Panther Commando

Chapter 4469: dark night

Xiaohua stood on the dark branch and saw Wan Lin's movements, so she stood up from the branch and wagged her tail. With a "swoosh", she jumped up and down from the tall branch, ran directly to Xie Chao and shook it. Wagging his thick tail, his eyes flashed with excitement.

Xie Chao smiled when he saw Xiao Hua jumping down. He knew that during the mission, Xiaohua and Xiaobai, the two fierce little leopards, only obeyed the orders of Wan Lin, Xiaoya and the Huabao team. Although he was very familiar with Xiaohua, he could not command Xiaohua at all.

Xiaohua jumped onto the forest floor and ran up to the forest like a smoke, then stopped in front of Xie Chao and wagged her thick tail. Xie Chao bent down and touched Xiao Hua's head affectionately, then squatted under the tree and pointed to the dark jungle below. Xiaohua turned her head and glanced at Wan Lin, then followed the direction of Xie Chao's fingers and ran towards the dim hillside below.

Xie Chao bent down from the tree and stood up to look at Wan Lin, Wan Lin said in a low voice: "You are in front, don't worry about us, we will follow your footsteps. Be careful, you must be vigilant, there is a possibility that there are still people in the forest. A sniper who hides the enemy." "Yes!" Xie Chao replied in a low voice, turning around and digging into the jungle below the side.

Wan Lin saw Xie Chao and Xiao Hua disappear into the forest below, so he raised his hand and tapped the microphone next to his ear, ordering Cheng Ru, who was hiding in the surrounding darkness, to follow. He then looked up at the air, followed by carrying the gun and ran quickly into the woods below.

The night is fading, the stars in the sky have quietly receded, and the originally dark night sky has become gray. Wan Lin ran down the hillside from left to right between the tree trunks in the forest. The sniper rifle in his hand was raised from time to time between the trees on both sides, with an excited look on his face.

Being able to find Xie Chao in the forest so quickly was indeed beyond his expectations. After he knew that Xie Chao and Johnny had entered this endless jungle, he thought that it would take several days or longer to find Xie Chao.

But he didn't expect things to go so smoothly. Before he and Cheng Ru had entered the depths of the jungle, they had already killed several enemy snipers and found Xie Chao in such a short period of time.

He met Xie Chao just now. Although he only briefly learned the general situation from Xie Chao, he already knew that Johnny had been injured in the battle, and his speed of movement was definitely limited.

Therefore, Xie Chao could only take Johnny to deal with the enemy in the area near the forest edge, and try to delay the time to wait for the reinforcements sent by the Eagle Base. And this just created favorable conditions for him and Chengru and Xiaohua to find them as soon as possible.

At this time, although Wan Lin was very excited, he still kept vigilance in his heart, hiding behind a tree from time to time while moving fast, raising his gun and aiming at the forest on both sides.

In the nighttime battle, although he, Chengru and Xiaohua had already killed several Black Eagle snipers, the black snake of Yamaguchi Security was still about to move in this forest. This kid could stick out his fangs and bite them from the dim forest at any time, and there might be other enemy snipers in the forest, so he and Cheng Ru were still vigilant.

At this moment, Cheng Ru appeared and disappeared in the mountains on the right side of Wan Lin. He raised his gun and glanced around, and ran to Wan Lin's side. He ran to the tree where Wan Lin was invisible, crouched down and raised his gun to aim at the side forest.

He turned to look at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, Xie Chao is not injured, right?" He was on guard in the dark forest just now, and he had faintly seen Xie Chao running towards Wan Lin excitedly, but he And I don't know Xie Chao's current situation.

Wan Lin raised his gun and aimed at the dim forest on the other side, he replied in a low voice: "Xie Chao, this kid is really good, under the containment of so many top snipers, this kid was unscathed, and he returned fire. I was hit by an enemy sniper, which shows that the stealth action ability and sniper technology have improved a lot. Now it seems that the actual combat training method of the Eagle Base is really training people. "

He followed the movement of the gun and aimed into the forest below, and continued to whisper: "The instructor Johnny has been injured. I haven't had time to ask how the injury is. Now Johnny is hiding in a small cave in the woods below, and now Let's find him and **** him to another safe area as soon as possible."

He moved the muzzle from the side and aimed at the forest behind, and then said in a low voice: "The black snake has already appeared in the forest, and he will definitely not give up this mission easily. When you approach the cave for a while, you will be concealed and vigilant around you. Keep this kid from getting close to other enemy snipers."

"Yes!" Cheng Ru replied in a low voice, aiming at the dark forest on the side, and he moved the muzzle to aim at the forest below. He looked at Xie Chao's flickering figure in the forest from the scope, and praised in a low voice: "Xie Chao, this kid has been trained, his movements are extremely fast, and his movements are very hidden, no wonder he can be in those Under the siege and pursuit of enemy snipers, the instructor who protected him persisted until now. The enemy sniper he injured should be the boy we found at the edge of the forest leaning on a tree trunk and wearing bandages~ Wan Lin moved the muzzle to aim at the forest below, and he whispered, "Yes, I was quite puzzled when I saw this wounded sniper. Let's go, when we have time, let's ask Xie Chao about the fighting situation in the past few days. "As he said, he looked up into the air.

Through the gaps in the branches and leaves, the starry night sky has become gray, and the bright crescent moon has disappeared behind the distant mountains.

He said in a low voice, "It's going to be dawn soon, we have to find Johnny as soon as possible to prevent extravagant branches, let's go!" With that, he ran into the dim forest below with a sniper rifle, and Cheng Ru also turned to the side of the forest. He ran forty or fifty meters in between, and after pulling the distance from Wan Lin in the dim forest, he ran to the hillside below with his gun in hand.

The gray sky seemed to suddenly become white, and a white mist gradually rose from the woodland below the hillside. The dark forest seemed to be suspended in white clouds. At this time, the air in the mountains seemed to freeze, and the fog that enveloped the woodland remained motionless.

Wan Lin charged into the forest below with a gun in hand. He flashed his figure on a thick tree trunk below, and then suddenly turned to the side to dodge behind a tree. He immediately knelt on one knee in the mist under the trunk. , raised his gun and aimed at the side forest. Cheng Ru in the forest on the side also stopped suddenly in the fog, raising his gun and aiming at the forest below.

At this moment, the little flower that had been running in front had already jumped up from the thick fog, and its vigorous figure appeared on the side with the thick branches and leaves of a big tree.

: . :

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