Panther Commando

Chapter 4496: fire suppression

Cheng Ru made a gesture to Xie Chao, who had emerged from the forest behind, bent over and stood up from under the rock with his gun in hand, and rushed down to a rock below like a cloud of smoke. Climb to the foot of the mountain below.

Xie Chao rushed under the rock where Cheng Ru had just been invisible. He squatted behind the rock and gasped for a while, and then looked down at the hillside below. The figures of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were rising and falling on the hillside below, and Xiao Hua had already rushed to the foot of the hill at a very high speed, and was running towards the rubble as the gunfire sounded.

Xie Chao immediately took a deep breath. He raised the inner strength of his body and rushed out from under the rock. He rushed diagonally behind a tree twenty meters away from the side. He rushed behind the tree and suddenly stopped, and followed him. Climb down the hill quickly.

He knew clearly in his heart that the enemy was several kilometers away, and even if he saw the black shadow moving fast on the hillside, he must have thought it was an animal flying in the mountains. The speed of ordinary people is not so fast. As long as they move fast enough, they won't attract the attention of the enemy at all.

The sound of gunshots and explosions faintly rang out from the rocky beach ahead, and black gunpowder smoke and the dust mist that had been hit by the bullet rain had enveloped the mountains. At this time, the figures of Wan Lin, Cheng Ru and Xie Chao had already appeared on the rolling hills below the mountain. The three of them, under the cover of the surrounding rocks, flickered towards the rocky beach in front of them.

It was only then that Johnny, who was sweating profusely, appeared on the hillside where Wan Lin and the others were just now. He was panting heavily and crouched under the rock, then raised his gun and aimed at the mountains below.

At a glance, he saw that the figures of Wan Lin and the three had already rushed down the hillside, flickering next to the rocks in the mountains in front, and approaching the mountains on the right side of the rocky beach where the gunshots echoed.

Johnny squatted on the hillside and stared at the fast-moving figures of Wan Lin and the three of them in astonishment. He followed and looked down at his waist, and then let out a low sigh.

The bandage wrapped around his waist was stained with blood, the sutured wound had collapsed during the strenuous exercise, and the thick bandage had been soaked with blood. He knew in his heart that even though he was not troubled by pain, he couldn't keep up with the footsteps of these three Chinese people, who were moving too fast in the mountains.

At this time, Johnny stared at Wan Lin and the three who had turned into three small black spots at the foot of the mountain. He suddenly understood that the warm and cold aura in these Chinese people was exactly what stimulated their bodies. The power of potential, otherwise they simply cannot move so fast!

He followed up and took a sip from the water bottle that Wan Lin gave him, and then threw the empty water bottle aside. He gritted his teeth tightly, endured the severe pain from the wound, pressed the rock under him, bent over and stood up, carrying his sniper rifle and ran straight to a rock on the hillside below.

At this time, Wan Lin was the first to appear in the rubble, and the sound of dense gunshots sounded in the rubble a thousand meters away in front of him. He stopped his fast-moving body, and then raised his gun from the side of the rock and aimed forward.

There are blocks of gray rocks standing around, and some round pebbles are scattered among the boulders. He could see at a glance that this was a rocky beach formed during a flood in the mountains. The surrounding boulders were washed down from the mountains by a huge torrent, and then brought to the mountains by the turbulent flood water.

The pebbles scattered beside the boulders, whose edges and corners have been worn away by the perennial flood, reflect a dim light in the sun. At the end of the rocky beach was a hill more than 200 meters high. On the rocky hillside, clusters of gunfire were flashing.

Wan Lin raised the muzzle of his gun and aimed towards the hillside in front of him. The hillside was flashing with clusters of fire from the muzzle, and bullets roared past the rocks on his side. On the rocks in front of the side, the rubble that was hit by the bullets was splashing, and the dust mist and black gunpowder had already shrouded the air.

Wan Lin carefully observed the muzzle flashes in the rocks in front of him, and already knew where the enemy was. He shrank back to the rock and shouted into the microphone in a low voice, "Wind Knife, we have entered the rocky beach on the right rear of the enemy's fire point, at the five o'clock position on the hillside where you are, about 1,200 meters away from the enemy. You immediately The men who ordered the scorpion to suppress the enemy with fire, make way for us on the right side, and cover our position close to the enemy."

At this time, Wan Lin and his group had entered the rocky beach on the right rear of the war zone. He had to inform Fengdao of his position and order them to avoid the position of his group during the shooting, so as to prevent the scorpion’s people from accidentally being injured during the shooting. to their own few.

As soon as he finished speaking, the excited voice of the wind knife already sounded: "Leopard head, received, we are on the hillside at the end of the rocky beach!" In his voice, the gunshots on the hillside in the distance suddenly faded, and a burst of " The machine gun sounds of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" sounded from the hillside immediately, and three clusters of rapid machine gun fire followed from the hillside.

In the pile of rubble not far from Wanlin's side, a piece of sparks shot out immediately. The dense bullets fired by the three machine guns on the hillside whistled and swept away from the rubble where the enemy was located in front of Wanlin's left. .

The sound of violent machine guns just A burst of violent assault rifles also came from the distant hillside. One roared out from the hillside and flew straight to the rocky beach below, and then a dazzling fire broke out in the rocky rock where the enemy was. The sound of the enemy's gunfire in the rocky beach in front was immediately suppressed by this sudden and violent fire.

There was light in Wan Lin's eyes. He knew from the sound of the gunshots that the wind knife had issued an order to the scorpion. All the team members on the hillside already understood that their reinforcements had appeared behind the enemy's side, so they all increased their firepower. , aimed at the rocky beach where the enemy was and pulled the trigger.

When Wan Lin broke up with Scorpion and Fengdao at the edge of the forest, he had already ordered Scorpion to obey Lieutenant Colonel Fengdao's command, so the order was conveyed very smoothly. All Eagle Falcon members were obeying Fengdao's command, and the strong firepower was already at this moment. Suppress the enemy's firepower!

At this moment, Xiao Hua had an excited look in her eyes, and suddenly jumped up from the rock in front of her. It rushed in front of Wan Lin like a smoke, stood up and stretched out its claws to the side, and the big tail behind it swayed vigorously.

Seeing Xiaohua's excited look, Wanlin knew that this little brother couldn't wait to rush up to kill the enemy, he quickly waved his hand at Xiaohua and ordered, "Xiaohua, now the bullets are flying, don't show your head, just hide here, When the time comes, I will greet you!" With that, he stretched out his hand and pressed the flower under the rock.

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