Panther Commando

Chapter 4474: extinguished electric light

In the small cave, the pale-faced instructor Johnny heard Cheng Ru's voice, and a look of confusion flashed in his eyes. When Xie Chao saw his appearance, he immediately understood that Johnny did not fully understand the meaning of Cheng Confucian words, and knew that he did not understand the way that he, the Chinese people, used internal energy to heal their wounds.

He hurriedly translated Cheng Confucian's words, and then said, "Lieutenant Colonel Cheng is using his inner strength to help you dissolve the medicine as soon as possible and help you heal!"

When Johnny heard Xie Chao's translation, he understood the meaning of Chengru's words. He hurriedly leaned his back against the damp wall of the cave, his eyes deep in his eye sockets were grateful, and then quietly He looked at the Chinese lieutenant colonel in front of him.

At this time, Johnny had already understood from Xie Chao's astonished voice that what the other party put into his mouth was a priceless life-saving elixir! And the heat that poured into his body must be what Xie Chao and the others were talking about!

After Johnny and Xie Chao covered Charlie and the others to withdraw from the canyon, they retreated in the direction of the forest, attracting a group of elite mercenaries from the enemy to chase after them.

When he was dealing with the enemy in the mountains, he had already seen that among the chasing soldiers behind him, there were actually several top snipers with rich actual combat experience! The real chasers were these snipers, and the other mercenaries just cooperated with them to surround themselves with firepower.

These enemy snipers were like ghosts in the mountains, and kept following them closely. Both of them were almost hit by bullets fired by the other snipers several times. Xie Chao's communication equipment was hit by the enemy's sniper bullet at that time, and he almost lost his life. Fortunately, Xie Chao was agile and rolled out of the original sniper position in time at the critical moment.

Taking advantage of the familiar terrain, the two fought and retreated, trying to get rid of the pursuit of these mercenaries, but the snipers of those mercenaries actually followed suit, and they couldn't get rid of the pursuers behind them at all.

At that time, Johnny understood that both of them were top snipers! They were in the mountains with a wide field of vision, and they could not escape the pursuit of these mercenaries at all. Therefore, he quickly took Xie Chao to the forest, trying to use the dense forest to deal with the enemy, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

Before entering the forest, Johnny had a conversation with Falcon Base. He wanted to inform himself and Xie Chao of the location, and asked Charlie, a top sniper, to come for reinforcements in person, but when he heard the news that Charlie was injured, his heart immediately cooled down.

He knew that his Eagle Falcon base could no longer send snipers who could fight with the top snipers behind him. The other comrades-in-arms are coming to reinforce, and they can only die in this forest area!

At this time, Johnny had understood that to get rid of the pursuers behind them, they could only rely on themselves! He immediately took Xie Chao to the depths of the jungle, but it didn't take long for the other party to catch up.

When he was covering Xie Chao's retreat, a bullet hit him in the waist. The bullet not only passed through his waist, but also destroyed his communication equipment and lost contact with the Eagle Base.

At this time, Johnny was desperate. When he and Xie Chao were in good health, they couldn't get rid of the snipers behind them. Now that he is wounded, it is impossible to continue fighting the enemy!

At that time, he ordered Xie Chao to escape alone, but he did not expect that Xie Chao desperately led the enemy away, then secretly returned to the place where he was injured, and forcibly dragged him to this small cave.

After entering the cave, Johnny looked at Xie Chao, who had collapsed under the cave wall, and knew that he was unable to leave this small cave anymore under the condition of serious injury. Moreover, the enemy's snipers are all experienced in mountain combat, and they will find it here sooner or later.

After Xie Chao recovered some physical strength, he immediately ordered him to leave alone and return to the Eagle Base for help. In fact, Johnny knew that he would not be able to hold on to that time at all, and he just wanted this loving and righteous Chinese soldier to leave alone.

He didn't expect Xie Chao to turn around and walk out of the cave without saying a word. It didn't take long, Xie Chao returned to the cave with some wild fruits, and then turned around with a sniper rifle and ran out of the cave.

But he really didn't expect that Xie Chao would actually return to the cave again, and he also brought back a Chinese lieutenant colonel sniper, which made him really excited!

Now, after knowing that his life was in danger, this excellent sniper in Huaxia not only did not give up on him and took Xie Chao to leave, but also took out precious medicine and expended his physical strength to save his life, which made him very excited.

Johnny himself is an excellent sniper, otherwise Charlie would not have invited him to the Falcon Base as a sniper instructor. He knew in his heart that in this cruel battle, elixir and physical strength are the capital to save life!

The dark cave was silent, only the sound of water rushing from outside the cave came into the cave, the light from the flashlight had already turned dim, and the figures of several people in the cave had become blurred in the dim flashlight.

At this moment, Xie Chao squatted under the wall of the cave, holding his limp body with one hand, and holding the sniper rifle tightly in the other, looking at the entrance of the cave, looking very nervous.

About an hour later, the flashlight placed on the rock in the cave suddenly went out, and the cave became pitch black! Xie Chao, who was supporting Johnny, was An ominous premonition surged in his heart!

He quickly released the right hand that was holding Johnny, grabbed Chengru's backpack, took out the flashlight and turned it on. He raised the flashlight to shine on Johnny's face. He was really afraid that the fire of Instructor Johnny's life would be extinguished along with the flashlight that suddenly ran out of power!

Johnny leaned against the dark cave wall, his head was hanging on his chest, and he sat motionless in front of Cheng Ru. Xie Chao panicked and quickly released his left hand and put it under Johnny's nostrils. He whispered in a panic, "Instructor Johnny, Instructor..." At this time, his voice was choked and he cried.

Since the attack on Eagle Falcon Base, Xie Chao has shot and killed several enemies with the sniper rifle in his hand. In the roaring rain of bullets and the flames of the explosion, he also saw the fallen Eagle Falcon players fall down beside him. But it was in the middle of a fierce battle, and he had no time to grieve and think about those wounded comrades in arms. At that time, his only belief was to pull the trigger to kill the enemy, to cover the surrounding comrades to withdraw from the enemy's encirclement and to withdraw from the canyon.

Now, he really saw the extinguished electric light and saw Instructor Johnny's lowered head. He was really panicked. This was the first time he felt his comrades leave, and he was a sniper instructor he respected very much. what!

Just when Xie Chao panicked, a big hand suddenly patted his shoulder from behind. Xie Chao was shocked. He was completely unaware of the excitement, but a figure appeared behind him without even noticing it! ...


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