Panther Commando

Chapter 4467: Excited Xie Chao

In the firelight flashing from the forest on the side, Xie Chao who was under the tree hit the forest ground like a small flower cannonball. A blue light beam burst in its eyes, and with a "whoosh" it rushed from Xie Chao who fell on the forest ground below. He got up, twisted his body, and threw himself into the forest on the side.

At this time, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru quickly raised their guns and pulled the trigger at the dark forest on the side, and two dazzling sparks splashed from the side forest. Xiaohua's eyes burst with blue light, passing by the dark tree trunks like a bolt of lightning, and the forest where the muzzle fire just flashed in front was lit up with blue gleams.

At this moment, the dense forest on the side shrouded in blue light suddenly sounded a burst of rapid gunfire, "da da da", "da da da", a series of firelights flickering from the muzzle, illuminating the dark forest on the side. Suddenly dark.

In the rapid sound of gunfire, a string of bullets swept in an arc from the flashing light. The surrounding dark tree trunks were splashed with a piece of sparks shot by bullets. Several bullets smashed the tree trunks around Wan Lin and Cheng Ru with a sharp sound. Stars also appeared in the woods around Xiao Hua. Dotted Mars.

At the same time as the dense muzzle flashes flashed in the forest on the side, the dazzling blue light in Xiao Hua's eyes suddenly disappeared, and its figure galloping in the woodland disappeared into the darkness. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, who had just pulled the trigger, also hid behind a tree amid the heavy gunfire of the other party.

The dense rain of bullets just flew through the forest. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru had already protruded their sniper rifles from behind the invisible tree. Their eyes shot with a gleam of light, and their fingers quickly pulled the trigger against the flickering fire in the forest on the side.

"Pfft", "Pfft", the guns of the two of them immediately flashed two more flames at the dense forest below the side, and the two of them turned around and rushed to another tree on the side, and the two of them were already in the air. He pulled the bolt with his hand, raised the muzzle when he landed, and pulled the trigger to the side of the forest.

At this time, Xie Chao, who was knocked down by Xiaohua on the forest floor below, had also reacted quickly and rolled under a tree. He was lying on the back of a raised root under the tree, raised his gun and pulled it towards the side of the forest. trigger.

The sniper rifles of Wan Lin, Cheng Ru, and Xie Chao shot out a flash of fire in the darkness at almost the same time, and the three sniper bullets flew from the top, middle, and bottom three directions, whistling toward the forest on the right.

The rapid gunfire in the forest on the right suddenly disappeared, "Boom", a dull explosion followed from the forest on the right, and a cloud of yellow mist immediately rose from the darkness.

Wan Lin immediately understood when he saw the yellow mist rising suddenly in the forest on the side. The sniper who suddenly ambushed Xie Chao in the forest on the right was the dangerous black snake! This **** didn't give up in the battle just now, he returned to the forest with his extraordinary light work, and found Xie Chao who was exposed in emotional excitement!

Wan Lin's face darkened immediately. He raised his head and made a leopard roar at the dense forest below. Then he raised his hand and quickly tapped the microphone hanging on his mouth twice, ordering Xiaohua, Chengru and Xie Chao to "stop the pursuit immediately. ”, he then aimed at the center of the permeating yellow fog and pulled the trigger.

The gunshots stopped suddenly, and the forest became quiet again in a split second. Only a thick yellow mist filled the dark forest on the right. After Wan Lin pulled the trigger, he immediately lifted his gun and stood up from behind the tree.

Cheng Ru, who was in the forest at the back, saw Wan Lin raised his gun and ran down again. He immediately took out two detoxification pills and put them under the base of his tongue. He carried the gun and rushed into the forest near Huang Wu. He glanced at the misty forest.

At this time, Wan Lin had already mentioned Qinggong, and his figures surrounded the big trees in the dark, rushing towards the forest below, like a ghost wandering in the forest in the dark, and there was no sound in the blink of an eye. Appears silently in the forest below.

As soon as he ran into the forest below, he saw that Xie Chao was already lying under a thick tree trunk, raising his gun and aiming at the dense forest on the right, looking very nervous.

Xiaohua was lying on the thick branch above a big tree ten meters away, her eyes staring viciously at the yellow mist that spread not far away, her expression was very angry, and the blue light in her eyes had disappeared. Obviously, if it wasn't for Wan Lin's roar to stop it, it would have caught up with the sinister black snake through the fog.

Wan Lin quietly rushed under a tree more than ten meters away from Xie Chao. He pressed his body against the tree trunk, raised his left hand and waved a cold infuriating towards Xie Chao. He whispered in his mouth. Said: "Thank you Chao!"

At this time, he saw Xie Chao lying motionless under the tree, the sniper rifle in his hand was already shaking, he knew that he must have inhaled the pungent smell, and his mind was a little blurred.

Lying in the dark, Xie Chao felt powerless all over his body, and his mind was blurred. At this moment, he suddenly felt an icy aura coming from the forest above. He shuddered suddenly, and his already confused mind suddenly came to his senses. He quickly clenched the sniper rifle that was about to fall to the ground, and moved the muzzle to aim at the hillside above.

At this time, Wan Lin's voice had already reached his He immediately understood that the icy aura was the true qi waving from the leopard's head. Staying awake, he also quickly raised his infuriating energy and rushed to his mind,

The icy infuriating energy immediately dispelled his confused feeling. He quickly lowered his muzzle and rolled out into the forest on the side. He then jumped up from under a thick tree trunk on the side and ran towards Wan Lin in surprise.

Standing under the dark tree trunk, Wan Lin quietly looked at Xie Chao, who was rushing from the woods below, with a look of relief in his eyes. He has seen from Xie Chao's agile movements that the little brother he brought out from the deep mountains has really become a tempered and excellent sniper in the hail of bullets!

In the darkness, Xie Chao also wore the same binocular night vision goggles as Wan Lin's. He rushed from the forest below to Wan Lin in front of him, and excitedly put the sniper rifle in his hand behind him. He opened his arms and hugged Wan Lin tightly.

At this moment, Xie Chao's tender face was full of tears, and his whole body was shaking with excitement! He really did not expect that when he, an ordinary soldier, was in danger, the motherland would send people all the way to this desolate forest to rescue him, an ordinary soldier!

He really did not expect that the most outstanding special forces soldier in China, his most respected eldest brother, would suddenly cut a **** path and appear in front of him at a critical moment when he was trapped in a siege and desperate!

Xie Chao hugged Wan Lin excitedly. He held back the tears, but the tears still flowed from his eyes, and a low whimper sounded from his tightly closed mouth.

: . :

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