Panther Commando

Chapter 4479: lightning fast

Wan Lin suddenly saw the long snake crawling out of the corner of his eyes, and his expression immediately became tense. He saw at a glance from the snake's triangular head that it was a highly venomous snake, and his heart sank.

He took a light breath, his body seemed to freeze under the rock, his eyes still fixed on the scope of the gun, ignoring the poisonous snake that was twisting its long snake body and still aiming at the dense forest below.

At this moment, he knew in his heart that he had already absorbed the breath of his entire body into his body, and that his body lying under the rock was perfectly integrated with the green moss-covered rock. This poisonous snake definitely didn't find it, and the big living man was lying under the rock. This poisonous snake should be trying to get close to the crevice of the puddle, ready to hunt and eat the small animals that came to drink water.

But he also knew in his heart that once he moved his body to avoid or restrain the poisonous snake, he would definitely expose this hidden sniper position! If this kid Black Snake is really hiding in the forest below, this kid’s sinister gaze will definitely be able to spot him, then all the preparations he has made just now will be in vain, and he will most likely be hit by this kid’s sniper bullet!

At this time, Xiaohua suddenly sprang out from under a rock more than ten meters away from the side. Its figure was like a shooting star streaking across the hillside, and then disappeared behind the thick tree trunk behind Wanlin.

Wan Lin saw that Xiao Hua had already swooped behind the tree trunk on the side. He ignored the approaching poisonous snake. He stared at the scope, his right index finger tightly squeezed the trigger, and the muzzle was aimed at the woods below.

He secretly said in his heart: "Xiaohua has already jumped behind the tree where he was just now, if the black snake is hiding in the surrounding forest, his mouth will definitely follow Xiaohua's figure and aim under the tree, and he will definitely find that he has deliberately exposed. Backpack. This kid will definitely think he is hiding under the tree to observe, he will never miss this opportunity to snipe himself!"

The poisonous snake twisted its long snake body and quickly approached under the rock where Wan Lin was, five meters, three meters, two meters, one meter... Wan Lin stared at the scope on the gun without moving. The body protection infuriating around him, as well as the "hissing" sound from the poisonous snake's mouth, judged the distance of the poisonous snake from him in his mind.

At the moment when the poisonous snake appeared beside Wan Lin, a faint fire suddenly flashed in the dense forest below Wan Lin! At the same time, under the thick tree behind Wan Lin's side, there was a "pop" sound of being hit by a bullet. The air above the puddle, irradiated by the morning light, became distorted the moment the bullet passed by.

At this moment, the poisonous snake had already climbed up to Wan Lin's face. It suddenly heard a sound from under the tree on the side. It suddenly erected half of its snake body from the rock beside Wan Lin's head. Stretching and looking under the tree where the sound came from, the snake letter in its mouth made a terrifying "hissing" sound in Wan Lin's ear.

With the flash of fire in the forest below, Wan Lin ignored the poisonous snake that had already crawled around him, and a strong murderous aura suddenly burst out of him!

He quickly moved his muzzle to aim at the position where the fire was flashing in the forest below, and pulled the trigger with his right hand! The sniper rifle in front of him immediately made a soft sound of "poof", and a bullet roared into the forest below where the fire was flashing!

Wan Lin's shooting action was extremely fast. He knew that after the black snake pulled the trigger, he would definitely roll his gun to the side of the tree quickly. The fighter opportunity is fleeting, he must not give up the opportunity to kill this black snake, he would rather be bitten by the poisonous snake beside him!

The poisonous snake, which was raising its triangular snake head and looking under the tree behind it, suddenly felt a strong murderous aura around him, and a low gunshot followed from its side. Only then did the poisonous snake discover that there was a living creature hidden beside him!

A cold look suddenly flashed from the small eyes on both sides of its triangular snake head, and the raised snake head pecked at the side of Wan Lin's neck like lightning. The stench from the poisonous snake's open mouth had already penetrated into Wan Lin's nostrils at this moment!

Wan Lin pulled the trigger, released the gun with his left hand, and raised the gun body sharply upwards. He turned around and grabbed the body of the snake under the snake's head! He then took the poisonous snake and jumped up from under the rock, raised his left hand and slammed into the calm puddle in front of him, grabbed the sniper rifle with his right hand and rushed to the rock on the side of the puddle!

Wan Lin pulled the trigger, grabbed the poisonous snake and threw it out. His figure followed the arrow from the string. His movements were done in one go, as fast as lightning.

At this moment, "Ow...", an angry leopard roar sounded from under the big tree behind Wan Lin's side, and a small yellow and black shadow sprang out from behind the tree like lightning. Xiaohua rushed out from behind the tree angrily, and in the blink of an eye, she had already rushed to Wan Lin's side, and then jumped past Wan Lin, who was running fast, and rushed towards the forest below.

"Bang", a dull explosion sounded from the forest A cloud of yellow smoke immediately rose from the dense forest below. The thick tree was shrouded, and a pungent smell came straight into the nostrils of Wan Lin and Xiao Hua.

Wan Lin's face suddenly darkened! He knew from the smoke that suddenly rose in the forest below that the bullet he shot at the risk of being bitten by a poisonous snake did not kill this sinister and vicious black snake!

An angry look followed on his face, and his figure rushed down from the side forest like lightning! In the blink of an eye, his figure and Xiaohua had already slid into the yellow smoky forest below.

The thick yellow mist immediately engulfed the figures of Xiaohua and Wanlin, and the pungent smell filled the dense woods. Wan Lin held his breath and rushed into the dense forest. He rushed behind a thick tree trunk and raised his gun to take a look around. Then he hid behind the tree again, and quickly took out an antidote and stuffed it into his mouth.

With the pill in his mouth, he raised his infuriating energy and rushed into the surrounding forest. He followed and extended the barrel of the gun from the side of the tree trunk and raised the gun to look around. The infuriating energy that Wan Lin forced out silently extended into the forest, but only the sound of wild animals running quickly echoed in the forest, and he couldn't determine the direction of the black snake's escape at all.

Wan Lin's eyes lit up, and he suddenly swayed a few times behind the tree trunk. He picked up Qinggong and rushed towards the yellow mist-filled forest below him like black smoke.

The thick trunks of the trees in the forest have become blurred in the yellow fog, and the forest is yellow and orange.

Wan Lin rushed under a tree below and immediately knelt down on one knee. He raised his gun and aimed at the forest below, while he raised his infuriating energy to force him around, hoping to use the infuriating energy he forced out of his body to explore where the black snake was. Location.

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