Panther Commando

Chapter 4480: scheming

The mighty infuriating energy rushed to the surroundings through the glade, but Wan Lin found no trace of the black snake, not even the little flower that rushed into the yellow mist in front of him.

With a worried look in Wan Lin's eyes, he slowly moved the muzzle of his gun and swept through the surrounding forest. He suddenly stood up from behind the tree, and was about to continue rushing towards the forest below with a sniper rifle in one hand.

Just when he stood up in the pungent yellow mist in Wanlin and was about to rush to the dense forest below, a dull explosion sounded suddenly from the forest on the lower left! Wan Lin slammed his body against the thick tree trunk, raised his gun and aimed at the left side of the forest where the explosion sounded.

In the permeating yellow mist, he couldn't see the scene in the forest on the left at all. He immediately stepped back half a step, turned around and rushed behind a thick trunk below the side. He rushed to the tree below the side and didn't stop, but with a flick of his body, he suddenly rushed to the back of another tree below.

In the blink of an eye, Wan Lin rushed into the forest at the lower left, where the yellow mist was thin, with his sniper rifle. He raised his gun and aimed in the direction of the explosion on the left.

A thick yellow mist is spreading out in the forest on the left, and the dense branches and leaves on the canopy have been shrouded in yellow mist. Wan Lin immediately realized that the black snake had released another **** while fleeing! Xiaohua must have got into this piece of fog that is spreading. Without the slightest hesitation, he charged towards the forest on the left with the gun in hand.

In the dark cave behind the small waterfall, Johnny sat with his head lowered and leaned against the cave wall, a low snoring sound was already coming from his nostrils. Cheng Ru and Xie Chao stared at Wan Lin who was sitting on a rock, and listened to the thrilling battle between him and the black snake.

At this time, Xie Chao was sitting on the side wall of the cave, his hands tightly holding the sniper rifle on his lap, he asked anxiously: "Brother, then you and Xiaohua are in the forest below, did you find that black snake? Ah?"

Wan Lin heard Xie Chao's hurried questioning, he turned his head to look at Xie Chao, shook his head, and replied somewhat frustratedly: "No. I took the gun and rushed into the dense forest on the side, and at a glance, I saw Xiao Hua in the forest with her head lowered and sniffing hard. Looking at the woodland, trying to find the black snake in the pungent smell." With that said, he turned his head gloomily and looked towards the hole.

A ray of morning light is pouring into the dim cave through the waterfall at the entrance of the cave. The dim cave has become shadowy in the darkness. Even the dark rocks and cave walls in the depths of the cave are shooting in the hazy light. faintly visible.

Wan Lin raised his hand and turned off the flashlight that Xie Chao had placed on the side of the rock, and continued to whisper: "Hei Snake is too cunning, Xiaohua and I searched for a long time in the smoke we just picked up, but we couldn't find any black snakes. The trace of the snake, this kid seems to disappear into the endless forest with the rising yellow fog."

Cheng Ru heard Wan Lin's remarks, he frowned and asked in a low voice: "How could he just disappear out of thin air? Since he threw the * while fleeing, it means that he was running away in the nearby forest. This kid is running for his life, he It is impossible to completely erase the footprints in the forest, it will definitely leave traces in the forest, is there something wrong with the direction you are tracking?"

Wan Lin nodded, looked at the waterfall like a curtain of water outside the cave and said coldly: "Yes, Xiaohua and I both fell for this kid's trick. The second **** exploded in the forest on the left side of the stream, Xiaohua and I both thought this kid was running to the lower left, but we passed through the yellow fog in the forest and searched for a long time in the forest below without finding any trace of this kid."

When he said this, he turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and Xie Chao and continued: "After the yellow mist dissipated, Xiaohua and I returned to the two forests that exploded and searched carefully. Only then did I find the second forest that exploded. In the middle, there are only footprints walking back and forth near the blasting point of the first star on the side, but there are no footprints escaping to the bottom and the left side of the forest."

Xie Chao looked at Wan Lin in astonishment and asked in a low voice, "Could it be that after the black snake detonated the first pill, it immediately fled into the forest on the left, and then threw the second pill in the forest on the left?"

He paused for a while when he said this, and then hesitantly said: "How is this possible, you and Xiaohua have already rushed down. Even if the black snake is not injured, there is no time to run back and forth at all, this is not to delay his escape time. Well, unless this kid doesn't want to live anymore."

Wan Lin looked at Xie Chao and replied in a low voice: "Yes, after the smoke dissipated, Xiaohua and I carefully observed the two forests that exploded. Xiaohua and I could see from the footprints left on the woods that the second * It's just that the black snake misled me and Xiaohua to track it, and Xiaohua and I were both caught."

When Wan Lin said this, he turned his head to look at Cheng Ru, who was on the side, and said in a low voice: "Hei Snake is arrogant and suspicious, but his mind is very meticulous. This second * was placed in the forest on the left side of the stream beforehand~ and detonated the second bomb by using the remote control while escaping, tempting Xiaohua and I to chase into the forest on the left."

He followed with some disappointment and said: "When Xiaohua and I looked for the footprints of his escape after the smoke dissipated, this kid fled in the direction of the forest where we entered. I didn't expect this kid to be tricky and slip under our noses. It's a pity to go. At that time, Xiaohua was going to follow in the footsteps of the black snake and chase after him. I was worried that there were other black eagle snipers in the forest, so I rushed back with Xiaohua."

Cheng Ru heard Wan Lin's analysis, and said solemnly: "It seems that the black snake is indeed our strong enemy!" Wan Lin nodded, then turned to look at Xie Chao and said in a low voice: "Xiao Chao, this time In the face of so many excellent snipers from Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security, your ability to survive in the forest to this day is not only the result of your bravery and skill, but also has a lot of luck."

Wan Lin pointed to the cave and continued: "In most cases, you can't find such a hidden place to avoid the enemy's tracking. Therefore, you must not think that you have reached the standard of an excellent sniper, Complacency and underestimation of the enemy are taboos in battle, and it is very likely that they will cost the lives of themselves and their comrades!"

Cheng Ru also looked up at Xie Chao and exhorted: "Xiao Chao, Leopard Tou is right. You have heard the situation of Leopard Tou and Black Snake fighting just now. Leopard Tou is in danger even with Xiaohua's assistance. In the future, you must be more careful in battle, and you must not have the slightest complacency. It is just a fluke that you can find this hidden cave for help."

Xie Chao's face became very serious when he heard Wan Lin and Cheng Ru's advice. The battle between Leopard Head and Black Snake, two top snipers, really surprised him.

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