Panther Commando

Chapter 4494: gunshots outside the forest

In the dense woods, Wan Lin just waved his arms at Cheng Ru and Xie Chao, the figure of a small flower had already jumped down from the branch on the side, it landed and ran into the forest in front of him like a smoke, Cheng Ru and Xie Chao hurried. Scattered and chased out.

Johnny looked at Xiaohua who had disappeared in the forest in front of him, and he sighed in a low voice, "Brother Xiaohua is great!" After saying that, he covered his waist with one hand and ran forward with a sniper rifle in the other.

Wan Lin nodded when he saw Johnny running while covering the wound, knowing that he was enduring the severe pain from the wound while running, but he still ran forward without hesitation, he was indeed a tough guy. He immediately took the gun and drilled into the forest in front of him.

At noon, Wan Lin saw that the forest in front of him suddenly became sparse while running. He immediately realized that several of his people were approaching the forest edge area. With a flash of light in his eyes, he suddenly accelerated and rushed under a tree in front of him.

This forest is likely to hide the mercenaries he encountered when he entered the forest, so Wan Lin's actions have become more subtle. He ran behind a thick tree trunk in front of him and stopped abruptly, then bent over and stood behind the tree, raising his gun to aim at the surrounding forest.

There was not a single person in the surrounding forest, and some small animals that were shuttled in the forest suddenly disappeared here.

Wan Lin raised his gun and quickly observed the surrounding woods. He then saw bullet holes hit by bullets in the surrounding tree trunks. There was still a faint smell of blood on the woods, but the bodies of the few enemies left yesterday evening, But has disappeared.

As he raised his gun and carefully observed the surrounding forest, he secretly said in his heart: "This is where He Fengdao and a few people fought fiercely yesterday. It seems that those Black Eagle mercenaries have withdrawn, do they already know that several of their companions have been killed? ?"

He raised his gun and looked in the other direction, with a contemplative look in his eyes. The purpose of those black eagles hired and appeared here is to stop their reinforcements, and also to prevent Johnny and Xie Chao from killing a carbine and rushing out of the dense forest behind them, but now the enemy suddenly disappeared, the only possibility is that they have already disappeared from the forest. withdraw.

Thinking of this, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. From last night until now, these mercenaries have been unable to contact the snipers who were killed, and they will definitely realize that their companions have been killed.

Moreover, the wounded black snake is likely to escape this dense forest, and at the same time inform the mercenaries of the forest edge of the situation. Therefore, these Black Eagle mercenaries suddenly evacuated this forest.

He followed and aimed at the undulating mountains in the distance, and thought a little puzzled: "If these **** want to withdraw from this forest, they must meet Lao Feng and the others who are connected to the mountains outside. How can they not hear the sound of gunshots?"

Wan Lin thought as he lowered his muzzle and turned his head to look back. He then looked at Johnny running from behind, pointed to a thick tree trunk on the side, and made a hidden movement. He followed in a low voice and commanded into the microphone: "Chengru, stay alert."

Cheng Ru, who was carrying his gun and rushed behind a tree in front, immediately replied in a low voice, "Yes!" He followed Xie Chao, who was facing the rear, and made a gesture, then rushed to the tree in front and raised his gun to sparse in front of him. Aiming in the forest. At this time, he also noticed that this is where the enemy exchanged fire yesterday, and the enemy may appear here at any time.

Seeing Cheng Ru's gesture, Xie Chao immediately rushed to the front of a tree and stopped, and then he gasped and stretched out the muzzle from the back of the tree to the side and front.

Xiaohua, who was running 100 meters in front, turned his head and saw that Cheng Ru and Xie Chao did not follow. It suddenly rushed to the woodland in front of him, and then lowered his head and sniffed the ground hard, and then there was a faint blue light in his eyes. Run a few hundred meters ahead.

It followed and jumped high on the forest floor, scurrying over the branch of a small tree in front of it and looked forward. With a flash of blue light in Xiaohua's eyes, she turned around and jumped down from the tree branch, landing on the ground and running towards Wan Lin in the forest behind.

Wan Lin glanced at the surrounding forest, and then saw Xiaohua running with a faint blue light in his eyes, he moved in his heart, and immediately realized that Xiaohua had found the enemy's trace, he lowered his muzzle and called into the microphone in a low voice. Said: "Wind knife, wind knife, hear the answer!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a faint sound of gunfire suddenly came from the forest in front of him. Wan Lin raised his muzzle and aimed at the forest in front of him. He followed the single-handed gun, raised his foot, rushed out from behind the tree, and went straight to the tree in front of him. Later Cheng Ru ran away.

At this moment, the hurried voice of the wind knife suddenly sounded in Wan Lin's earphone: "Received! Leopard head, the mercenary in the forest who was in charge of blocking the aid suddenly rushed out of the forest and went straight to the mountain where we were, and retreated. We have already caught fire with the enemy, where are you?" In Feng Dao's hurried voice, the sound of machine guns and explosions followed!

Wan Lin rushed to the back of a tree on the side of Wan immediately knelt under the tree and asked in a low voice, "We have arrived at the location where we entered the forest yesterday. Where are you, and how many enemies are there? "

The sound of violent gunshots and explosions sounded in Wan Lin's earphones along with Feng Dao's voice: "We entered the mountains three kilometers east of Lin Fang, and a team of the enemy suddenly rushed towards our hidden position, one eagle and one falcon. Several teams of people are blocking the enemy by my side, and the strength is similar to the enemy! From the analysis of the situation, the enemy wants to exit this mountain from our location. "

Wan Lin heard a fierce murderous aura in his eyes, and he ordered sharply: "Stop them, we rush out of the forest on the northeast hillside, and strive to wipe them out!"

At this time, Cheng Ru had already heard the conversation between Wan Lin and Feng Dao in his earphones. With a bright light in his eyes, he reached out to Xie Chao in the side of the forest, and then turned his head to look at Wan Lin who was behind the side of the tree. Come.

After Wan Lin issued the order to the wind knife into the microphone, he immediately turned his head and whispered to Cheng Ru: "Get out from the top of the hillside, and be sure to wipe out the enemy!"

"Yes!" Cheng Ru replied in a low voice with bright light in his eyes, turned around and waved at Xie Chao, who was running. He raised his foot and rushed out from behind the tree, running diagonally to the top of the hillside.

When Xie Chao saw that Cheng Ru had rushed out, he took a deep breath, held the gun without saying a word, ran past Wan Lin like a smoke, and went straight to the forest behind Cheng Ru to chase after him.

Xiaohua, who was running from the forest in front, saw Chengru and the two of them running towards the forest on the side. It raised its tail and shook it at Wan Lin during the run. go. At this time, it has already seen that Wan Lin has issued a battle order!

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