Panther Commando

Chapter 4487: This is the soldier

Wan Lin sat cross-legged on the rock in the cave, holding Johnny's left hand, urging warm infuriating qi into his body along Johnny's arm. Johnny looked at Wan Lin in astonishment, then lowered his eyes unconsciously, and leaned his back softly against the cave wall.

He didn't know what the heat flow that poured into the body was exactly? But this heat was dispelling the cold, tired feeling in his body. In extreme comfort, he involuntarily closed his eyes, and then he leaned his head against the wall of the cave and fell asleep.

For more than ten days, Johnny and Xie Chao mostly relied on wild fruits in the mountains and forests to feed their hunger. In order to prevent the enemy from finding their tracks, they did not dare to shoot and hunt. They only occasionally used some insects they caught and birds inhabiting trees to supplement the protein necessary for the human body when they were relatively safe, and their bodies were already extremely weak.

Wan Lin knew from Johnny's pulse that although he had taken the Shebao Pills, he temporarily suppressed the inflammation in his body and prevented the deterioration of his injury; then he regained some physical strength from the infuriating energy that Cheng Ru had injected. . But in the healing just now, he had exhausted his newly recovered stamina, and he really needed rest too much.

Wan Lin sat cross-legged across from Johnny, concentrating on using his True Qi to drive the stagnant Qi and blood in Johnny's body. After about half an hour, he felt that the qi and blood in Johnny's body could run autonomously, and he gently released Johnny's left hand.

He then closed his eyes slightly, put his hands on the dantian position in his lower abdomen, and kept running his infuriating energy for a while, until he recovered his vitality, and then he raised his hands in a posture of closing the power, and then took a look at it intently. The sleeping Johnny immediately grabbed his wrist and slapped it. He raised his right hand and patted Johnny's shoulder lightly.

Now, they are still in danger. Although he and Cheng Ru had already killed several enemy snipers in the forest and scared the black snake away, no one could predict whether there were other enemies in the forest.

Moreover, although this small cave is hidden, it is a closed cave in the end. Once the enemy appeared outside the cave, it was difficult for them to rush out from such a narrow cave. Therefore, Wan Lin did not dare to give Johnny more time to fully recover his strength.

Johnny felt the palm gently sent by Wan Lin, and he suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes. At this moment, there was a light in his bloodshot and dim eyes. He raised his right arm and waved it vigorously, then looked at Wan Lin and exclaimed in a low voice: "Your Chinese Kung Fu is simply amazing, and now I feel full of energy!"

As he spoke, a grateful look appeared in his eyes, grabbed Wan Lin's hand and shook him vigorously, then turned around and grabbed the sniper rifle leaning against the cave wall and said, "Leopard head, I have regained my combat effectiveness. Now, I accept the command of you and Lieutenant Colonel Cheng, shall we go?"

As he said that, he stood up and stood at attention, watching Wan Lin raise his hands in salute! He was an instructor at the Eagle Falcon Base, and he was also a landlord here, but his rank in the army was far lower than Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, so he immediately expressed his attitude and accepted the command of the two Chinese soldiers in front of him.

Cheng Ru saw Johnny's spirited appearance, and knew that he had temporarily recovered some of his physical strength from Wan Lin's infuriating energy. He and Wan Lin stood up and returned the salute with serious expressions.

Cheng Ru followed and put down his arms, bent down and took out a single soldier ration from his backpack. He reached out and handed it to Johnny and said, "Johnny, you haven't eaten well for a few days. Eat more?"

Johnny put down his salute arm, stretched out his hand and pushed away the individual rations that Cheng Ru handed over, he said with a smile: "Haha, when Xie Chao took out the food from his bag just now, I thought at the time, I would be throwing it away for the rest of my life. In this dark and broken cave, I have to be a full-fledged ghost if I want to die, and I must not be a starving ghost, so I killed two boxes in one go. If I eat more now, I will really become a full-fledged ghost!"

Cheng Ru, Wan Lin and Xie Chao heard Johnny's voice in blunt Chinese, and they all laughed, knowing that his health had indeed improved.

Johnny suddenly stopped smiling when he said this. He looked at the hazy morning light at the entrance of the cave, and continued with a serious expression: "I didn't expect that I would meet these magical Chinese people like you, and Johnny would really be able to survive. Good! You guys helped me get my life back, so I'll continue to work with those bastards!"

As he said that, he suddenly raised the sniper rifle in his hand. He clenched the gun body with both hands and shook it vigorously, followed by a strong murderous aura on his face!

Wan Lin heard Johnny's arrogant voice, he bent down and grabbed his sniper rifle leaning against the cave wall with one hand, looked at Johnny and praised: "Okay, this is the soldier, the friend of our Chinese soldier, ready to go!"

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he saw Xie Chao was carrying the Black Snake's sniper rifle he had captured, and he quickly said: "Xie Chao, the danger is not over yet, throw the Black Snake gun away, it is too heavy to carry. Now, try to lighten your weight in battle."

Xie Chao carried Black Snake's sniper rifle and reached out to grab his own sniper rifle. He looked at Wan Lin and said solemnly: "Leopard head, I have recovered my strength now, this is our trophy, and it is Black Snake. This bastard, I must take it back and show it to Xu Liang and Yan Ying." He picked up his sniper rifle and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Seeing Xie Chao's stubbornness, Wan Lin smiled and shook his He followed and said to Johnny: "You follow me behind." He followed and looked at Cheng Ru and ordered: "Lao Cheng, you With Xie Chao and Xiao Hua approaching the forest in front, we must remain vigilant."

Yes! Cheng Ru agreed and walked to the entrance of the cave with his gun. At this time, Xie Chao was already standing under the wall on the left side of the cave, raising his gun and looking out, looking very focused.

Cheng Ru nodded when he saw Xie Chao's action. He stood under the wall on the other side of the cave entrance, and raised his gun to observe for a while. He followed and ordered Xie Chao in a low voice: "Xiao Chao, go!"

With that said, he turned around and jumped out of the cave. When Xie Chao heard Cheng Ru's command, he stepped on the rock at the entrance of the cave and jumped out of the cave with agile movements.

Wan Lin and Johnny followed to the entrance of the cave. The two stood on both sides of the entrance and raised their guns to aim outside the cave. At this time, Cheng Ru and Xie Chao had already landed on the rock below.

The little flower that was rising and falling in the puddle below suddenly saw Cheng Ru and Xie Chao rushing out of the cave above, and it got up and drilled out of the puddle.

It jumped up to the rock on the side of the puddle, and then stood on the slippery rock and shook vigorously, and a mist of water immediately rose from its thick fur.

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