Panther Commando

Chapter 4493: Endurance of the Black Snake

When Johnny heard Wan Lin's scolding, he whispered: "Yes, because this kid is ruthless and has a weird personality, he has no friends in the Blades team, and no one knows his details. That friend is Black Snake's boss, and he won't know so much about Black Snake."

When he said this, he stopped and pondered for a moment, and then said: "By the way, according to the friend of the blade team, the black snake is very familiar with the use of various drugs, and often uses poison, anesthesia and other drugs in operations, and this The kid also has a very strong endurance.”

"During a mountain mission, this kid suddenly disappeared for more than a month. Everyone thought he had died in the siege after completing the mission. Unexpectedly, this kid suddenly returned to the station crookedly. At that time This kid is seriously injured, and most people can't come back alive at all."

When Wan Lin heard Johnny say this, his eyes flashed, and he already understood in his heart that the black snake had just injured his arm and **** by him not long ago, and it is indeed difficult for ordinary people to recover in such a short period of time.

But now, this kid suddenly appeared here intact, which shows that this kid is not only extremely strong, but also has a unique healing method similar to their Wan family, so he can recover so quickly.

Johnny continued: "It is said that the ninjutsu practiced by this kid has a very mysterious spiritual cultivation method. Those who have practiced this kind of kung fu have extraordinary ability to deal with darkness, loneliness and injuries. After completing the task, the boy used his strong concealment and ability to deal with injuries and illnesses to hide in the mountains to escape the long search of the pursuers, and escaped from serious injuries and hunger."

"What mission was this kid performing at that time?" Wan Lin asked Johnny intently, his face becoming solemn. At this time, he has realized that the black snake does have the endurance beyond ordinary people, which must be related to this spiritual cultivation method.

In this battle, the Black Snake still maintained a fast action speed even though he bleed so much after being seriously injured by Xiaohua. Moreover, this kid still insisted on ambushing himself in the rocky area after his arm was injured, which shows that this kid has a strong sense of pain tolerance and fighting consciousness, which is by no means the ability that ordinary people can have.

When Johnny heard Wan Lin's question, he raised the food in his hand and took a bite. Then, while chewing the food in his mouth lightly, he shook his head and replied, "The other party didn't say anything. According to my guess, the black snake executed the It must be an assassination mission, and the target must be protected by heavy soldiers, so after he assassinates the opponent, he will be chased by heavy soldiers!"

He swallowed the food in his mouth and said with a sense of reason: "This kid Black Snake is indeed a natural sniper! In this kind of complex terrain in the mountains and jungles, any special operations personnel will not be able to reduce the combat load. Carrying extra rations. But the black snake actually escaped the search of the pursuers while being seriously injured, and he has been lurking for more than a month. This skill and the ability to survive in the wild are really shocking. "

Wan Lin nodded solemnly. He looked at Johnny with some puzzlement and asked, "How could the Blades fire him for such an excellent special forces player? I'm afraid it's not just for him to kill the injured comrade. "

Wan Lin knew that in battles, some foreign troops often shot and killed their wounded comrades in extreme danger, so as to prevent the wounded comrades from falling into the hands of the enemy, which was not a big deal for them.

Johnny immediately replied: "Yes, I heard from my friend afterwards that the real reason for the expulsion of Hei Snake was because Hei Snake's personality was extremely perverse. For his own safety, he never cared about the safety of his comrades in arms and was very selfish."

"During the operation, several members of the Blades team were killed by the opponent because the kid was alone when he was in danger. Therefore, the members of the Blades team were reluctant to act with him, and they were also worried about this. The kid was shot by him in the coordinated battle. For his own safety, this kid never considers the enemy or me."

When Wan Lin heard this, he already understood the reason why the Blades team kicked the Black Snake out of the team. He whispered: "It is indeed very dangerous to fight with such a person who has no team spirit."

Johnny leaned back on the tree trunk, nodded and said, "Yes, the head of the Blades kicked him out for this reason. As those of us with guns, no one would allow such a dangerous person Stay by your side, once there is a problem, it will be the price of your life!"

After listening to Johnny's introduction, Wan Lin looked at the side of the forest in deep thought, and said to himself, "I heard from my grandfather before that ninjutsu is a strange kung fu, but I didn't expect the black snake to have such a kung fu. Strong, actually able to endure the pain and maintain the combat power."

"Furthermore, his escaping skills are indeed extraordinary. When UU reading I encounter this kid again in the future, I really have to be careful and try to kill this kid with one shot to prevent him from fighting back."

He looked at the surrounding jungle for a while, then turned his head to look at Johnny. At this point he saw Johnny leaning back against the tree trunk, his breathing already steady.

He reached out and grabbed Johnny's left hand to signal the pulse of his wrist, then let go of his hand and said with concern: "You have recovered some physical strength now, can you go now?"

Johnny grabbed the cockroach leaning against the tree trunk beside him and replied in Chinese: "No problem, I can fight those **** now! Grandma's, being chased and beaten by these **** all the time, I'm useless to death. already."

Wan Lin smiled. He already knew that after Johnny and Xie Chao withdrew from the Wild Elephant Valley, they retreated while fighting with the enemy who were closely chasing them. They really felt useless in their hearts, and Johnny was also injured by the enemy's bullet. , almost killed.

Now that Johnny's physical strength has improved, and he has strong support like himself by his side, he will definitely have a sense of pride in his heart.

Wan Lin stood up with his gun, he stretched out his hand and pulled Johnny up and said in a low voice, "This forest is at a low level, and the wireless signal is weak, so we can't contact the scorpion and our companions who are responding outside the forest. Here We are already close to the edge of the forest. Once we find the enemy, we must not fight. Our mission is not to kill the enemy, but to break out of the enemy's containment and return to your base safely. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I will definitely follow your orders!" Johnny immediately answered with his feet upright when he heard Wan Lin's advice. Wan Lin nodded, and then waved forward to Cheng Ru and Xie Chao who were turning their heads to look at him.

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