Panther Commando

Chapter 4471: blood in the forest

A thick white fog shrouded the endless jungle. Just now, when Wan Lin was rushing towards the yellow mist below, he had already seen Xie Chao suddenly staggered and fell under a tree filled with white mist during the explosion of the poisonous snake. He immediately understood that Xie Chao had inhaled the yellow mist at close range. Currently in a coma.

He quickly turned around and rushed behind a thick tree trunk on the side. , just dodging a rain of bullets swept by the other party, he followed the acceleration and rushed to the tree where Xie Chao was, he dragged Xie Chao behind the tree, followed by a burst of infuriating, and forced the antidote pill in his hand into the into Xie Chao's mouth.

At this time, he saw that Xie Chao had woken up, he glanced at Xie Chao's eyes intently, and then said in a low voice, "Don't move, raise your true qi to bloom the medicinal power, and be careful to hide it." In his voice, he took a deep breath. With a sigh, he grabbed the sniper rifle leaning against the tree, turned around and jumped out from behind the tree trunk.

The white fog in the forest filled the air, and the yellow fog in the woods below seemed to solidify in the forest, and the forest was filled with a pungent smell. Wan Lin flashed from behind the tree, and with the help of the body-protecting infuriating energy forced out of his body, he discerned the tree trunks in the thick fog and the vines under his feet, and hid his figure and rushed into the yellow fog below.

At this time, his figure flickered from left to right in the thick fog, and it didn't take long for him to appear in the pungent yellow fog. He rushed behind a thick tree trunk and stopped suddenly. He held his breath, knelt under the tree on one knee, raised his gun and looked around.

The surrounding area was yellow and orange, and the thick tree trunks were very blurry in Wan Lin's scope. At this moment, two blue light spots suddenly flashed out of the yellow fog in front of them.

Wan Lin saw the blue light in Xiaohua's eyes flashing from the branch in front of him, and immediately understood that the other party had withdrawn from the forest on the side, and the surrounding forest was safe. He immediately lowered his muzzle and looked down at the surrounding woods filled with yellow mist. He has already accurately judged that the screams and the rapid gunshots just came from this woodland.

A piece of small bullet casings that were used by the police was scattered on the blurred forest floor. The yellow-orange casings were almost integrated with the yellow fog. It was difficult to find these copper casings without paying attention. Wan Lin's eyes followed and looked under the trees on the side of the casings. .

Wan Lin's eyes just moved under the tree when a light suddenly appeared in his eyes. There were more than a dozen yellow-orange-orange bullet casings scattered under the thick trunk. The bullet casings and the surrounding grass were stained with a patch of red blood. He suddenly raised his head and looked up at the thick trunk.

A piece of red blood splattered on the thick trunk! A look of surprise flashed in Wan Lin's eyes. He stared at the bloodstains on the tree trunk. He already knew in his heart that the black snake was hiding beside this thick tree just now. He raised his gun and pulled the trigger at the exposed Xie Chao! And Xiaohua was also at this moment, suddenly jumped down from the thick branches and leaves of a big tree on the side, and bit the arm or shoulder of the boy holding the gun!

Wan Lin glanced coldly at the blood on the tree trunk, then took a look at the height of the blood on the tree trunk from the ground, he secretly said in his heart: "Black snake, this poisonous snake is really fast! Xiao Hua must be running towards this kid. He threw his neck down, trying to smash this kid's vitals with one claws."

"It seems that the black snake leaned back and quickly raised the sniper rifle in front of his face in the sound of Xiaohua's sudden attack. Xiaohua must have seen that he couldn't cut off this kid's neck, so he turned his head and bit this kid Yang. He took a bite out of his raised arm, and then he stepped back with the blood of the black snake! Judging from the distribution of the bullet casings and blood, this kid's wound should be on his left shoulder or left upper arm."

He followed and glanced down coldly. The bullet casings scattered on the forest floor were distributed on the right side of the tree trunk, which means that the black snake immediately threw away the sniper rifle in his hand after being bitten by Xiaohua on his left arm, and raised his right hand. Qi* swiped randomly in front of him.

After the boy repelled Xiaohua, he endured the severe pain and threw a *, and then escaped backwards under the cover of the pungent smell and thick fog, while swept a string of bullets towards the forest above. He fled in the middle to prevent a few others from catching up.

Wan Lin stared coldly at the bullet casings on the forest floor, and then moved his eyes to the wood floor on the side of the tree trunk. The side forest floor was sprinkled with red bloodstains, and the bloodstain went straight to the dense fog behind the forest and extended out. !

He stared at the blurred red bloodstain in the distance, and a strong murderous aura suddenly appeared in his eyes! He shook his body and rushed out into the side forest along the blood trail. He cursed inwardly, "You brat, I think you can escape to where this black snake is wounded?"

Following Wan Lin's figure, two blue dots of light flashed from the yellow mist on the side. Xiao Hua's eyes flashed blue light, and with a "whoosh", she jumped straight down from the high tree canopy. In a blink of an eye, it had already rushed in front of Wan Lin, and rushed straight to the side of the forest along the blood trail on the forest floor. It already understood that Wan Lin was chasing the black snake along the blood trail!

In a blink of an Xiaohua and Wan Lin had already rushed out of the yellow mist, Wan Lin rushed to a tree and looked down at the bloodstains on the forest floor, followed by raising his gun to the side of the white mist filled with mist. Aimed in the forest.

Looking at the forest in front of him, he lowered his voice and commanded: "Chengru, you accompany Xie Chao to find Johnny immediately, protect him from leaving this forest as soon as possible, and join the scorpion and Wen Meng outside the forest. You and the scorpion. After they meet, they will return to the Falcon base immediately, don't wait for me, I will kill the **** Black Snake!" After speaking, he picked up the gun and ran towards the foggy forest on the side.

As soon as Wan Lin issued the order, a figure appeared in the yellow fog on the side. Cheng Ru, who had already rushed into the yellow fog, heard Wan Lin's order and immediately took his gun and ran towards the forest where Xie Chao was just now.

At this time, Xie Chao had already bloomed the medicinal power of the detoxification pill. He just stood up from under the tree in high spirits, and a figure had already appeared in the white fog on the side.

Xie Chao immediately rushed to the side of the big tree. He raised his hand and pulled the bolt to aim at the forest where the figure appeared. "It's me, Chengru!" Xie Chao quickly released his finger on the trigger, and then stood up from the fog under the tree. He looked at the running figure in surprise and whispered, "Brother Cheng, I am here. here!"

Cheng Ru quickly rushed under the tree where Xie Chao was. He pushed Xie Chao's outstretched arm and raised his gun to look around, and said in a low voice, "We'll talk about it later. Leopard head ordered to **** Johnny immediately. Leave the forest and join the scorpions outside the forest!"

Xie Chao was stunned for a moment, and he quickly asked in a low voice, "What about the leopard head?" There were enemy snipers all around, and the forest was full of dangers. He was really worried about Wan Lin, who was acting alone.

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