Panther Commando

Chapter 4500: The enemy behind

Wan Lin squatted under the rock and raised his gun to aim at the mountains behind him, with a very nervous expression on his face. If there is an enemy behind him, he and Cheng Ru are in the middle of the enemy in the rocky beach in front of him and the enemy behind him.

Once a large group of enemies appeared behind them, they were very likely to be attacked by the enemies before and after, and the position was very dangerous. And under the rock where Wan Lin is now, he can only see the woods on the hillside behind him, and he can't see the pass on the side of the hillside at all.

So he quickly ordered Feng Dao and Wen Meng, who were at a high point, to immediately observe behind him from the hillside to prevent enemies from sneaking up.

As soon as Wan Lin's voice fell, a flame of fire had already flashed from the hillside below the top of the mountain, and Wen Meng's urgent voice sounded at the same time: "Leopard head, four or five black shadows are coming out of the pass at ten o'clock where you are. Get out, hide!" In Wen Meng's hurried voice, another burst of fire erupted from her muzzle.

As soon as Wen Meng's voice fell, a "bang bang bang" machine gun sound had already sounded from the pass behind Wan Lin's side. "Whoosh", "Whoosh", the two **** also flew out of the pass with the sound of the wind, and flew straight to the rocky beach where Wanlin and several others were.

The hurried voice of Fengdao also sounded: "Leopard head, covert!" Scorpion's voice in Y language also sounded: "Leopard head, Johnny, covert!" At the same time, it sounded from the hillside where he and the wind knife were.

The sporadic gunshots on the hillside also suddenly rang out, and the mountains that had just calmed down seemed to be boiling. Pieces of bullet rain with a sharp sound of breaking through the air whistled past the rocky beach.

On the rocks on both sides of the pass, on the rocky beach where Wan Lin and the others were, and on the hidden hillside of Fengdao, clusters of fire from the muzzle flickered everywhere. Mountains shrouded.

When Wan Lin heard the deafening gunshots, he immediately understood that the members of the Eagle Falcon Base had also spotted the figure rushing out of the pass, and a group of people immediately pulled the trigger according to the wind knife's order. Intense gunshots reverberated throughout the mountains, and a life-and-death battle started again!

Amid the shouts of Wen Meng and Scorpion, Wan Lin and the others lay under the rock at the same time, "Boom", "Boom", two deafening explosions, followed by explosions from the rubble where they were.

The dazzling fire roared with a piece of gravel and shrapnel, and then fell overwhelmingly to the surroundings. A piece of black crushed gravel flew above the heads of Wan Lin and the others.

As soon as the whistling shrapnel and gravel flew over the heads of Wan Lin and the others, Wan Lin shook his head vigorously from under the invisible rock. sniper rifle.

"Clappapa", a string of bullets was hitting his hidden rock, and the flying debris whistled around his gun body, and several bullets swiped against the side of the rock.

Wan Lin's face had already felt the hot breath of bullets passing by. He lay still behind the gun, his eyes looking through the scope on the gun body and quickly aimed towards the pass.

On the hillsides on both sides of the pass, more than a dozen guns spewing firelight have appeared. The dense rain of bullets swept straight to the hillside where the Fengdao group of people was located, and a few guns also whistled from the rocks under the pass. fly out.

Wan Lin's heart suddenly raised to his throat, and his staring eyes suddenly became solemn. He immediately realized that a large number of mercenaries who were ambushed by Charlie and the others were gathering towards this lakeside area!

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphone: "Leopard head, Leopard head, I'm Xu Liang, please answer immediately when you hear the answer!"

Wan Lin immediately shouted into the microphone amidst the loud gunshots: "Yes, I'm a leopard head!" As he shouted, the muzzle of the gun was aimed at a cluster of flames that were flickering on the hillside on the side of the pass, and he pulled it gently. Pulling the trigger, he raised his right hand and quickly pulled the bolt.

Xu Liang's hurried voice followed: "Report, Principal Eagle Falcon ordered me to inform you that mercenaries in the mountains are gathering towards the lakeside and forest area where you are located, and the enemy's target must be you and Instructor Scorpion. Principal Eagle Falcon is leading the way. With all the personnel who can fight at the Eagle Falcon Base, move closer to the mountains where you are, please retreat immediately, retreat immediately!"

As soon as Xu Liang's voice fell, Wan Lin's earphones heard the rapid voice of Charlie shouting in Y language. Wan Lin immediately understood when he heard the hurried voice in the earphone. Charlie knew that he was the highest-ranking member of the army in the mountains. I informed myself of the situation, and then I issued an order to the scorpion group.

Wan Lin immediately moved the muzzle, aimed at another enemy fire point on the side of the pass, and pulled the trigger. He followed into the microphone and gave a hurried command: "Wind knife, a large number of enemies are approaching our area, we may at any time. Surrounded by the enemy, immediately increase the firepower to stop the enemy to cover our withdrawal. Order the wounded to withdraw from the battle immediately and retreat to the area behind the mountain, Charlie is bringing reinforcements!"

"Yes!" The voice of the wind knife rang out from Wan Lin's earphones, and a fire from the muzzle flashed on the hillside immediately, and a whistling rain of bullets passed over Wan Lin's The hillsides on both sides of the pass were swept away.

Wan Lin issued an order and immediately moved the muzzle to aim at the rubble on the side. He has realized that the enemies who were suppressed in the rocky beach saw reinforcements coming, and they would definitely come forward to counterattack.

He quickly pulled the trigger at a black shadow that had just protruded half of his head from under the rock. He followed by pulling the bolt, moving the muzzle to search for the next target, and shouting into the microphone in a hurry: "Chengru, cover Xie Chao and Johnny to retreat!"

"Yes!" Cheng Ru's hurried answer followed, and a fire flashed from the side of the rock where he was invisible at the same time. Another boy leaning out from the rocky beach immediately fell on his back in the fire from Cheng Ru's gun. on the rock. Cheng Ru's figure followed and drilled out from under the rock, and a black smoke ran back around the undulating rock behind.

Wan Lin saw Cheng Ru rushing out, his body clinging to the rock, the muzzle sticking out from the side of the rock, he pulled the trigger at a shadow with half a head emerging from the rocky beach, covering Cheng Ru. Run to the back mountain.

Wan Lin had just pulled the trigger when he suddenly saw out of the corner of his eyes that a group of black shadows suddenly rushed out of the dark dense forest in the distance. Twenty or thirty black shadows rushed out of the woods on the hillside, and then moved swiftly towards the bottom. Hillside rushes.

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