Panther Commando

Chapter 4478: Viper by the puddle

Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua suddenly appear on the rock beside the stream, and his calm face suddenly became tense. Black Snake already knows that Xiaohua is his beneficial assistant. Once this kid finds the trace of Xiaohua, he will most likely aim his gun at this strange animal! And Xiaohua sprang from the forest on the left side of the stream, and the situation in the forest on the right side was unknown. He really couldn't predict whether the black snake was hiding in it!

Wan Lin hurriedly aimed the muzzle at the dense woods on the right, his fingers had already squeezed the trigger, and a gust of infuriating energy poured out of his body, following the direction of his muzzle and heading straight for the woods on the right.

Wan Lin's muzzle slowly moved down the hillside from the side forest, and moved all the way to the forest below where the stream burrowed. There was nothing unusual about the silence in the forest, only the commotion caused by the civet cat and the three hyenas entering the forest.

Some small animals rushed into the surrounding forests in panic as the civet cats and hyenas ran. Weeds and sprawling vines on the woodland are shaking violently as all kinds of animals flee. Some birds on the canopy, which were still making a pleasant chirping sound, also rose from the thick branches and leaves in panic, flapping their wings vigorously and flying towards the surrounding forest.

At this time, Wan Lin could see from the corner of his eyes. After Xiao Hua came out of the forest, he saw that the civet cat and the fierce hyena had been scared away by him. Blue light flashed in his eyes, and he landed under a rock beside the stream, and then twisted. The body rushed out under the rock next to the puddle above. Its petite figure leaped over a wet rock above like lightning, and then disappeared under the jagged rocks next to the puddle, without the slightest pause in its movements.

Wan Lin saw that Xiao Hua had disappeared among the rocks, the worried look in his eyes disappeared immediately, and the calm look reappeared in his eyes.

He knew that Xiaohua was aware of the danger, so after scaring the beasts away, he immediately accelerated and rushed towards the forest on the hillside above. Obviously, Xiaohua knew that she was on the hillside above the puddle, so she hid her figure under the rock and quietly ran towards her position.

The commotion caused by Xiao Hua's sudden appearance subsided in a blink of an eye. The animals that were madly fleeing in the forest on the right just now disappeared into the depths of the dense woods in a blink of an eye. The birds screaming and flying in the air also disappeared into the thick branches and leaves in the distance, and the clear blue sky appeared above the forest clearing.

Wan Lin raised his gun and swept through the dense forest on the right side of the creek and the hillside below. He looked at the quiet dense forest and suddenly had a doubt in his heart: "Could it be that the black snake has lost his fighting spirit because of his injury, in order to get rid of his pursuit as soon as possible, he has already I gave up this opportunity to kill myself, did I make a mistake in my judgment?"

The small flower sprang from the forest on the left, which means that the forest on the left of the stream is relatively safe, and it has not found any trace of the black snake. And the right woods where the civet and hyena escaped were not found to be abnormal, and the small animals that were alerted by the hyena and civet fled in all directions. This shows that before this, those alert little animals did not find the danger around.

Therefore, the black snake is probably not in the surrounding forest, unless he, like Wan Lin, has already absorbed the energy of his whole body into his body, and his body is perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment. But this requires extremely high skills, and it is difficult for ordinary people to do this.

Wan Lin looked out of the corner of his eye to the side of the puddle in surprise, and the figure of Xiaohua was escaping from a rock, and then quickly disappeared under a jagged boulder next to the puddle.

Its vigorous figure then drilled out from under a thick tree on the side of the puddle, and slid into the grass on the side of the puddle. Running up and down to the rock above the puddle, the figure is extremely hidden.

Wan Lin saw Xiaohua running straight to the puddle, and knew that Xiaohua must have found himself behind the thick trunk just now. Therefore, it directly hides its figure and runs behind the tree above the puddle, thinking of where it is, and then following the smell to find its whereabouts.

Wan Lin stared at the direction Xiaohua was running, and suddenly there was a gleam in his eyes, he secretly said in his heart: "No, the black snake is narrow-minded, he will never give up any chance to ambush himself, as long as he can still move, He will definitely be lurking in the surrounding forest!"

He followed behind the gun and focused on the forest below to the right. He had already realized that if the black snake was hiding on the right side of the creek or in the forest below, this kid would definitely be able to see the silhouette of a small flower jumping by like a meteor.

Although Xiaohua's movements are as fast as lightning, the black snake's muzzle cannot lock Xiaohua's figure, but this kid will definitely move the muzzle to monitor the direction of Xiaohua's rapid movement, so as to find his real target!

And behind the tree on the side, is a trap designed by myself with a backpack. The backpack is only a corner of the weeds beside the tree. If the other party does not observe carefully, they will not be able to distinguish from the yellow and green weeds at all. Come out with a tactical backpack made of camouflage Now that Xiaohua is hiding from the side of the puddle and approaching the tree, if the black snake hides in the surrounding forest, Xiaohua's figure can just attract the black snake's gaze, The black snake will definitely observe the grass and trees under the tree carefully through the scope on the gun!

Wan Lin knew in his heart that Black Snake was an extremely good sniper. As long as the boy carefully observed the tree, his sharp eyes would definitely be able to spot the hidden backpack. He must have thought that his leopard head was hidden behind the tree, raising his gun from the side of the trunk and aiming at the forest below!

A murderous aura surged out of Wan Lin's heart, but his face and eyes were as calm as the mirror-like puddles below! He knew that Black Snake was an extremely good sniper. This type of sniper had a keen observation and sixth sense. Once Wan Lin unleashed a fierce murderous aura, the other party would definitely be vigilant and would most likely give up this time suddenly. Snipe and sneak away!

At this time, Wan Lin had already judged from the two fights with the Black Snake that the Black Snake acted alone in these two battles, and there was no companion around him to cooperate. This shows that this kid is not only perverse and arrogant, but also suspicious by nature, and he won't trust anyone when he comes out. Now, as long as he perceives that he is in the slightest danger, he will definitely run away immediately.

Just as Wan Lin was laying on the back of the gun and searching carefully, suddenly there was a screeching sound of "rustling, rustling" on the rock on his right. Wan Lin quickly looked to the side from the corner of his eyes. , followed by a nervous look on his calm face.

A large snake more than one meter long was clinging to the rock on the side, with its triangular head stretched out and a snake letter in its mouth, twisting its body and crawling towards the rock where he was invisible.

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