Panther Commando

Chapter 4488: rainbow in front of the cave

Small water droplets slowly rose in front of the small waterfall, and then in the clear morning light, a colorful light was reflected, and a dreamy little rainbow appeared in front of the narrow small cave.

Johnny stood at the entrance of the cave, raised his gun and stared at the suddenly rising rainbow, a confused look suddenly appeared on his face, he murmured and said in a low voice: "The magical little animal, the magical light, it's really incredible. Now, it's like a dream for me!"

Indeed, all this was completely beyond Johnny's expectations. In this sniper battle with disparity between the enemy and the enemy, after Johnny was seriously injured, he thought that he and Xie Chao had no hope of surviving.

Although Xie Chao has magical Chinese Kung Fu and has made great progress in recent training, he is a recruit who lacks combat experience, and it is impossible to escape from the muzzle of many top snipers, let alone bring him The wounded was out of danger.

But he never dreamed that this magical little animal and two Chinese special forces would suddenly appear in front of him like a sky. Not only were they in the dark, they killed several enemies who were following them like a **** of death.

And in a short period of time, he was able to rejuvenate the injured person who was dying. Johnny was indeed a little puzzled. All of this made him feel like a dream.

Xiaohua threw out the water droplets on her body, and with a faint blue light in her eyes, she looked up at the hole above, asking if Wanlin should leave immediately? Wan Lin immediately stretched out his finger from the cave and pointed to the dense forest on the right where Cheng Ru and Xie Chao ran.

Xiaohua saw Wan Lin's fingers from the depths of the cave, blue light flashed in her eyes, she turned around and ran into the forest on the side. Several ups and downs had already rushed in front of Cheng Ru and the two, and then disappeared into the dense forest on the side.

Wan Lin saw that Cheng Ru and Xie Chao had rushed into the jungle, he turned to look at Johnny and said in a low voice, "The rocks outside are very slippery, you go down first, I will hold you."

Johnny looked down at the bandage he wanted to see, and he said helplessly: "Okay, now I can only rely on you." After saying that, he carried his sniper rifle, turned around and grabbed Wan Lin's outstretched left hand, Carefully stepped out of the cave and stepped towards the side of the rock.

The sky was already bright, and the sun hung high above the distant hilltops. The bright sun slanted through the thick branches and leaves on the clearing in the forest, and the green leaves and weeds were dripping green under the moisture of the morning dew.

The crisp birdsong echoed in the forest, and a few birds with gorgeous feathers rose and fell in the forest. The little squirrels with their thick tails stood up and down, jumping up and down between the tree trunks and the woodland, and some alert small animals ran across the clearings from time to time. The dark jungle was full of vitality.

Xiaohua ran very fast in the forest. It jumped up the tall branches for a while and looked intently at the surrounding forest; for a while, it got out from under the thick tree and turned to Cheng Ru and Xie Chaowang who were following behind. Come, there is a blue light of excitement in his eyes. In front of this forest full of vitality, Xiaohua, the king of the mountain, seems to have returned to his hometown.

Wan Lin and Johnny ran unhurriedly in the forest dozens of meters behind Cheng Ru and they raised their guns from time to time to aim at the surrounding dense forest. At this time, Wan Lin still maintained a vigilant look on his face.

Wan Lin knew clearly in his heart that his position did not enter the depths of the forest, and it was not far from the edge of the forest. Not long after Johnny and Xie Chao entered the forest, Johnny had been injured by the enemy. Under the pursuit of the top snipers, Xie Chao had no ability to protect Johnny from entering the depths of the jungle.

Moreover, even if Johnny was not injured, Johnny and Xie Chao would not be far from the edge of the forest. They should know in their hearts that if there is no foreign aid, the two of them will not be able to escape from the guns of several top snipers.

Johnny is an instructor at Eagle Falcon Base. He understands Charlie's character and knows that Charlie will definitely not give up the two of them, and will definitely find a way to send someone to rescue them. Once they get away from the forest edge area, sooner or later they will be killed in the forest by the snipers behind them.

In the dense forest, Wan Lin and the others have been traveling fast for more than two hours in the direction of the forest edge. At this time, Wan Lin saw that Johnny's feet were already staggering. Knowing that he had exhausted his energy, he quickly whispered into the microphone next to his mouth: "Old Master, rest for a while"

At this time, a noise suddenly came from his earphones, and he immediately realized that his voice had not been transmitted, and the communication signal here was extremely weak.

He quickly accelerated to catch up behind Cheng Ru and said in a low voice, "Lao Cheng, be alert on the spot and rest for a while." He then made a "stand alert" gesture to Xie Chao in the forest on the side. He then looked at the little flowers that flickered and appeared in the forest in front of him, and made a crisp bird chirping.

Cheng Ru heard Wan Lin's order, ran behind the tree in front and stopped. He raised his gun and glanced around, then turned his head to look at Johnny who was staggering from behind. He immediately understood Wan Lin. Meaning, Johnny couldn't keep up with their speed, he had to stop and rest for a while.

Wan Lin gave the order, turned and ran behind a thick tree trunk on the side. He hid behind the tree and raised his gun to observe the surrounding forest for a while, then turned to look at Johnny, who had run to his side, leaning on the tree trunk and panting heavily, and said in a low voice, " ~Take a break!"

Saying that, he took off his water bottle, twisted the lid and handed it to Johnny. He then grabbed Johnny's left hand and let in a burst of icy infuriating energy. He knew clearly in his heart: Johnny was injured and his body was extremely weak. Without the help of external force, he would not be able to get out of this dense forest at all.

Johnny grabbed the water bottle handed over by Wan Lin with his right hand, raised his head and poured two sips into his mouth. As soon as he put down the water bottle while panting, he suddenly felt a cold breath coming from his arm.

He shuddered suddenly, and a look of astonishment followed on his pale face. He leaned against the tree trunk and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, do you have the same icy chill as Xie?"

When he was in the cave just now, Wan Lin sent him a warm breath, and now when he felt the blood in his whole body was about to boil, Wan Lin suddenly sent him an icy cold air, which made him jump to the ground. The heart in the throat slowly sank, which really moved him to both comfort and surprise.

Wan Lin didn't answer his question. He knew that he couldn't explain the two true qi in his body to this foreigner. He saw that Johnny's violent breathing had subsided, and he whispered, "Don't talk yet, sit down and rest for a while."

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