohua in front was running fast, suddenly turned around and went under a dark tree to the side, and it followed the thick trunk in the dark and jumped up to the top of the tree. Among the dense branches and leaves, two pale blue light spots flickered in the dark canopy.

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