Panther Commando

Chapter 4472: hidden cave

In the thick fog, Cheng Ru heard Xie Chao's anxious questioning voice, he moved the muzzle to take a look at the blurred woods on the side, and replied in a low voice: "The leopard head and the little flower are tracking the black snake, he ordered us as soon as possible. Protecting Johnny and meeting the other Scorpions and Wen Meng. You lead the way, let's go!"

"Yes!" Xie Chao replied in a low voice when he heard Cheng Ru's command. He twisted and got out from behind the tree with a gun in his hand, and ran straight into the dense forest below. Looking out in the yellow mist.

After Xie Chao ran more than 20 meters away, Cheng Ru chased after Xie Chao with his sniper rifle. From time to time, he rushed behind the tree below and raised his sniper rifle to aim at the forest on both sides.

More than an hour later, Cheng Ru had followed Xie Chao through the dense forest on the hillside above, and came to the forest near the foot of the mountain. At this moment, the sound of running water suddenly entered his ears from the forest below the side.

Cheng Ru glanced at Xie Chao in the forest below, then rushed to the tree below and raised his gun to aim at the forest below. The thick fog that filled the mountains has gradually dissipated, and a ray of dawn has shot from the top of the mountain in the east. A clear stream is flowing in the glade on the side, and the stream is reflected in the morning light. of light.

Cheng Ru followed the muzzle of his gun and looked up into the forest, and already understood in his heart why this dense forest was so lush. The creek flowing down this mountain is the same as the creek he and Wan Lin found near the top of the mountain. It is a stream flowing from a spring.

These babbling creeks not only irrigate this dense forest all year round, but also continuously supply fresh water to the mirror-like lake below the mountain. He moved the muzzle along and looked down the hillside.

The dense forest suddenly became a little sparse below, and dark gray rocks had appeared on the hillside not far away. The stream flowing out of the forest on the side suddenly disappeared in front of a giant side, and the sound of "rushing" water was coming from under the rock. Xie Chao was in the forest on the hillside below to the side of the stream. move.

Cheng Ru stared at Xie Chao's fast-moving figure and suddenly understood that it is difficult to leave traces under his feet when he moves on this rocky hillside, and there are likely to be some caves in the rock. Xie Chao must have used the stream on the side to run down the hillside above, and then protected Johnny to enter the cave safely to avoid being tracked here by the snipers behind him. This is indeed a good way to avoid tracking in the mountains and forests.

Cheng Ru looked at Xie Chao's figure and nodded secretly, followed by carrying his gun and ran diagonally down the hillside. Sure enough, Xie Chao moved sideways to the side of the stream. He squatted under a rock and raised his gun to take a look around. Then he turned around and looked at Cheng Ru, who was running from the back of the forest, and waved. He immediately stepped in. In the clear stream, I ran along the stream to the hillside below.

Cheng Ru hid behind the tree and saw Xie Chao running down the hillside along the stream. Knowing that his judgment was completely correct, he moved his sniper rifle to aim at the dense forest above the hillside.

At this time, there was a crisp bird song in the mountains, and groups of cheerful birds flew over the glade from time to time. After running past some pheasants with gorgeous feathers, the forest is already full of life.

Cheng Ru looked through the scope on the gun and saw the small animals jogging in the woods above for a while. Then he lowered the muzzle and turned to look at Xie Chao, who had already run to the rock below. He then ran diagonally towards the stream below with a sniper rifle in one hand.

At this time, his heart had completely calmed down, and the small animals running slowly in the woods above were already telling him that the enemy snipers did not follow them closely to track them here, and the surroundings were relatively safe.

Cheng Ru ran to the creek with a sniper rifle, and he stepped into the creek and ran to the hillside below. At this time, Xie Chao was already squatting on the rock where the stream disappeared, raising his gun and aiming at the side forest.

He saw Cheng Ru running to him from the creek above, he lowered his gun and whispered, "Brother Cheng, the cave is under this rock, shall we go in?" Cheng Ru crouched under the rock beside Xie Chao , he glanced under the rock, then raised his gun and aimed at the surroundings and replied in a low voice: "You go down first, I'll be on guard around, and go in later."

He put down the sniper rifle in his hand, quickly took off the backpack behind him and handed it to Xie Chao and said: "There is something to eat in the bag, you can add it in the cave, you can go." "Yes!" Xie Chao gratefully took it. The backpack that Ru handed over, twisted and jumped off the rock.

Cheng Ru saw Xie Chao disappearing under the rock, he grabbed the sniper rifle, turned and ran under a raised rock on the side, he immediately lay behind the rock, raised his gun and aimed at the side slope.

Xie Chao and Johnny have been in this forest for more than ten days, they must have been hungry long ago. There is still some distance from the forest edge, and in the process of leaving the forest, the three of them may fight fiercely with the enemies that appear in the dense forest at any time, so Cheng Ru must let Xie Chao and the two replenish food to restore their physical strength as soon as possible~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Cheng Ru quietly lay under the rock and raised his gun to observe the surrounding woods. It was quiet in the forest, some small animals had run to the stream above and lowered their heads to replenish water. A colorful pheasant raised its head tilted and looked vigilantly under the rock where Cheng Ru was hiding.

Cheng Ru released his trigger finger after making sure the surroundings were safe. He raised his head and smiled as he looked at the pheasant looking at him. He then grabbed a crack in the stone with his left hand and twisted away from the rock. jumped down.

On the rock on the side, the stream water poured down from the rock above, and a piece of crystal water was splashing on a rock more than ten meters below, and the sound of water was coming from the rock below.

At this moment, Xie Chao was standing on a raised rock behind the silver-chained stream.

Cheng Ru suddenly understood that behind the stream is the small cave that Xie Chao mentioned. That small cave is like a water curtain cave in Huaguo Mountain. No wonder those experienced enemy snipers did not find Xie Chao and Johnny. .

The stream flowing from the top of the mountain covered the footprints of Xie Chao and the two of them. The waterfall formed by the stream here just covered the small cave behind. This is indeed a natural hidden place! If it wasn't for Xie Chao standing beside the small waterfall and waving to him, it would be difficult for him to find this hidden cave at close range.

Cheng Ru ran towards the rock beside the small waterfall with his spear. He followed the slippery rock under his foot with a vigorous kick, and grabbed a raised rock beside Xie Chao.

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