Panther Commando

Chapter 4498: explosion of fire

The mercenary who was hiding under the rock and turned his head to look back suddenly saw the blood mist rising under the rock behind him, and the eyes and pupils of several people shrank immediately.

They are all mercenaries with very rich combat experience. They can see at a glance that this is the work of the opponent's sniper, and there is more than one sniper. Otherwise, these four companions will never be shot down at the same time in such a short period of time. !

There was a hoarse shout from the enemy's position, "da da da", "da da da"..., a few strings of bullets whistled and swept into the rocks behind Wan Lin and Cheng Ru. Immediately, a cloud of dust flew up.

At this time, Wan Lin had already thrown himself into the rubble on the side. He was lying behind the rock and quickly extended the muzzle of his gun. Several bullets flew over his head with a whistling whistle.

There was a "crack and crack" sound on the surrounding rocks immediately, and several pieces of flying debris had hit his helmet, making a timely "crack and crackle" sound.

Wan Lin hurriedly lowered his head and looked sideways with the corner of his eyes. Two dark spears suddenly emerged from the rocks in front of him and flew straight towards the rubble where he was.

Wan Lin was shocked, knowing that the enemy had detected the opponent's snipers approaching, and judged the sniping positions of him and Cheng Ru from the direction of his companion's crooked direction.

Wan Lin hurriedly retracted his head and held down Xiao Hua who had followed up from behind. He lay on the back of the rock and whispered, "Chengru, hide!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two deafening explosions, "Boom" and "Boom" had already sounded. Two groups of explosive flames roared up from the rocks twenty or more meters to the right of him and Cheng Ru, and the fragments of the spear and the blown-up stones flew to the surroundings whistling.

With the gravel falling from the air, Wan Lin and Chengru's body armor and helmets immediately sounded a "crack, crackle, crackle and crackle", and the gravel fell to the two of them like a torrential rain.

As soon as the flames of the explosion went out, Wan Lin didn't wait for the gravel in the air to fall completely. He violently shook the gravel and dust covering his body, and then extended the muzzle from the side of the rock.

A shadow suddenly appeared in his scope. The shadow crouched behind a boulder at a distance of 500 meters, carrying a bazooka on his shoulders, aiming at a towering rock beside him!

A bright light suddenly appeared in Wan Lin's eyes, and he was about to pull the trigger to aim at the shadow. At this moment, the black shadow in front of him suddenly trembled, his body leaned against the rock beside him, and the bazooka on his shoulders also rose up sharply, and then spewed a flame into the air.

Wan Lin immediately understood that the kid had instinctively pulled the trigger the moment he was shot. He immediately moved the muzzle, aimed at a person 800 meters away from the side with half his head sticking out, and pulled the trigger at the black shadow that was strafing on his side!

He shot someone in the distance, he immediately pulled the bolt, moved the muzzle, aimed at another group photo that sprang from under the rock, and quickly pulled the trigger with his fingers.

Wan Lin quickly pulled the trigger twice, then hid under the rock ahead of time, leaning against the rock and looking back, a black figure was jumping down from a rock with a sniper rifle.

Wan Lin saw the passing shadow and understood that at the critical moment when the enemy rocketeer pulled the trigger, Xie Chao, who followed up, must have aimed at this kid and pulled the trigger, killing this kid with one shot!

At this time, a cluster of weak firelight also spewed out from the rock behind him. Cheng Ru was sticking out his gun from under the rock, aiming at another enemy who was sticking out half of his body to shoot and pulled the trigger, covering Xie Chao. Dive into the boulders.

"Boom", a deafening explosion sounded. It was only then that the cockroach flying over Wan Lin and Cheng Ru exploded on a rock 200 meters away from the side.

Wan Lin twisted and threw himself under the invisible rock amid the explosion. He fell under the side rock and turned his head to look. Xie Chao was already lying on a rock in the sound of the explosion, and was aiming at a rock in front of him and pulling the trigger. At this moment, Xie Chao had a fierce murderous aura all over his body, and the muzzle of the sniper rifle in his hand spurted out a faint flame!

Wan Lin smiled gratified as he looked at the little brother he brought out from the deep mountains. He knew that after the baptism of this war and danger, his little brother had become a real soldier, a fearless special soldier!

Wan Lin followed and stretched out the muzzle from under the rock, leaning on the back of the gun and aiming sideways and forward. At this time, several dark shadows who were already close to the foot of the mountain in front were leaning out and sweeping firelights forward.

Several people followed and shot several guns at the hillside in front, and they turned around and ran behind under the cover of the explosion. These boys rushed under the rock in front of them at a high speed, and with their guns raised, they swept out a few flames at Wan Lin and Cheng Ru.

Wan Lin saw the enemy's movements clearly, and immediately retracted his sniper rifle from the side of the rock, then crawled under the two rocks on the side and died. He then lay quietly behind two rocks in the rain of bullets fired by the enemy. At the moment when a rain of bullets flew by, he suddenly protruded a long barrel from the gap between the two rocks.

He lay down behind the gun with his eyes full of light. Through the sniper scope on the gun, he stared at the shadows who were stooping and running back from the front. He then shouted into the microphone in a deep voice: "Air knife, The enemy is going to flee, use firepower to block the enemy's retreat to the swamp!"

In the voice his muzzle suddenly spewed out a faint fire, a black figure running backwards fell backwards on his back, and the surrounding black figures immediately rushed towards the chaotic world.

Wan Lin had already seen at this moment that the enemies who had approached the foot of the mountain suddenly increased their firepower and retreated, which meant that the enemy was about to flee! So he immediately ordered, ordering the wind knives on the hillside in front to increase the firepower to seal the enemy's retreat.

He knew that the mercenaries in front of him all had rich combat experience, and they would definitely see from the few companions who were suddenly killed that the snipers who killed their companions in the forest had already killed them.

If they do not retreat in time at this time, the snipers who arrive will definitely be locked in this rocky beach, and this can only be their burial place! Now their only hope of survival is to increase their firepower and quickly retreat to the swamp beside the lake shore to escape.

Wan Lin pulled the trigger and knocked out a shadow, and quickly moved the muzzle to search for other enemies who showed their figures. At this moment, his eyes burst into flames, and there was a strong murderous aura on his face.

Wan Lin moved the muzzle slowly, and then saw a black figure crawling backward among the rocks. He aimed at the opponent's head and was about to pull the trigger.

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