Panther Commando

Chapter 4468: this is the battlefield

Wan Lin hugged the little brother affectionately in the dark, and he understood the excitement of this little brother Xie Chao. It has been more than ten days. In order to cover the comrades in Eagle Falcon School, Xie Chao and his Johnny Instructor fought **** battles with the enemy in this dark jungle, chased and surrounded by many top snipers of the enemy.

Xie Chao is still a child under 20 years old. He will definitely feel an unprecedented despair in this dark jungle far away from the motherland, in the confrontation with the ghostly enemy sniper.

But at this critical moment of life and death, people from the motherland came, and his heaviest brother Wan Lin brought people here in person! At this moment, how could he suppress the excitement in his heart, and how could he stop the tears!

Wan Lin patted Xie Chao's back lightly, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Chao, are you not injured? The battle isn't over yet, it's still very dangerous here, where is your instructor Johnny?"

In the dark, when Xie Chao heard Wan Lin's question, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, released his arms that were holding Wan Lin tightly, raised his right hand to wipe away the tears on his face, and then took a deep breath. Sheng said: "Brother, I was not injured, but Instructor Johnny was seriously injured in the battle. I temporarily placed him in a small cave on the hillside below."

He turned to look at the little flower lying on the tree on the side, and said affectionately: "I heard the familiar leopard roar one after another just now, and I immediately thought that it might be the cry of the little flower brother, so I asked Instructor Johnny to hide in the cave. , I'll come and take a look. I really didn't expect it, it's really big brother, you and Xiaohua!" As he spoke, another tear appeared in his eyes.

As he said that, he took off the sniper rifle from behind, raised his gun and glanced around, and then whispered excitedly: "Brother, I didn't embarrass you and the Huaxia soldiers, I even hit an enemy in the forest. sniper."

Under the dark tree, Wan Lin laughed when he heard Xie Chao's proud voice. He raised his gun and glanced at the still thick yellow mist in front of him, then lowered his muzzle. He raised his hand and patted Xie Chao on the shoulder lightly and said, "Good job, as expected of our Hua Leopard's brother! I have already met your Ying Falcon Principal and Scorpion Instructor, and they admire you, Xu Liang and Yan Ying very much. None of you have embarrassed our Chinese soldiers, I am proud to have brothers like you!"

He raised his gun and glanced around, and asked in a low voice, "The enemy's sniper is in this forest, why are you and Johnny here?"

Xie Chao quickly replied in a low voice: "The other side's sniper has been following us, fortunately you and Brother Cheng taught me how to covertly act in the mountains and forests, and Instructor Johnny also has rich experience in combat in the mountains and forests, so we With the help of the dense forest on this hillside, I tried to hide my whereabouts as much as possible, and retreated into this forest while fighting."

He raised his finger and pointed to the hillside below, and continued to whisper: "Yesterday morning, I protected Instructor Johnny to find the cave under the hill. In the afternoon and evening, I went to the top of the mountain alone to scout, trying to escape from the jungle behind the cave. Get rid of the pursuers"

When he said this, he said with a gloomy expression: "But behind the top of the mountain is a cliff hundreds of meters high. The rocks on the cliff have been severely weathered, and we can't get down from there at all. Instructor Ni has come to an end. I didn't expect you to appear here tonight! Where is Brother Cheng, who are you all here?"

While listening to Xie Chao's narration, Wan Lin raised his gun and aimed at the surrounding dense forest. He then replied in a low voice: "After we heard about your situation here, the military region immediately ordered us to rush here, and ordered us to take you all here. Rescue safely! We have four people in total, besides me and Lieutenant Colonel Cheng, as well as Wu Xueying and Wen Meng."

When Xie Chao heard Wan Lin's answer, he was pleasantly surprised and said, "Sister Wu Xueying and Sister Wen Meng are also here. Where are they now?"

Wan Lin replied in a low voice: "The scorpion took us into the mountains with two people. We fought a few battles with those mercenaries along the way. When we arrived at the woods around the lake, we encountered two more teams of black eagle mercenaries. The soldiers intercepted, Scorpion took two of his men, Wu Xueying, and Wen Meng to attract the enemy with firepower, covering me and Lieutenant Colonel Cheng into the forest."

As he spoke, he raised his gun and glanced at the side of the forest, and continued: "Now the two men of Scorpion have been killed, and Scorpion and Wu Xueying are wounded, and now they and a team from the Eagle Base have driven the enemy back, and they are in the process of fighting back. The mountains outside the forest are waiting to pick us up."

Hearing this, Scorpion whispered in astonishment: "Oh, the loss is so great, are Sister Wu and Instructor Scorpion seriously injured?" Wan Lin replied gloomily: "I don't know the specific situation, I originally ordered them to return immediately. The Eagle Falcon base is healing, but they won't go back, they have to wait for us to go out."

He lowered his muzzle and looked at Xie Chao, who looked sad, and said coldly: "This is the Life and death are only a matter of time. Therefore, you must remember: no matter what happens on the battlefield In any case, you must remain calm in the battle! Otherwise, you are likely to bring danger to yourself and your comrades around you, causing irreparable losses!"

He knew that Xie Chao felt sad when he heard that Wu Xueying and the others suffered casualties in response to him, but this is the battlefield, he must remember Xie Chao, keep calm at all times and under any circumstances!

"Yes!" Xie Chao quickly suppressed the sadness in his heart and replied in a low voice. He already understood what Wan Lin meant. Just because he exposed the hidden position in his excitement, he immediately let the enemy sniper hidden here move the muzzle to aim at his head.

If Xiaohua hadn't suddenly jumped down from the tree at a critical moment and knocked him away from the tree, he would have been shot in the head by the enemy's sniper at this time. Moreover, after seeing that they were in danger, Leopard Tou and Lieutenant Colonel Cheng had to shoot themselves from hidden positions, which was tantamount to bringing them into danger.

Wan Lin followed in a low voice and said, "Go, take us to the cave to meet Johnny, and we will get out of this forest as soon as possible." Xie Chao agreed immediately, then turned around and looked into the dark surrounding forest, he asked in a low voice Said: "Where is Lieutenant Colonel Cheng?"

Wan Lin replied immediately: "He is around to provide us with vigilance. You will meet again later. You lead the way with Xiao Hua, and be careful to hide."

"Yes!" Xie Chao replied excitedly, then turned to look at the little flower on the side of the tree and pointed to the middle of the forest below. Wan Lin also pointed at Xie Chao and asked Xiaohua to follow Xie Chao.

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