Panther Commando

Chapter 4512: real soldier

The deafening sound of gunfire echoed in the mountains. The hillside and foot of the mountain where Wan Lin and the others were located was shrouded in dust and smoke shot by enemy bullets. Pieces of stones and stray bullets shot by bullets flew past them whistling. .

At this time, Charlie saw that half of Wu Xueying's body was dyed red with blood. He quickly took out the first aid kit and squatted in front of Wu Xueying. He said nervously in Y language, "Where is the wound?" He grabbed Wu Xueying's body armor about to unravel.

At this time, Charlie had forgotten that Wu Xueying in front of him was a female soldier. Indeed, in this fierce battle, the bodies and faces of the two female soldiers, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, were covered with gunpowder and dust, and it was impossible to distinguish males and females from their appearance.

Wu Xueying saw Charlie's right hand stretched out. She gasped and reached out to stop him, then said in Y language, "No...No...No, I just got a bullet through my right arm."

After Wu Xueying finished speaking with difficulty, her raised right hand dipped weakly, and her body suddenly fell limply on Feng Dao beside her. Her head with a helmet immediately rested on Feng Dao's shoulder.

Charlie is shocked! As soon as she caught Wu Xueying, she continued to unbutton her body armor. The wind knife quickly raised his hand to block Charlie and said, "Charlie, you just wrap the bandage on the outside of her arm to stop the bleeding. I have a special medicine here!"

When Charlie saw Feng Dao stop him, he looked at Wu Xueying again in surprise, and then he remembered that this was the playful girl who came with Wan Lin Laofeng and the others! He also immediately understood what Wu Xueying meant to stop him, he quickly took out the bandage from the first aid kit, and quickly wrapped the bandage around Wu Xueying's arm a few times.

At this time, Fengdao looked nervously at Wu Xueying, who had passed out in a coma, and then looked at her red-stained clothes, and immediately understood that Wu Xueying's wound was only on her arm. Like herself, she had lost blood during the battle. Too many and extremely exhausted and lost the combat effectiveness.

The wind knife immediately stretched his left hand into his waist with difficulty, and then took out a small bamboo tube. He raised the bamboo tube to his mouth and bit down on the stopper with difficulty.

A strange fragrance immediately emerged from the thick gunpowder smell. Charlie took a deep breath, and a refreshing smell entered his nose immediately. He couldn't help but take a few breaths and looked at the wind knife in astonishment. 's left hand.

The wind knife bit off the stopper on the bamboo tube with his teeth, then lifted the small bamboo tube to Wu Xueying's mouth, raised his hand and poured a black pill into Wu Xueying's mouth.

As soon as the pill was poured into Wu Xueying's mouth, Wu Xueying suddenly opened her eyes, she took a few breaths greedily, and swallowed the pill in her mouth with a "gu dong".

She glanced blankly at Charlie who was squatting in front of her, then looked at the small bamboo tube holding the wind knife beside her mouth, and exclaimed in astonishment, "Brother Feng, why did you give me the fragrant magic pill!" In the voice, a hot air has risen from her dantian, and the stagnant true qi suddenly revolved in her body.

Wu Xueying already knew in her heart that Feng Dao gave her the fragrant magic pills that all the Hua Leopard team members had hidden on their bodies. This is their life-saving pill!

Without waiting for Feng Dao to answer, she stretched her right hand to her waist, and also pulled out a small bamboo tube that had turned red. She used her teeth to pull out the stopper on it, raised the bamboo tube and stretched it into Feng Dao's mouth.

Just as Feng Dao raised her hand to stop it, Wu Xueying had already stuffed the bamboo tube into his mouth, and poured the incense magic pills into Feng Dao's mouth involuntarily. Fengdao saw that Wu Xueying had put the pill in his mouth, he sighed helplessly and said in a low voice: "Alas, what a pity, I haven't reached the time to use the incense magic pill!"

With that said, he and Wu Xueying threw away the small bamboo tube in their hands, and at the same time put their uninjured hand on their dantian, closed their eyes slightly and quietly leaned against the rock behind them.

Charlie looked at the two seriously injured Chinese soldiers in front of him in astonishment. He didn't know what could emit this strange aroma, but he already knew in his heart that it must be the life-saving pills used by these mysterious Chinese people.

There was a look of admiration and emotion in his eyes. He had already understood from the actions of Feng Dao and Wu Xueying just now that Feng Dao and Wu Xueying were seriously injured, and he was not willing to take this life-saving pill. . But after seeing the seriously wounded comrade beside them, they did not hesitate to put the pill into the mouth of the comrade-in-arms!

Charlie took a few breaths on his nose, and the fragrance really made him, the wounded, feel a sense of relief. The fatigue on his body seemed to have disappeared suddenly, and even the severe pain from the wound was relieved a lot. He bent down and stood up, grabbed it and put it next to him and ran towards the side of the rock.

At this moment, Feng Dao and Wu Xueying, who closed their eyes and adjusted their breath, suddenly opened their eyes, and their originally dull eyes had become brighter. They turned over and stood up from under the rock, took off the assault rifles that had been fired from their bodies, bent over and ran to the two falcons who were lying on the rocks and shooting forward with their assault rifles.

Charlie is shocked! He shouted nervously: " Come back!" Before he finished speaking, the two of Fengdao had already rushed under the two rocks on the side. Spare magazine on rock.

The two inserted the magazine into the gun body with one hand, then pressed the assault rifle with their injured arm, and raised their right hand to pull the bolt. They followed, extending their assault rifles from the rock, aiming at the flickering fire of the distant enemy's muzzle and pulling the trigger. The gunshots of the surrounding "dadada" immediately became denser.

Standing under the rock, Charlie stared blankly at the two blood-covered Chinese soldiers who were shooting. His eyes suddenly turned red! He shouted excitedly in his heart: "Soldiers, these Chinese talents are real soldiers!" He stepped to the side of the rock, raised his gun with one hand, and pulled the trigger on the rocky beach in front of him.

The sudden and violent sound of gunfire at the foot of the mountain immediately weakened the enemy gunfire echoing in the rocky beach ahead. At this time, Wan Lin on the top of the rock suddenly looked down and shouted, "Charlie, the enemy's firepower is too strong. Once the enemies from the surrounding mountains arrive, we can't stop them at all!"

"Hurry up and order your people to protect all the wounded and retreat, and our snipers will block the enemy!" He was worried that Charlie couldn't understand what he was saying, and he quickly shouted to Wen Meng, who was lying under the rock: "Wen Meng, Translate the past! Let them protect the wounded and retreat immediately!"

Wen Meng, who was lying on the side of the rock, heard Wan Lin's cry. She aimed at an enemy in the distance who was shooting with half of her head open, and pulled the trigger lightly. She quickly pulled the bolt and turned to look at Charlie. Translate Wan Lin's words.


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