Panther Commando

Chapter 4497: gunshots

A rain of bullets flew across the rocky beach, and the sound of violent gunfire echoed in the mountains. Wan Lin's eyes flashed brightly after telling Xiaohua, he turned his head to look sideways, then raised his right arm, and waved towards Cheng Ru, who was crawling from behind. He then bent down and stood up from under the rock, carrying a sniper rifle and rushing down a rock more than one meter high and two meters wide in front of him.

He rushed under the rock at a high speed, then drilled out from the side of the rock, and ran forward like a lingering black smoke around the rocks standing in the mountains in front of him.

Xiaohua saw Wan Lin rushing out with the sound of the wind, and there was a faint blue light in its eyes. It also quietly got out of the rock and ran behind Wan Lin to the side of the rock.

Cheng Ru saw Wan Lin waving his arm at him and then rushing forward at a high speed. He immediately understood in his heart that Wan Lin had ordered the wind knife and the scorpion to suppress the enemy's firepower, and was covering himself with a few people from the mountain on the right. Get close to the enemy's position.

When Wan Lin and Cheng Ru rushed into the forest, they had already seen that Feng Dao and Scorpion took away the captured enemy machine guns and rocket launchers, and now another team of elite members of the Eagle Base joined them. The firepower is very powerful.

They did not use these powerful weapons to block the enemy just now. They must be saving ammunition and containing the enemy's forces, and preparing to use them at a critical moment when the enemy is approaching. At the same time, it also prevents these enemies from returning to the forest, posing a threat to the Wanlin group.

Now, Wind Knife and the others already knew how to rescue Xie Chao and Johnny, and they were already close to the enemy's position to form a pincer attack on them, so they immediately set up their machine guns, picked up rocket launchers, and aimed at the enemy in the rocky beach without hesitation. Pulled the trigger.

Cheng Ru followed and turned his head to look back, Xie Chao had already been pulled away by him more than 200 meters away, at this time his face was pale, and he quickly crawled behind him among the rocks.

On the hillside in the distance, Johnny was also appearing and disappearing among the rocks near the foot of the mountain. He had been pulled far behind him by them, and the bandages around his waist had already been stained with blood.

Cheng Ru saw Xie Chao's face, and already knew that he had brought up the unique cold skills of Lingxiu Sect with all his strength, and was speeding up and approaching desperately, but his body movements already seemed a little weak. Johnny's feet were already staggering, and the two of them were desperately approaching in the fierce gunfire.

Cheng Ru looked at Xie Chao and Johnny who were desperately rushing over with some emotion. He raised his hands and made a "be careful" gesture to them both. He then bent over from behind the rock with a sniper rifle and ran to another boulder in front of him like a gust of wind.

He knew in his heart that Xie Chao and Johnny had been dealing with the enemy for more than ten days under extremely difficult circumstances, and their physical strength had been exhausted. and the speed of the leopard head.

At this moment, the enemy gunshots suppressed by the fierce firepower of the wind knife and the others sounded like fried beans, and a rain of bullets flew up the hillside in front of them.

The hillside where Feng Dao and the others were located immediately filled with a cloud of dust, and the withered grass ignited by the bullets also rose up with black smoke. Cheng Ru immediately moved the muzzle to look sideways and forward.

He knew clearly that the mercenaries in front of him had also realized that this was their life-and-death moment, and they were desperately increasing their attacks, striving to break through the blockade in front of them in a short period of time and prevent them from being rushed out of the forest. Front and rear pinch.

The bullets are raining, and the gunshots are like weaving! The fire from the muzzle shot out from the rocks in front of the side, and the dense rain of bullets went straight to the front hill and swept away. The sky above the rocky beach was filled with smoke, and several black shadows were crawling towards the front hillside in the rain of bullets.

The enemy frantically launched a counterattack towards the opponent on the hillside in front, while strafing the hillside in front of him, he undulating and approaching the foot of the hill.

Cheng Ru rushed under a rock in front of him. He quickly observed the enemy's location. Then, when the enemy's attention was completely focused on the hillside in front of him, he picked up his sniper rifle and drilled out from the side of the rock. He bent over to the side. A boulder in front of him rushed down. He rushed under the rock and immediately stuck his head out of the side of the rock and looked forward.

At this time, Wan Lin had already rushed under a rock dozens of meters away in front of him, and was jumping up with agile movements. He jumped up on the rock, and then quietly set up a sniper rifle on the top of the rock, and looked down at the rocky beach in front of him.

Cheng Ru's eyes lit up, knowing that Leopard Head was ready for battle. He glanced around quickly, and immediately turned around and trotted towards the two boulders that were leaning against each other.

He rushed to the front of the two rocks more than one meter high, and quickly extended the muzzle of the sniper rifle from the gap where the rocks intersected. He stood behind the gun with his legs apart, and quickly aimed at a cluster of fire from the muzzle of the machine gun at a distance of 600 meters. He raised his right hand and pulled the bolt with a "hula".

As soon as Cheng Ru was ready to shoot, the low voice of the leopard head sounded in the earphone: "Action, kill the enemy's machine gunners first!" "Yes!" Cheng Ru immediately replied in a low voice, and gently pulled the trigger with his right index finger. .

"Pfft", "Pfft", two low sniper rifle sounds sounded almost at the same time! On the side of the two rocks six or seven hundred meters away from the front of the The two machine guns that were spraying firelight fell to the side at the same time, and the two shadows leaned out from behind the rock and lay on their backs. The machine gun didn't move.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru pulled the trigger and quickly raised their right hand to pull the bolt. They then lay behind the gun and quickly moved the muzzle, aiming at the two helmets exposed on the sides of the two machine gunners, and quickly pulled the trigger.

Two clusters of blood mist rose from under the two gray rocks in the distance at almost the same time, and the bright red blood mist was particularly eye-catching among the dust mist and the flying rubble!

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru pulled the trigger twice in a row. The two of them carried sniper rifles, turned and ran down the rocks behind them. Their figures quickly disappeared among the rocks. Immediately following the rubble, there were two low-pitched sniper rifle shots.

The deafening sound of machine gunfire at the enemy's position came to an abrupt end, and the violent gunfire suddenly became sparse. The shadows who had rushed under the rock in front heard the sound of the gunfire suddenly weakened, and they immediately turned their heads and looked back under the rock. Without strong firepower behind them, they simply couldn't get close to the foot of the mountain in the rain of bullets that commanded the hillside in front of them.

As soon as they turned their heads, they saw that two clusters of blood mist were rising from the surrounding rocks, the two companions were knocked down by headshots, and the two machine gunners had also been shot and lay motionless on the crooked machine gun.

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