Panther Commando

Chapter 4470: dense fog

In the dense forest shrouded in white mist, Xiaohua turned her head back and flashed the blue light in her eyes, then jumped from the branch in front of her to another big tree a few meters in front of her.

The petite figure of Xiaohua was on the branches of the big trees, waving up and down to the forest below. For a while, it whizzed over the forest glades, and then disappeared into the dense branches and leaves. The figure was as agile as a monkey. In the blink of an eye, it had flashed back the blue light in its eyes on the canopy a hundred meters away.

Xie Chao carried his gun in the permeating fog, and quickly followed Xiao Hua to the forest below. He raised his head and glanced at Xiao Hua who was shuttled among the thick branches and leaves of several big trees, then turned his head to look behind him.

It was only then that he realized that the two Wan Lin who had been following him had disappeared into the thick fog without a sound, and he immediately realized the danger.

He grew up in the deep mountains since he was a child. He knew that it was difficult to see the rolling hills under his feet in this fog in the forest. If he was not careful, he would step on the dead branches and vines on the forest floor and make noises, revealing his position. He quickly took a step across to a thick tree trunk on the side, then crouched under the tree in the mist and raised his gun to aim at the surrounding forest.

The thick fog filled the air, and the undulating forest floor was already white, and the surrounding tree trunks of different thicknesses were already shrouded in white fog. The tree trunks that appeared in Xie Chao's sight were blurred, and his body squatting under the tree was also shrouded in thick fog.

Xie Chao saw the blurred tree shadows in front of him, and hurriedly leaned against the tree trunk and stood up. He quickly raised his gun above the fog to observe the surrounding forest. He then raised the muzzle again and peered into the thick foliage of the woods below.

The little flowers that had been in his field of vision had disappeared, the dense branches and leaves on the hillside below remained motionless, and the mist-shrouded forest suddenly became silent.

Xie Chao's face immediately became tense, and he immediately realized that Xiaohua must have found something, otherwise it would not have disappeared from his sight for no reason.

He quickly squatted again in the mist under the tree, and then quickly lay down on the undulating forest floor. He stared at the dead branches and vines around him, and wanted to crawl under a tree five meters away.

He was just lying under the tree trunk and was about to crawl forward. "Whoosh", a sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from the lower side, and on the hillside behind him, there was a "pop" sound of a bullet penetrating into the grass. The sound, the thick white fog around him, all rolled over in the sound of the passing wind.

Xie Chao was shocked, and a layer of cold sweat immediately appeared on his face! He lay motionless under the tree. At this time, he already understood in his heart that the moment he stuck his head out of the fog just now, he was discovered by the enemy's snipers, and his figure had been exposed to the enemy's mouth! If he hadn't suddenly fallen down just now, the enemy's bullet would have passed through his body.

Just as the bullet swept past Xie Chao, the sound of two bullets hitting the tree trunk followed from the forest below, and several pieces of tree bark hit by the bullet whistled from the thick fog. fly in.

Xie Chao immediately understood that Leopard Head and Lieutenant Colonel Cheng, who were hiding in the forest above, had raised their guns and pulled the trigger at the forest below disturbed by the white fog. He stooped quickly from under the tree trunk, aimed at the rolling mist in the woods below and pulled the trigger.

At this moment, a blue light suddenly flashed from the tumbling mist below. Xie Chao quickly released his finger on the trigger. He knew that Xiaohua had already launched an attack on the enemy, and the shooting at this time was likely to accidentally injure Xiaohua.

The blue light flashed away in the thick fog! "Ouch", a scream suddenly sounded from the forest below, followed by a series of rapid gunshots of "da da da" from the fog, and the thick fog below the side immediately tumbled amid the gunfire.

Xie Chao followed and saw that, amid the screams in the forest below, two figures rushed down from the forest above him with a roar. Xie Chao's eyes lit up, knowing that Leopard Tou and Lieutenant Colonel Cheng were already pulling the bender, and immediately charged down with their guns.

Xie Chao hurriedly raised his gun and stood up from the side of the tree trunk. He raised his foot and was about to run towards the forest below. At this moment, there was a sudden "pop" from the rolling mist below, a pungent smell immediately penetrated into Xie Chao's nostrils, and a thick yellow mist followed from the surrounding forest. Spread out quickly.

Amid the pungent smell, Xie Chao's legs softened, and he staggered two steps toward the hill below. His face turned pale immediately, and he quickly stopped by holding on to the tree trunk.

At this moment, a leopard roar suddenly sounded from the fog on the side, and the figures of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru disappeared into the thick fog. Xie Chao also hurriedly squatted under the tree with a gun in one hand and a tree trunk in the other while feeling groggy. He followed his legs and lay down on the undulating forest floor.

"Da da da", "da da da", a series of the most dense gunshots followed from the yellow fog, a bullet roared and flew over Xie Chao's head, followed by bullet drills in the surrounding fog. The sound of entering the trunk and the Xie Chao shook his head vigorously while lying in the thick fog. The sound of gunshots coming from the forest below seemed to come from a distant place. His sanity Has become blurred in the pungent smell.

He tried his best to lift the cold infuriating qi in his body, and wanted to quickly get rid of the poisonous qi he inhaled in his body to stay awake. He had already known from the cold infuriating qi that Wan Lin had returned just now that the other party's smoke had a strong narcotic effect. And the cold infuriating qi in his body can wake him up in a short time.

At this time, his figure was already shrouded in the yellow mist that quickly filled him, and a pungent smell was rushing in with his breath.

Just when Xie Chao was about to pass out of a coma, an icy breath suddenly rushed from the side of the forest, and a refreshing fragrance followed into his nostrils. He tried to open his eyes, and a black shadow suddenly flashed out of the forest on the side, and appeared beside him in a blink of an eye. Xie Chao was shocked and instinctively raised the sniper rifle in his hand.

At this moment, the person who came had grabbed the body of his gun with one hand, and with the other hand, he took the bulletproof vest on his back and dodged behind the tree. Xie Chao immediately felt in a daze, a big hand covered his mouth, and a strong infuriating qi poured into his mouth with a small pill.

A cool breath immediately rose from his body, and the dazed feeling in his body was swept away! He opened his eyes, only to see the leopard head squatting beside him. He hurriedly struggled to sit up and grabbed the sniper rifle beside him.

: . :

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