Panther Commando

Chapter 4511: give me 1 magazine

With the sharp sound of the bullets breaking through the air, Charlie knelt under the rock on one knee and wrapped the bandage in his hand tightly around the wound of the wind knife. Helmet shouted hurriedly in Y language: "Lao Feng, Lao Feng, wake up, wake up!"

At this moment, Feng Dao was breathing heavily with his eyes closed. He heard Charlie's hurried shouting and shook his drowsy head. He opened his eyes and looked at Charlie in front of him and smiled.

He then took a deep breath, raised the assault rifle in his left hand with difficulty, and called out in a weak voice, "Charlie, I can't die! Do you still have bullets? Give me a magazine!"

Charlie's eyes turned red! This Chinese soldier fought the enemy to the death in battle, but the first sentence he woke up after being seriously injured was to ask himself for a magazine to continue fighting!

He grabbed the assault rifle raised by the wind knife and placed it lightly on the wind knife's leg, and shouted in blunt Chinese: "Brother, with us here, give me a good rest!"

Charlie stepped over to the edge of the rock with an excited look, with a gleam in his eyes, leaned out, raised his **** with one hand, and swept a string of bullets at the rocky beach in the distance. At the same time look forward.

On the hillsides on both sides of the pass a thousand meters away, two boys carrying rockets fell backwards on their backs. The two rocket launchers on the shoulders of these two boys stood up at the same time. Two dazzling tail flames spewed out from behind the two boys, and the flames roared into the air obliquely above.

Charlie looked at the two flying firelights in the distance, the pupils of his eyes shrank suddenly, and a chill rose up the back of his spine. He could see at a glance that the opponent shot two shoulder-mounted anti-tank missiles, which were guided missiles, very precise and powerful.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the two darts that were drilling into the air, and said in his heart: "No wonder the enemy shot this boulder so accurately, and the power of the explosion almost blew this hundreds of tons of boulders over. They're carrying this anti-tank gun. Grandma, George and Kuroda really want to kill themselves!"

Charlie followed and glanced at the men who were shooting on the surrounding hillsides and foothills, and scolded angrily in his heart: "Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security's **** must have used this kind of precision guidance when they attacked the Wild Elephant Valley. The anti-tank **, otherwise the brothers in Shougu have strong combat effectiveness and will not lose their resistance so quickly!"

He leaned against the rock tightly, looked up at the launch tubes that were already on the hillsides on both sides of the pass, and thought to himself: "The enemy must have found himself and the sniper in Huaxia, so he aimed at this boulder to kill himself. These snipers!"

Charlie thought of this, he looked up at the top of the rock, and shouted in extremely blunt Chinese: "Leopard head, the enemy has anti-tank guns, and the enemy must not be allowed to pick up the launcher again." Wan Lin replied, "Understood, don't worry!"

Hearing Wan Lin's answer, Charlie turned his head to look at the mountains in the distance. Two anti-tank missiles fired by the enemy were bursting into two dazzling flames in the mountains in the distance. At this time, he was indeed a little scared. Among the people they came to reinforce this time, he was the only wounded sniper.

In such a fierce battle, it is difficult for the rest of the people to accurately kill the enemy's firepower. Even if he was Charlie himself, even when he was injured, it was difficult to kill the enemy at the moment when the enemy appeared.

Now, thanks to these snipers from Huaxia who joined the battle, and accurately killed the two enemies in the distance, otherwise these two guided missiles would definitely cause great damage to their own personnel!

At this moment, a few figures suddenly appeared in the thick smoke of gunpowder on the side of the hillside. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, who were lying on the top of the boulder, immediately stared at them.

Wen Meng, who was covered in dust, carried the exhausted Wu Xueying on her back, and rushed out from the side of the hill. She was followed by a few scorpions who were supporting each other. Everyone's feet were already staggering.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru hurriedly lied down behind the sniper rifles again. The two sniper rifles trembled and made two or two dull gunshots. The firepower of the enemy in the distance had already weakened with their accurate bullets. Wan Lin followed and shouted into the microphone: "Charlie, send someone to respond!"


At this time, Charlie had also seen the team members withdrawing from the hillside, and he immediately commanded into the microphone: "Angus, bring someone up to meet him." With his voice, several black lines lying on the hillside The shadow immediately sprang out from under the hidden rock, and ran towards the group of Wen Meng who came running.

Charlie also bent over from the rock and ran forward. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed Wen Meng, who was running, then raised his uninjured right hand and hugged Wu Xueying to his chest. He turned around and flew behind the boulder. run away. The Eagle Falcon team members on the hillside also carried the injured team members on their backs, turned around and ran towards the back of the mountain.

Everyone was running very fast, and everyone knew that the enemy's firepower was temporarily suppressed by the two sniper rifles on the Once the enemy moved to a new hidden place, they would definitely lean out and sweep again violently bullet rain.

Wen Meng, sweating profusely, followed Charlie and Wu Xueying to the back of the rock. She raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her face, turned around and hugged Wu Xueying, who Charlie was holding with one arm, and put her back against the rock.

She followed and took the sniper rifle that Wu Xueying was holding for her, then looked at Charlie, raised the sniper rifle in her hand, and shouted hoarsely in Y language, "Are there any bullets for my sniper rifle?"

When Charlie heard Wen Meng's cry, he knew that they, like Leopard Heads, had been fired from the sniper rifles in their hands. He pulled out a magazine from his waist and handed it over.

At this time, the sniper rifle in his hand had been taken away by Wan Lin, and even if he had a sniper rifle, he could not exert the power of the sniper rifle even when his left arm was seriously injured, so he quickly put a spare in his waist. The magazine was handed over.

Wen Meng took the magazine with sweat on her face, turned and threw herself under a rock on the side. She quickly replaced the new magazine, stretched out the muzzle, and aimed into the distance. Weak firelight.

Amid the intense gunshots, Wu Xueying had already sat beside Feng Dao with her back against the rock. She gasped violently and looked at Feng Dao and asked loudly, "Brother Feng, how are you?"

Fengdao turned his head to look at this brave little sister. He panted and replied with gentle eyes: "It's okay, how is your arm?" Wu Xueying raised her right hand to wipe the sweat off her face, panting and replying: "Grandma Yes, these **** are exhausting me, I can't breathe!"

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