Panther Commando

Chapter 4510: deafening explosion

Amidst the deafening gunshots at the foot of the mountain on the side, Cheng Ru put Johnny on his back into Xu Liang's hands, then crouched under the rock and raised his hand to wipe off the cold beads hanging on his eyelashes, he looked at the boulder on the side and took a deep breath. With a sigh, he wanted to stand up after playing, stomped his right foot on the rock under his feet, and suddenly rushed towards the boulder on the side.

Cheng Ru was in the air, he raised his hands and grabbed the edge of the rock vigorously, leaping up the rock more than two meters high like a monkey. He quickly lay down beside Charlie and took the sniper rifle off his shoulders. He then turned his head to look at the side and shouted loudly: "Charlie, give me a magazine!"

Charlie only felt a gust of wind around him, and before he could react, a figure had already appeared beside him. He turned his head to look in astonishment, only to realize that the Huaxia sniper rifle that came with Wan Lin was already lying beside him.

He was stunned when he heard the voice of the other party shouting in Chinese, and then saw the other party quickly pull out the magazine from the gun. Only then did he realize that the other party's bullets had been emptied, and he was asking him for a spare magazine. Charlie quickly released his right hand that was pulling the trigger, took out two magazines from his waist and handed them over.

Cheng Ru quickly inserted one of the magazines into the gun body. He leaned on the back of the gun, aimed at a black shadow lying on the rock in the distance shooting, then pulled the bolt and quickly pulled the trigger.

Charlie also lay down behind the gun again, aiming at a dark shadow half-squatting on the side of the rock in the distance. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the dark shadow in the distance suddenly trembled, and a cluster of red blood columns rose from the boy's head. , and then fell backwards between the rocks behind.

The deafening gunshots echoed in the mountains. Lying on the top of the boulder, Charlie saw the blood column rising in the distance, and quickly moved the muzzle to aim at another cluster of muzzle flashes in the distance, and he quickly pulled the trigger.

At this time, he knew clearly that the boy had been shot dead by the Huaxia sniper beside him just now. He really didn't expect that the sniper Huaxia would shoot and pull the trigger so fast.

Charlie pulled the trigger and immediately pulled the bolt. At this time, he had heard the sound of continuous shooting and pulling the bolt from around him.

He turned his head to look in astonishment. The Huaxia sniper who was lying beside him was shooting at an extremely fast rate. The sniper rifle in front of him had made three consecutive gunshots, and three black figures in the distance were falling to the sound of gunfire. .

"Good job!" Charlie couldn't help shouting loudly! His left arm was injured, and the speed and accuracy of his shooting had dropped a lot. When the Chinese sniper appeared next to him, he killed the opponent's three shooting enemies in a row, alleviating the pressure on their cover.

At this moment, a small black shadow suddenly drilled out from under a rock on the side slope, and then rushed towards the rock where Charlie and Cheng Ru were located like lightning.

Charlie's deep-set eyes immediately lit up, and he knew that the leopard's head must be behind him! He hurriedly lay behind the gun, aimed at a dark shadow that suddenly appeared on the hillside on the side of the pass, and quickly pulled the trigger.

But at this moment, a flame has roared from the shadow's shoulders and flew straight to the foot of the mountain where Charlie and Cheng Ru were.

Charlie is shocked! He immediately understood that he had lost his aim in the long-distance sniping when he was injured, and the bullet he fired when he pulled the trigger did not kill the enemy fireman who suddenly got out.

"Hidden!" Charlie yelled, grabbing the sniper rifle in front of him with his right hand, twisting hard and about to roll down the rock. At this moment, his eyes suddenly saw that a black figure was carrying a person on his shoulders, drilling out from the side hillside filled with gunpowder like a fly. The black shadow jumped up from the hillside and rushed straight towards the side of the boulder where he and Cheng Ru were located like a sharp arrow.

At this time, Cheng Ru aimed at a dark shadow lying on a rock in the distance shooting, and just after pulling the trigger, he heard Charlie's cry. He grabbed the sniper rifle with his right hand, hugged the wounded and slow-moving Charlie, and tumbled and jumped off the top of the rock.

The other two Falcon members lying on the surrounding rocks also heard Charlie's roar in the headphones at the same time. The two immediately stopped shooting and threw their guns under the boulder beside them. One of them saw Xie Chao who was lying on the rock shooting at the rocky beach, stretched out his left hand and dragged Xie Chao behind the rock.

"Boom", an explosion sounded from the boulder, and the dazzling flames flew in the sky with a piece of blown up stones. In the violent explosion, the hundreds of tons of boulders shook violently a few times.

Charlie was hugged by Cheng Ru and landed on a piece of grass under the rock. The explosion had already sounded. The sound of the explosion so close at hand made his ears "buzz". He and Cheng Ru hurriedly lay down under the rock.

Fortunately, the flying bomb hit the rock wall facing the pass. The huge rock blocked the flying fragments and stones, and did not kill the few people around the rock.

The flying stones and dust fell from the sky with a "smack, bang, bang". Charlie just shook his body and leaned out of the falling rubble when he suddenly saw a figure appearing in front of him, before he waited. He could see who was coming, the sniper rifle in his hand had been grabbed by the incoming person, and a hurried voice followed: "Wind knife, hide on the spot! Charlie, give me the gun!"

Charlie didn't understand the hurried voice spoken in Chinese, but he could already hear from the voice that it was the voice of a leopard's head suddenly carrying a person when it He quickly Release the sniper rifle in his hand.

Wan Lin took the sniper rifle from Charlie's hand, kicked the grass vigorously under his feet, and jumped up with a "swoosh". In a blink of an eye, he appeared on the top of a two-meter-high boulder.

Charlie quickly stood up holding the rock beside him, and there was another gust of wind beside him. Cheng Ru also jumped up with a sniper rifle. He and Wan Lin were lying on the top of the rock almost at the same time. On the top of the high rock, there were two dull sounds of "poof" and "poof" sniper rifles.

At this time, the blood-covered air knife was already sitting under the rock, and his head with the helmet leaned against the rock weakly, still holding an assault rifle tightly in his hand.

Charlie saw Wan Lin and Cheng Ru flying up to the top of the boulder. He took off the **** behind him and was about to jump up when he suddenly saw a blood-stained figure sitting under the rock in the dust mist. He was shocked. He quickly stopped, knowing that this must be the wounded that the leopard head risked to carry just now.

Charlie took out the first aid kit and stepped in front of the figure. He recognized at a glance that it was the wind knife that came with Wan Lin. He quickly knelt down on one knee in front of the wind blade, and wrapped the bandage tightly around the wound where the wind blade was oozing blood to prevent the wind blade from losing too much blood and endangering his life.

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