Panther Commando

Chapter 4477: Perfect fusion

Wan Lin was lying on the rock under the furry green moss. He slowly moved the muzzle to observe the dense woods on both sides of the stream below, and carefully observed every place that might be hiding enemy snipers.

As he raised his gun to search, he secretly said in his heart: "The black snake will definitely judge that after he reaches this huge puddle, he will definitely judge that he will use the stream flowing on the hillside below to eliminate the footprints and the smell from his body. , flee to the dense forest on the hillside below. And this relatively open rocky area is also an excellent position for the black snake to hide in the forest and snipe the leopard head!"

Wan Lin lay under the rock and quietly observed the dense forest on both sides of the stream for a while, then lowered the muzzle of his gun and aimed at the woods below where the stream was flowing. He immediately took a deep breath, raised his right hand and gently pulled the bolt, with a calm look on his face.

Wan Lin held his breath and aimed at the hillside below, thinking in his heart: "The black snake will definitely expect to appear next to this puddle! Although this kid has been bitten by Xiaohua, this black snake is narrow-minded and will pay back. He will never give up such a good opportunity to snipe himself! Now, this kid must be hiding on this hillside, and is raising his gun to search around the puddles, preparing to kill his formidable enemy with one shot."

Wan Lin stared at the hillside below the puddle through the scope, and the muzzle moved slowly and swept over every rock around the creek. After searching the rocky areas on both sides of the creek, he moved his gun and aimed at the thick woods on both sides.

At this time, Wan Lin's face seemed very calm. Not only did he take the energy of his body into his body, but his breathing became slow and long. Now his battle with Black Snake is not only a contest of sniping skills between two top snipers, but also a contest of psychology between the two snipers!

Now, whoever can hold his breath at the critical moment may win the final victory! Therefore, Wan Lin had already raised his infuriating energy, forcibly suppressed his nervousness, and concentratedly searched for a stone, a grass, and a tree on both sides of the stream below.

In the morning light, the water overflowing from the puddle flowed down the hillside quietly, and a few small fish in the stream had clearly caught Wan Lin's eyes. The creek meanders down the crevices of the rocks, exposing more than 100 meters down the gentle hillside, and then drills into the green woods below.

The rocks on both sides of the creek were covered with dark green moss, and there was no one in sight around. At this moment, a civet cat emerged from the dense forest on the side in an uproar. It looked around vigilantly, then ran to the stream and lowered its head.

The three hyenas also followed from the creek below. They ran straight to the creek below the civet, and immediately lowered their heads to drink water. One of the big hyenas followed from the rock by the creek, raised its head and turned its head. He looked fiercely at the civet cat beside the creek above.

The civet felt the fierce look in the other party's eyes, and it also raised its head sharply to look at the hyena, with a fierce look in its eyes. The two beasts stared at each other for a while, and the civet cat that looked like a cat and a dog suddenly turned and ran into the dense forest on the side.

Wan Lin saw the confrontation between the two beasts through the scope, and a sense of pride rose from the bottom of his heart! The two beasts below are animals with extremely sensitive sense of smell and vision, and they are less than 100 meters away from him, and they have not found where he is invisible. This shows that his hidden body has been perfectly integrated with the surrounding scenery.

He followed the moving muzzle and aimed at the side forest where the civet ran. It was quiet in the forest, the civet swiftly jumped between the two thick tree trunks, then jumped up and jumped up to the front of a vine that was horizontal in the forest.

It jumped up the vine, and was about to jump up the branch of a big tree on the side, when it suddenly stood up and stopped, raised its head and looked into the depths of the forest on the side, with two thick hind legs. With a vigorous kick, it twisted and rushed from the vine to the stream behind it, at a very fast speed.

Wan Lin was shocked! He immediately moved his muzzle and aimed at the dense forest behind the civet. At this moment, the three hyenas drinking by the stream below also raised their heads vigilantly and looked up.

When the larger hyena saw the civet sprang out of the forest again, it immediately turned around and ran towards the creek above, with fierce expressions in its eyes, staring fiercely at the civet back to the civet cat. Obviously, the three hyenas thought that the civet, who had left suddenly, turned around and killed a carbine again, in an attempt to attack them!

At this moment, Wan Lin saw at a glance that a small black shadow suddenly appeared in the dense forest behind the civet cat. Xiao Hua's eyes flashed a faint blue light from the forest, chasing after Ling Xing who was fleeing in front of him at a high speed!

In the blink of an Xiaohua has swiftly jumped over the vines in the forest. It was in the air, and it turned its head sharply to look at the hyena rushing from below. Sharp nails burst out from its two claws, and the long nails reflected a touch of cold light in the morning light.

The hyena, which was rushing from below, suddenly saw the little flower behind the civet. The two front legs it had stretched out suddenly retracted, and pressed **** the rock under it. The body that was rushing forward almost fell in the sudden braking into the nearby stream.

In the fierce eyes of the hyena, there was a look of fear. It looked in horror at the small flower rushing from the opposite side of the stream, and then suddenly let out a miserable howl, leaving the two companions behind, turning around and facing the Escape in the side forest.

The other two hyenas by the stream below were also running up the hillside. They suddenly heard the screams of their companions. The two hyenas stopped immediately. Escape in the side forest. In a blink of an eye, the civet cat and three hyenas had disappeared into the dense woods.

Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua suddenly jumping out of the forest, and immediately understood that the civet cat, who was not afraid of the sky or the ground, turned around in fright after seeing the blue light in Xiao Hua's eyes and fled to the side of the forest.

The big hyena thought that the civet cat that sprang out was going to pounce on them, so it rushed over aggressively. But it did not expect that behind the civet was a small animal with blue light in its eyes. And it can see at a glance that this is an extremely ferocious mountain bully.

Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua suddenly revealing her figure and suddenly sprang out of the forest on the left side of the stream. His muzzle immediately aimed at the forest below to the right, and a nervous expression suddenly appeared on his calm face.

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