Panther Commando

Chapter 4501: turn the tide of the war

After Wan Lin pulled the trigger, he suddenly saw dozens of black shadows emerge from the green forest on the hillside in the distance.

He immediately realized that this was a group of mercenaries who entered the forest from the distant mountains. They must have received orders from the two bosses of the two mercenary groups, George and Kuroda, to come to pick up the snipers in the forest. Arrived in this mountain that is fighting fiercely.

Wan Lin quickly moved the muzzle and aimed at the pass 600 meters away from the side and rear. The hillsides on both sides of the pass were flickering with more than a dozen fires from the muzzle. .

Under the cover of the firepower of the hillsides on both sides of the pass, more than a dozen black shadows have already rushed out of the pass, and are scattered among the mountains, rushing towards the rocky beach on their side.

They appeared and disappeared between the jagged rocks, and from the raised muzzles, they were constantly spraying flashes of fire on the rocky beach where Wan Lin and the others were. Around the rock where Xie Chao and Johnny were invisible, a cloud of dust had been hit by enemy bullets.

Wan Lin saw the scene in front of him, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes. He aimed at a dark shadow that was already close to the rocky beach, and pulled the trigger lightly.

The other party staggered forward two steps, and then fell on the rock on the side. The shadows behind saw their companions suddenly fall to the ground, and they immediately jumped under the surrounding rocks. They then extended their guns from the side of the rock and swept out a rain of bullets towards Wan Lin.

Wan Lin pulled the trigger, turned around, and threw himself under a rock on the side. A rain of bullets whistled past his head and around him. There was a sound of "crack, crackle, crackle" from the surrounding rocks. .

After he pounced on the rock, he quickly put the sniper rifle under the rock, raised his hand from the backpack behind him, and took out the small curved bow brought by the Wang Merlinto people.

At this time, Wan Lin's face was very solemn, and there was a look of determination in his eyes. He knew that the large group of enemies who suddenly appeared behind him would turn the whole battle situation in an instant, and they were already in a very dangerous situation!

Xie Chao and Johnny were originally at the back of the relatively safe battlefield, but now they have suddenly become the forefront of the battlefield. Moreover, the physical strength of the two of them has been severely exhausted, and Johnny is still injured. Under the muzzle of many enemies behind them, they are simply unable to escape the danger on their own.

Wan Lin's mission on this trip was to rescue Xie Chao and Johnny from danger. But he really didn't expect that he, Cheng Ru and Xiao Hua had worked hard and risked their lives to take them out of the dangerous tiger's mouth in the forest, but now they suddenly fell into the wolf's den.

Now, he must go all out with Cheng Ru to kill Xie Chao and take them out of this dangerous area again.

Wan Lin took out a small bow and quickly put it on his right arm, then reached out and grabbed a slender metal box from his backpack. He opened the metal box quickly, took out two short arrows with metal cylinders and inserted them into his waist. He then inserted the remaining short arrows in the metal box into the backpack. He dropped the metal box in his hand, grabbed the sniper rifle, and tumbled off the side of the rock.

Xiaohua, who was running from the front against the rocks, suddenly saw Wan Lin roll to the side with a small bow in his arms. He didn't say a word, his eyes suddenly flashed a blue light, and he turned around and ran to the side of the mountain. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared under the rolling rocks.

Wan Lin saw Xiaohua turn and run towards the side of the mountain, and knew that this little brother had understood that he was going to rush back. It must be an enemy who was quietly approaching the pass from the side of the mountain, trying to find a way to cooperate with his actions.

He tumbled under a one-meter-high rock on the side, then bent down and stood up. He paid attention to the direction of the enemy's bullets, and then rushed towards a boulder more than two meters high in front of him like black smoke.

He rushed under the boulder, then leaned back against the rock wall and raised the muzzle to the side and rear, and aimed at the rocky beach through the scope on the gun. At this time, he did not forget that there were still a few remaining enemies hidden in the rocky beach behind the side. Once these mercenaries came out under the cover of their companions, the backs of him and Cheng Ru would definitely be exposed to the enemy. under the muzzle.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a dark figure leaning out from under the rock and raising a gun, suddenly raised his hands and staggered forward, a cluster of red blood columns gushed out from his neck, The assault rifle raised in his hand dropped down.

Wan Lin immediately turned his head and looked back. On the hillside where Feng Dao and the others were, there were clusters of fire from the muzzle, and a rain of bullets roared over Wan Lin's head and flew towards the pass.

A light suddenly flashed in Wan Lin's eyes, and he secretly said in his heart: "It must have been Feng Dao who saw that he and Cheng Ru were fighting backwards, so he immediately ordered the sniper Wen Meng to suppress the enemy in the pile of rocks with all his strength. He and the scorpion are using fierce firepower to suppress the enemy in the pass, covering themselves and Chengru close to Johnny and Xie Chao. Behind him, there is a sniper named Wen Meng who is condescendingly monitoring several enemies in the rocky beach. He and Chengru have already No worries."

Wan Lin immediately turned around, extending the muzzle from the side of the rock and aiming forward. Cheng Ru's figure rose and fell between the rocks, and he had moved quickly to approach Xie Chao's hidden position. The rocks beside him were splashing with dust mist and gravel shot by enemy bullets.

In the rubble not far Xie Chao was lying still under the rock, and the surrounding rocks splashed with rubble. He was completely suppressed under the rock by the fierce firepower of the enemy, and he couldn't get out at all. The gun fired back. Wan Lin immediately raised the muzzle and looked towards the mountains in front of Xie Chao.

On a few rocks a hundred meters away from Xie Chao, sparks and rubble shot by bullets were splashing. Johnny has also been completely suppressed by the enemy's firepower under the rock, and the hillsides on both sides of the distant pass are spraying with dazzling muzzle fire.

Obviously, the enemy had discovered the hidden location of Xie Chao and Johnny, and at the same time saw Cheng Ru's flickering figure, a machine gun and three assault rifles, spraying a rain of bullets at their location.

Wan Lin hid behind the rock, raised his gun and swept around quickly, his face became extremely nervous. At this time, he had already understood from the fire from the enemy's muzzle that a small group of enemies had quietly occupied the hillsides on both sides of the pass. Xie Chao and Johnny were completely suppressed by the enemy's firepower under the rock, and there was no way to fight back.

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly felt a chill on his back. If Xiaohua hadn't warned him in time just now, their figures hidden under the rock would definitely have been discovered by the enemy who suddenly appeared behind them. At this time, they had been killed under the rock by the rain of bullets coming from behind.

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