Panther Commando

Chapter 4509: all or nothing

Amidst the deafening roar, Wan Lin's eyes suddenly burst into a gleam of light, and he shouted hoarsely into the microphone beside his mouth: "Fengdao, scorpion, order everyone to prepare for battle! Snipers Chengru, Wen Meng , Xie Chao, follow me to kill the enemy's firepower!"

The situation is critical now. Once a large number of enemies rush forward with ferocious firepower, their snipers at the foot of the mountain, as well as the wind knives and scorpions on the hillside behind them, will face the danger of annihilation.

Therefore, in a desperate situation, he is ready to take a few snipers to a desperate gamble, use accurate bullets to kill the enemy's firepower, and create an opportunity for the surrounding comrades to retreat!

As soon as he finished speaking, the hoarse voices of Fengdao, Scorpion and Chengru came from the earphones: "Yes!" When Wan Lin heard the answers from several people, he turned around and was about to lean out in the howling bullet rain. .

At this time, the voices of several people had a decisive tone, and they all knew that Leopard Head was ready to gamble! Once they leaned out in such a dense rain of bullets by the enemy, it would be a near-death experience!

Just as Wanlin and the others were holding their sniper rifles tightly and were about to lean out against the enemy's bullets, three deafening explosions, "Boom", "Boom", and "Boom" suddenly came from the rocky beach in front of them. In the middle of the sound, "bang bang bang", "da da da"..., a burst of gunshots, also sounded like a storm from the foot of the side and the hillside.

In Wan Lin's earphones, Xu Liang's urgent voice sounded: "Leopard head, I'm Xu Liang! We have arrived at the battlefield, Charlie asks you to retreat to the back of the mountain immediately, immediately retreat to the back of the mountain!" Xu Liang's voice just now After falling, Charlie's urgent command in Y language also sounded.

Wan Lin heard the sound from the earphones and the deafening gunshots from the side of the mountain, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes! He knew that the reinforcements led by Charlie had finally arrived at a critical moment!

He suddenly leaned out from under the rock and stretched out his sniper rifle while lying on the rock. He aimed at a dark shadow in the distance and pulled the trigger, followed by roaring into the microphone: "Air Knife, Scorpion, immediately cover the injured brother, withdraw!" Amidst the deafening gunshots, the weak voices of Scorpion and Air Knife followed. :"Yes!"

At this time, Cheng Ru and Xie Chao, who were under the rock on the side, had also stretched out their sniper rifles on the rock. They aimed at the muzzle flash of the enemy in the distance and pulled the trigger a few times quickly. Cheng Ru quickly fired two bullets, turned his head and shouted at Xie Chao, who was lying on the side: "Xie Chao, withdraw!"

With that said, he picked up the sniper rifle with empty bullets on his back and stepped under the rock behind Wan Lin. At this time, Johnny was lying on the rock beside Wan Linjie, holding his gun and shooting forward. Cheng Ru rushed under the rock, pulled Johnny up from the rock and shouted, "Hold me tight!" With that, he carried Johnny on his back and ran to the foot of the side.

Wan Lin saw that Cheng Ru had carried Johnny on his back and ran backwards. He took a deep breath and stared coldly at the scope on the gun. The black shadow of the barrel, the finger gently pulled the trigger.

He followed behind his back with the sniper rifle that shot empty bullets, took off the bolt on his back, pulled the bolt, and swept out a string of bullets from the shadows near the foot of the mountain at the rest. He followed and turned his head to look at the hillside behind, and several shadows were supporting each other and running towards the side hillside.

Wan Lin could see at a glance that Wen Meng was running to the side with his arms around the blood-covered Feng Dao and Wu Xueying. The Feng Dao and Wu Xueying were already staggering, and both of them had assault rifles in their hands. The other six or seven Eagle Falcon members also supported each other and ran backwards.

Wan Lin's pupils shrank suddenly. He knew that Feng Dao and Wu Xueying had done their best after being injured, and now they were unable to withdraw from the hillside to the back of the hill. In such a violent rain of bullets from the enemy, their slow movements are extremely dangerous, and they may be hit by enemy bullets at any time.

At this time, Xie Chao heard Cheng Ru's order. He was carrying a sniper rifle with empty bullets on his back. Panther Head did not follow.

He hurriedly turned around and rushed under a rock, leaning out and raising his gun in the distance to sweep out a string of bullets, he turned to look at Wan Lin and shouted anxiously, "Leopard head, get out!"

Wan Lin held up his *** "da da da" and swept a string of bullets forward, turned his head to look at Xie Chao and ordered: "Don't worry about me, you follow Cheng Ru to protect Johnny and retreat!"

In the voice, he quickly pulled out a spare magazine and inserted it into the gun body, turned around and rushed towards the hill behind. Seeing Wanlin rushing up the hillside, Xiaohua quickly jumped out from under the rock and ran up the hillside like smoke. When Xie Chao heard Wan Lin's stern command, he also turned around and ran behind Cheng Ru, who was carrying Johnny on his back.

Wan Lin quickly rushed to the halfway up the mountain. He rushed to Wen Meng, who was holding the wind knife, bent over to pick up the soft wind knife, and shouted to Wen Meng, "Quick, carry Yingying on your back!"

Wen Meng was overjoyed when she saw the leopard head rushing towards her, she replied, turned and rushed to the staggering Wu Xueying, bent over and carried Wu Xueying on her back and ran to the side hillside.

At this time, Charlie was lying on a boulder more than two meters high at the foot of the mountain. His injured left arm had been pulled out from the **** his chest, and the bandage on his left arm had been stained red by the seeping blood.

He gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain from the and grabbed the sniper rifle in front of him with his left hand. He aimed at a cluster of flickering muzzle flashes in the distance and pulled the trigger, then raised his right hand to pull the bolt, and commanded sharply into the microphone beside his mouth: "Increase the firepower and cover the retreat of the brothers!"

In his voice, "whoosh", "whoosh", "whoosh", several **** whistled and flew towards the distant rocky beach and pass, and the deafening gunshots were like fried beans from the surrounding hillsides and mountains. The foot sounded.

In the sudden and intense firepower at the foot of the mountain, the twenty or so black shadows in the rocky beach that were already close to the foot of the mountain turned around and fled to the mountains behind. go.

At this time, Cheng Ru carried Johnny on his back and ran behind the boulder under Charlie like a gust of wind. He saw at a glance that Xu Liang, who had bandages wrapped around his arm, was lying on a rock half-human high and shooting with a gun.

He rushed to Xu Liang's side, bent down and put Johnny down, then pushed him to Xu Liang's side and shouted, "Xu Liang, take Johnny down on your back."

Xu Liang, who had a bandage on his arm, saw Cheng Ru overjoyed. He grabbed Johnny, who was pushed by Cheng Ru, and answered loudly, "Yes!" Ni ran back.

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