Panther Commando

Chapter 4473: seriously injured instructor

In the splash of water under the rock, Cheng Ru twisted and jumped to the side of the rock. Xie Chao saw that Cheng Ru had rushed to his side, he hurriedly said in a low voice: "Brother Cheng, Instructor Johnny is waiting for you in the cave, come in!" He turned around and retracted into the cave.

Cheng Ru turned his head and glanced at the cave that Xie Chao had shrunk into. The entrance of the cave was low and narrow, only half a person's height. The small waterfall flowing under the rocks above just blocked the narrow entrance. Even if you searched carefully, it was difficult to find This little cave is hidden behind a stream of water. He then stretched out his right foot and stepped on the lower edge of the hole, bent down and got into the hole.

The entrance of the cave is narrow, but the inside of the cave is spacious enough to accommodate four or five people. The cave is dark and damp. There is a flashlight on the ground.

When Xie Chao saw Cheng Ru getting into the cave, he quickly grabbed Cheng Ru and said in a low voice, "Brother Cheng, let me introduce you, this is my sniper instructor Johnny." As he spoke, he reached out to the side wall of the cave. Point down.

Cheng Ru turned his head and looked down the wall of the cave. A pale westerner was struggling to stand up while supporting the cave wall. Cheng Ru quickly walked to the side, waved his hand and said, "You don't have to get up, I am Cheng Ru of the Huaxia Special Forces, with the rank of lieutenant colonel."

Johnny heard that the person coming was a lieutenant colonel. A light appeared in his originally dull eyes. He was struggling to stand up against the wall of the cave beside him, but he sat down against the cold and wet wall several times. . Xie Chao hurried over, bent over to help Johnny up, and he translated Cheng Confucian's words in some blunt Y language.

With the help of Xie Chao, Johnny stood up, shaking Xie Chao's feet together, and then said directly in a blunt Chinese language: "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, Johnny, the former captain of the special forces of country Y, sniper Johnny, report to you! "He then raised his hand and gave Cheng Ru a standard military salute, and his body was already shaking violently while standing at attention.

Cheng Ru didn't expect that the other party could actually speak Chinese, and he was so weak that he even salutes himself. He quickly straightened his back and returned the salute, then lowered his arms and said in a low voice, "Complete the ceremony!" He stretched out his hand to support Johnny who was shaking anxiously. Asked: "Where is the injury? Let me see." After speaking, he quickly glanced at the tall and strong instructor in front of him.

Johnny's waist was wrapped in a thick layer of bandages. The bandages were replaced by strips of military uniforms, which had oozing red blood. He was only wearing a body armor, and his trouser legs had been dyed red. When Johnny heard Cheng Ru's concerned question, he shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just let those **** take a bite."

He then stretched out his hands to hold Cheng Ru's arm tightly, and said in a weak voice: "I really didn't expect that you Huaxia soldiers would come to rescue us! I can't do it anymore, you take Xie Chao and leave. I will forever Remember you Chinese soldiers who are kind, righteous, brave and good at fighting! Thank you for taking the risk to come to see me, and thank you for the soldier Xie Chao who never gave up on me!" At this time, tears of gratitude flashed in his dim eyes. Light, holding Cheng Ru's hands trembled.

Johnny really did not expect that the Huaxia military would send capable personnel from thousands of miles to rescue an ordinary soldier like Xie Chao! What's more, he didn't expect that after the other party found out that Xie Chao did not directly take him out of this dangerous forest, he risked his life and rushed over to rescue him, a foreign instructor who was seriously injured and in critical condition.

Cheng Ru heard his excited voice, he looked at Johnny's tearful eyes, and said sincerely: "Instructor Johnny, Xie Chao and I are both Chinese soldiers, we will never give up our own in battle. Comrade-in-arms! Xie Chao did not give up on you to escape alone after you were injured, and I will never give up on you!"

When he said this, his voice suddenly became stern and said: "After we received the report and request from your Eagle Falcon base, we immediately sent a five-person team to rush here. Our mission on this trip is to bring you and Xie Chao alive. Get out of this danger zone. I command you now: Sit down now!"

He helped the excited Johnny to sit under the wall of the cave, then looked at Johnny with a dignified expression and continued to whisper: "Instructor Johnny, please remember that not only our Chinese soldiers will not give up on you, but also your Eagle Falcon base. I didn't give up on you! Your principal Charlie rushed to the airport to meet us personally with injuries, and Instructor Scorpion and one of your squads were also responding to us outside the forest. You are now leaning against the cave wall, and I will see your injury."

At this time, Xie Chao also squatted down with a flashlight and said in a low voice, "Brother Cheng, Instructor Johnny was shot through his waist by an enemy bullet, leaving a wound of more than ten centimeters on his side waist. The muscles were all turned out and there was a lot of blood."

He followed Johnny's pale face, and said with a gloomy face: "In the battle in the In order to lighten the load, we threw everything except weapons and ammunition. Instructor Johnny was injured. After that, I could only tear his shirt into strips of cloth instead of bandages, and found some herbs I knew in the forest to apply on the wound, but the bleeding still didn't stop completely. Brother Cheng, show him quickly. Look, what happened to Instructor Johnny?"

Cheng Ru didn't answer Xie Chao's question. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed Johnny's left wrist, and stretched out three fingers to rest on Johnny's wrist vein. Immediately he felt Johnny's pulse rate was fast and disordered, and the pulse was very scattered.

He immediately understood that the enemy's bullet did not hit Johnny's vitals, but he had become extremely weak due to excessive blood loss, the blood in his body was drying up, and his heartbeat might stop beating at any time. He quickly pulled out a small bamboo tube from his waist, poured a pill out of it and stuffed it into Johnny's mouth and said, "Press it under the tongue."

Before Johnny could react, a pill had already been forcibly stuffed into his mouth by Cheng Ru. He immediately felt a cool breath rise from his mouth, and he quickly pressed the pill under the base of his tongue.

Xie Chao sniffed the cool breath emanating from the pill, and said in astonishment, "Is this a leopard-headed snake treasure pill? This is a life-saving treasure!" He followed Johnny's arm and said excitedly. : "Instructor, you are saved, this is the life-saving medicine passed down by our captain!"

Cheng Ru didn't care to answer Xie Chao's question, he took a deep breath, then sat cross-legged on the wet and cold rock, and raised an internal force to force Johnny's left hand.

He followed in a low voice and said to Johnny: "Relax your whole body, keep your mind calm, and walk with my warm air with your mind." Following his voice, a heat flow rushed up the arm along the meridian on Johnny's left hand.


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