Panther Commando

Chapter 4463: Attacked in the woods

In the dark forest, the little flower just jumped up on the branch, when the petite figure suddenly turned around and rushed towards the other thick branches and leaves on the side. It was in the air, turned its head to look at the forest where Wan Lin was, and flashed the blue light in its eyes, then flew into the side branch like an arrow from the string, and quickly disappeared into the dark branches and leaves.

At this moment, Wan Lin's true qi suddenly fluctuated when he forced him out of his body to protect his body, and a strong murderous aura suddenly attacked him from the darkness. With a flash of light in his eyes, he turned around with a sniper rifle and rushed out under the dark tree on the left.

He just jumped out of the invisible trunk, "Ugh", a sharp sound of breaking through the air had already come from the side and front at 1 o'clock. A bullet flew past the back edge of his helmet, and he felt a hot wind rush across the back of his neck. A dark red muzzle flash flashed away in the dark jungle in front of the side at the same time.

Wan Lin threw himself under the pitch-black tree, raised the muzzle of his gun, and pulled the trigger at the place where the flames flashed in the distance.

At the moment when his muzzle flashed fire, a bullet flew from a distance with a "pop" and hit the tree trunk in front of him, followed by a hot wind. The bullets fired by the opponent followed his fast-moving figure closely, and two bullets swept past him and behind him respectively.

At the moment when the second fire flashed from the opponent's gun, Xiao Hua suddenly jumped up from the tall tree branch and went straight to the canopy of a tree seven or eight meters away in front of the side.

As Xiao Hua's figure passed over the glade, the moonlight on the woodland suddenly dimmed, and Xiao Hua's figure had already passed over the clearing. It landed on the high tree canopy in front of it and jumped up, and in a blink of an eye, it had leaped forward thirty or forty meters from the top of the tree.

At the moment when Wan Lin was suddenly attacked, a flash of fire suddenly flashed in the forest behind Wan Lin, and a bullet roared into the flashing forest in front of Wan Lin. Cheng Ru had already rushed behind a tree in front of him at this time, he aimed at the firelight flashing in the forest in front of him, and quickly pulled the trigger.

He followed and burrowed into the forest above the side, and the muzzle in his hand flashed another fire against the forest below the side. He followed up with his gun, which flickered in and out of the darkness, and rushed straight to the upper hillside of the opponent's position in front of him. The sniper rifle in his hand kept flashing fires as he sprinted.

Wan Lin threw himself on a tree in front of him and rolled on the forest floor for a few weeks. He already knew in his heart that the opponent's goal was his leopard head following Xiaohua! He rolled around the thick tree trunks beside him on the forest floor, and then suddenly raised his gun in the darkness, and rushed towards a half-human-thick tree trunk in front of him like lightning.

At this time, he had already seen a few flashes of fire from Cheng Ru's muzzle. After he threw himself on the tree trunk, he did not stop at all. He immediately took advantage of Cheng Ru's cover and kicked the woodland under the tree with his feet. The sound of the wind rushed straight to the side of another dark tree ahead.

His figure flickered on the forest floor, and the thick tree trunks in front dashed forward, like a black smoke lingering left and right in the darkness, heading straight for the darkness where the fire was flashing in front of him. Rush into the forest.

"Pfft", "Pfft", two faint sounds of a sniper rifle equipped with a gun, followed by another sound from the dark forest in front. Two clusters of sparks shot by bullets immediately splashed from the two tree trunks behind Wan Lin and in front of him.

At this moment, in the forest above Wan Lin, two shots of sniper rifles followed. In the dark forest above the hillside, Cheng Ru moved forward quickly while raising his gun and pulling the trigger at the fire in the forest ahead.

At this moment, two rays of light appeared in Wan Lin's eyes, and he scolded angrily as he ran: "Bunny, I see where else can you escape?" Dodging the bullets fired by the opponent, while approaching the forest where the opponent was at high speed, the sniper rifle in his hand did not shoot bullets.

He knew clearly in his heart that now he was fighting back with a gun, and in such a dark forest covered with thick tree trunks, it would be difficult to hit the opponent's fast-moving figure in the dark.

Now that Cheng Ru had fired, he just used Cheng Ru to attract the enemy's attention, without firing a single shot, he went straight to the forest where the opponent was invisible. When he was about to get close to the opponent, he would happily kill this **** who was sneaking up in secret!

Just as Wan Lin was flying close to the forest where the fire flashed in front of him, a blue light beam suddenly shot out from the high tree canopy in front of him, and a loud leopard roar followed from the dark night.

Xiaohua has approached the forest where the opponent is, and is suddenly shooting a blue light beam in her eyes in the dark, attacking the enemy! Xiao Hua's figure rushed straight towards the dark forest in front of her like a shooting star, and a dazzling blue light burst out from her two round eyes.

The blue light illuminated the dark forest in front of it. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, who were rushing forward from the top of the hillside and the forest below, saw at the same time, where the blue light focused, a dark shadow was under the tree under Xiao Hua. Throw away from behind a tree on the side. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Pfft", a loud bang sounded from behind the boy, a cloud of beige mist rapidly expanded in the forest, and then shrouded the surrounding forest. In a blink of an eye, Xiao Hua and the other party had disappeared in the thick fog. In beige mist.

Wan Lin was shocked, and immediately raised his head and let out a loud hawk croak. He jumped behind the tree in front of him, stopped and raised his gun from the side of the trunk and aimed into the thick fog.

With the sound of an eagle croaked by Wan Lin, Xiao Hua's figure suddenly turned around and rushed towards a thick tree trunk on the side. In the blink of an eye, its meteor-like figure had already rushed to the dark side of the tree trunk.

Xiaohua stretched out her sharp claws in the thick fog and pushed the tree trunk in front of her vigorously, and her figure leaped like lightning into the thick branches and leaves of another big tree on the side. It then sprang out of the yellow mist, twisted and rushed into the thick branches and leaves of a big tree behind, and disappeared into the dark forest in the blink of an eye, and the blue light beam in its eyes had already disappeared in the mist.

"Da da da", "da da da", a series of rapid *sounds followed from the yellow mist, and a piece of sparks hit by bullets immediately appeared on the dark tree trunk near Xiaohua.

Wan Lin rushed behind a tree in front of him, quickly raised the sniper rifle in his hand, followed the sound of gunfire in the mist and pulled the trigger, a cluster of dim flames shot out from his muzzle immediately.

At this moment, there was also a flash of fire in the dark forest on the side of the hillside. Cheng Ru, who was hiding in the forest above, found that the leopard head was attacked. He quickly raised his sniper rifle and pulled the trigger against the fog below him.

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