Panther Commando

Chapter 4476: best sniper position

In the dark jungle, Xiaohua ran around the rock with her head lowered, then stopped on the side of the rock and took a few breaths.

It then grabbed a large mass of blood-stained cotton from the soil, and turned its head to look at Wan Lin under the dim rock, with a faint blue light flashing in its eyes.

Wan Lin stared at the cotton wool that Xiao Hua had dug out of the soil, and then looked up at Xiao Hua and nodded. He had already understood from the large mass of blood-stained cotton wool that the black snake stayed here to bandage the wound. Judging from the amount of cotton wool, this kid was bitten by Xiaohua, and his left arm should be temporarily unable to use firearms.

He then looked along the rock to the side of the forest, and thought to himself: "After the black snake has bandaged the wound, he must have fled in the direction of leaving the forest." He immediately raised his sniper rifle and aimed at the dark side of the forest. .

The sun has risen from the east, and although the dense forest is still dim, the field of vision is obviously much wider than before. In the weeds and dirt in the woodland, there were some vague footprints.

Wan Lin raised his gun and carefully observed the surrounding woods. After he was sure that the black snake was not around, he raised his gun through the scope on the gun and carefully observed the footprints of the black snake on the forest floor.

Although the footprints on the woodland are very vague, you can still see the footwork that flickers left and right. Wan Lin carefully observed the footprints left by the black snake for a while. He raised the muzzle of his gun thoughtfully and aimed into the forest ahead. His eyes staring at the scope flashed a look of astonishment.

He secretly said in his heart: "This bastard, the black snake, has shed so much blood, but his footwork is not scattered, but the footprints left are a little heavier than before. This shows that this boy has a very strong physique, and the speed of escape is not as fast as before. It didn't come down. It seems that this kid is indeed extraordinary, and he really can't underestimate the enemy!"

He took a deep breath, raised his left hand and forced a burst of infuriating qi to swipe into the woods in front of him. He then kept his shooting posture and jumped out from behind the rock.

Xiaohua saw Wan Lin suddenly jump out from behind the rock, blue light flashed in his eyes, his two hind legs kicked the rock under him vigorously, and his petite body rushed up with a gust of wind. It crossed an arc directly above the rock, crossed the rushing out Wanlin, landed and rushed straight into the dense woods ahead.

Wan Lin immediately followed up with his gun. He followed Xiao Hua and followed the opponent's footprints and ran forward, while watching the direction of the black snake's footprints. The black snake moved from left to right in the forest, running around the trunks of the trees to the forest near the edge of the forest, with both feet basically stepping on the raised tree roots, and its movements were very concealed.

Wan Lin followed Xiao Hua quickly and chased seven or eight kilometers into the forest in front of her, when Xiao Hua suddenly ran diagonally to the lower side of the forest. Wan Lin immediately rushed behind a tree in front of him, leaned against the trunk of the tree, raised his sniper rifle and aimed towards the forest below.

The trees on the hillside below the side had become sparse, and the boulders showed a grayish-white glow in the morning light. The raised boulders blocked Wan Lin's vision, and he couldn't see the hillside below at all from his position.

Wan Lin stared at the rocks under the hillside through the scope, and frowned. He already understood that the black snake knew that there was a small flower with an extremely sensitive sense of smell around him, and he couldn't get rid of his stalking in the forest at all.

Therefore, after seeing the rock that suddenly appeared in the forest below, this kid must have turned around and fled to the hillside below, trying his best to find a terrain where he could hide his footprints.

Wan Lin moved his gun and glanced at the forest on both sides of the rock. He took the gun and flashed out from behind the thick tree trunk, and rushed towards a tree on the side of the rocks in front of him.

He rushed under the tree quickly and stopped suddenly, hiding behind the tree and raising his gun to aim at the hillside under the rock. Just as he raised his sniper rifle and aimed down, his eyes suddenly narrowed!

Beneath the towering rock was a huge puddle covering a thousand square meters, and the calm water was reflecting a mirror-like luster in the morning light. A silver chain-like stream was running along the rock crevice on the hillside, winding down to the hillside below.

He glanced at the surface of the water that appeared out of thin air in astonishment, and then moved the muzzle to look around. The water was surrounded by a circle of towering rocks, and the forest above the side was reflecting several silver chains of water in the morning light.

Wan Lin immediately understood that the puddle below was a huge rock crater formed by the changes in the earth's crust. The torrential rain that suddenly fell from the sky the day before yesterday filled the rock crater in a very short period of time.

And some springs in the mountains are also flowing continuously to this huge depression, so this huge natural puddle is formed in this dense forest.

Wan Lin raised his gun and quickly took a look at the surrounding terrain. He hid behind the tree and pondered for a moment, then bent down and leaned his sniper rifle against the tree He raised his arms and put the tactical backpack on his back. Remove.

He carefully observed the bulging roots under the tree, then squatted under the tree, carefully placed the backpack behind the tree, and deliberately exposed the corner of the backpack from the back of the trunk.

He carefully observed the position of the backpack, and then grabbed the sniper rifle leaning against the tree trunk with one hand. He was lying on the back of the tree and slowly retreated two meters, twisted and got into a weed on the side. He followed the dense grass and slowly crawled under a moss-covered rock three meters away.

When Wan Lin was behind the tree just now, he had observed that through the big tree where he was standing, he could observe the entire hillside under the puddle, which was the best sniper position for shooting circles above the puddle, and there were weeds under the tree. The location is very secluded.

But Wanlin knew in his heart that when fighting with top snipers like Black Snake, the better the sniper position, the more dangerous the place!

Like his leopard head, these snipers, Black Snake, have rich experience in combat in the mountains and forests, and they can observe the best sniper positions around them in an instant. And these places are not only the best positions to snipe your opponents, but also the best sniper positions for your opponents to hide!

Therefore, Wan Lin did not choose the back of the tree as his hiding place, but put his backpack under the tree to make the illusion that he was under the tree. Climb under the rock. At this time, Wan Lin acted extremely cautiously. He climbed under the rock and did not immediately raise his gun to extend the muzzle from the crack in the rock.

Wan Lin knew in his heart that patience is an essential quality for a good sniper. Black Snake, as the best sniper in Yamaguchi security, would have guessed that he would take Xiao Hua to track around this huge puddle.

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