Panther Commando

Chapter 4466: excited cry

After Wan Lin rushed to a tree below, he heard the shrill screams from the forest below, and immediately understood that the kid who was holding the * to sweep out the bullet rain had been killed by the little flower that suddenly emerged from the darkness!

He leaned under the tree and stretched out the muzzle, pulling the trigger and aiming at the forest where the screams were screaming below. A black shadow suddenly rushed out from behind a thick tree trunk below, and the shadow was staggering toward the side of the forest.

Wan Lin immediately moved the muzzle to look at the kid. At this time, he already knew in his heart that it was not the wounded kid who was screaming. The kid was shooting with a *, obviously covering the man who had been injured by himself. companion.

Just as Wan Lin aimed at this kid in the dark and was about to pull the trigger, a sniper rifle sounded in the jungle on his right, and he was slanting to the side of the shadow running in the forest, immediately. fell down.

Wan Lin heard the gunshots coming from the forest on the side and understood that Cheng Ru, who was in the forest above the side, had quietly rushed down from the forest above when he was attracting the enemy's attention.

Cheng Ru must have just rushed to the side of the forest, just when he saw the kid below who was injured by himself fleeing into the darkness, he immediately raised the gun and pulled the trigger, killing the fleeing sniper!

In the pitch-dark jungle, the shrill screams were terrifying. The blue light in Xiaohua's eyes flashed away, and the rapid shooting and screams also disappeared into the darkness!

Wan Lin lay down under the thick tree trunk, moved his gun and swept the dark jungle around him. It was pitch black in the forest below, and he was about to raise his gun and stand up when he suddenly saw a black shadow flashing across the glade below the side.

Wan Lin quickly put his finger on the trigger again. He was lying in the dark and gave a hurried voice to the microphone: "Chengru, hide, two o'clock!" Chengru, who was about to get out from under the tree on the side, listen After Wan Lin's command sounded, he quickly retracted back into the tree. He lay down under the tree and raised his gun to take aim at the forest below.

The dark woods below have quieted down, and the birds that were startled by the sound of gunfire just now descended from the starry sky to the dense tree canopy in the distance. The shadows in the forest below have disappeared into the dark jungle, and the forest is silent!

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were lying quietly in the dense woods. The two of them were hidden in the darkness. They both stared at the scope of the gun quietly, and Xiao Hua's figure had disappeared in the darkness.

The night was dark, and the silent, dark forest was filled with a strong smell of blood, and the whole dense forest gave off a gloomy feeling. At this time, Wan Lin was lying motionless in the darkness, he had secretly forced a burst of True Qi into the pitch-black forest below, and was calmly feeling the information from True Qi.

A wave of vigorous infuriating energy silently drilled down through the glade. Gradually, a figure reappeared in Wan Lin's mind, a familiar feeling suddenly rose from his heart, he quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth, and whispered into the microphone: "Chengru, don't shoot without authorization. , the following is likely to be Xie Chao!"

At this moment, a dark shadow had appeared in the clearing of the forest below, and then quickly disappeared behind a thick tree trunk.

It didn't take long, and there was a low voice in the forest just now, "Xiaohua, Xiaohua, is that you?" "Leopard head, Leopard head, are you here?" The voice was fast and trembling, and the person who made the voice seemed to be very excited!

Wan Lin was overjoyed when he heard the voice from the darkness! He had already heard from the first cry, it was Xie Chao's cry! Lying on the forest floor, he suddenly raised a burst of infuriating energy, and replied in a low voice in the direction of the voice: "I am a leopard head, I am a leopard head, Lieutenant Colonel Cheng and I are around you, immediately hide, Hide now!"

Wan Lin's voice in the dark was extremely low, but it was as loud as a thunderbolt when he could reach Xie Chao's ear with his true energy! Xie Chao was extremely excited, and he followed with a crying voice: "Leopard...Leopard head, yes!"

Before Xie Chao could finish speaking, Wan Lin lowered his voice into the microphone beside his mouth and said: "Cheng Ru, Xie Chao is below, I'm going down to find him now, you continue to cover up!" Cheng Ru's excited voice sounded immediately: " Yes!"

Cheng Ru understands that although they have killed several enemy snipers one after another, the jungle is still full of dangers, and there may be remaining enemy snipers at any time.

Now, Xie Chao must be very excited to hear Wan Lin's voice. In this extremely dangerous environment, any change of mood may make Xie Chao lose his due vigilance and become the enemy's sniper target. Therefore, Wan Lin no longer dared to let Xie Chao appear in the forest to avoid danger.

Following Cheng Ru's answer in the dark, Wan Lin had already rushed out of the dark with a sniper rifle. He rushed under a thick tree in front of him like black smoke, and then slanted to the side of a tree in the forest. The figure he rushed down quickly disappeared into the darkness.

At this moment, two faint blue dots flashed in the forest below, and Xie Chao's excited whispered voice rang out in the forest below: "Xiaohua, Xiaohua, I am I am here. !"

In the darkness, Wan Lin had quietly appeared in the dense forest on the hillside below, about thirty meters away from Xie Chao. At this moment, he suddenly heard Xie Chao's excited voice, and an extremely dangerous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Xie Chao has lost his calmness in the extreme excitement and excitement. Although his voice is very low, in this dark and silent forest, his voice can be heard far away. If there are hidden enemies around, he has exposed his position to the enemy.

In Xie Chao's excited voice, Wan Lin suddenly stopped behind a tree. He leaned against the tree trunk and raised his gun to look around. At this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed from the dense canopy of a tree in the forest below, and a small black image was an unloaded cannonball, roaring and shooting towards the side of the tree where Xie Chao's voice was heard.

"Bang", a violent crash followed from the darkness, and a figure kneeling under the tree on one knee rolled out to the side of the woods with the blue light.

Just when Xie Chao was knocked out by Xiao Hua, a dim fire suddenly flashed in the dark forest on the side. "Crack", a crisp sound came from the tree trunk behind Xie Chao, a bullet flew past the dark tree trunk, and a piece of bark cut off by the bullet flew up against sparks.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, who was in the forest at the back, saw the sudden flash of fire in the forest, and the two moved their guns and quickly pulled the trigger. The muzzles of the two sniper rifles flashed fire at the same time, and the two bullets roared towards the side of the forest.


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