Panther Commando

Chapter 4516: goodbye gunshots

Wan Lin cursed inwardly. He followed behind the rock and pulled out the magazine from the gun. He glanced at the three remaining bullets in it, and then inserted the magazine into the gun with a "click". He knew that there were only these three bullets left in his sniper rifle!

He stretched out the sniper rifle from the crevice in front of him again, raised his right hand and pulled the bolt with a "squeak". He took a deep breath, then lay behind the gun and held his breath to aim at the distance.

The dust mist and gunpowder that pervaded the foot of the mountain had covered the fire from Wan Lin's muzzle. Wan Lin had already judged from the impact point of the enemy's firepower that the target of the enemy's shooting was mainly the boulder where Cheng Ru and Wen Meng were located, and the side said. hillside.

The enemy did not accurately determine his sniper position, and now he just swept out a string of bullets at the foot of the mountain, covering the companions on the hillside who were rushing towards the shooting tube, and the mercenaries in the rocky beach rushing forward. .

Just now Wan Lin rolled down from the top of the boulder in time after killing the enemy on the hillside of the pass. He just wanted to move his sniper position to the side of the rock, to avoid his three snipers, and at the same time be suppressed by the enemy's firepower in one. Location.

Wan Lin lay quietly behind the gun to determine the location of the enemy around the pass, then he turned his head and looked to the side. Cheng Ru has already rolled down from the top of the boulder on the side, and Wen Meng, who was lying on the side of the boulder, has also crawled behind the rock in the howling bullet rain.

At this time, Cheng Ru and the two were standing up from behind the boulder. Both of them had their sniper rifles behind their backs, and they had guns in their hands. They were looking at him with guns on their faces.

Wan Lin saw that Cheng Ru and Wen Meng had carried their sniper rifles, and immediately understood that the bullets in their sniper rifles had been exhausted. retreat.

In the rain of whistling bullets, Wan Lin saw that Cheng Ru and the two were ready to retreat. He turned around and put the sniper rifle's **** on his shoulders, his whole body lying behind the gun. From the crevice in the rock, he aimed at the dark shadow on the hillside on the side of the pass, and pulled the trigger lightly with his fingers.

"Pfft," the sniper rifle in front of him let out a low roar. The fast-moving black shadow on the distant hillside slammed backwards, and a cluster of bright red blood columns immediately rose upwards. The bright red blood columns were shocking on the hillside filled with dust and gunpowder!

Wan Lin pulled the trigger, he quickly pulled the bolt, moved the muzzle to aim at a cluster of machine gun flares sprayed at the pass, and the sniper rifle in front of him trembled slightly.

Wan Lin moved like electricity. After pulling the trigger, he quickly moved the muzzle. His right hand raised the bolt like lightning, and then pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle.

"Puff, puff, puff!" The three dull gunshots of sniper rifles sounded almost at the same time, followed by three gushing blood columns on the hillside in the distance, and the violent sound of machine guns around the pass came to an abrupt end!

The sound of gunshots from the rocky beach and the pass in front disappeared almost at the same time, and only the sound of "humming" gunfire still reverberated in the surrounding mountains.

The red blood column that suddenly rose from the diffuse gunpowder made the mountains in front rush towards the surrounding rocks and immediately rushed under the surrounding rocks. The mercenaries who were shooting on the rocks also quickly stopped shooting and shrank to the cover, and the mountains shook. The sound of the gunshots suddenly stopped!

A group of mercenaries all huddled under the rocks and looked at the side pass in astonishment. The pupils in their eyes suddenly shrank to the size of needles.

All the mercenaries on the scene have seen that the three companions on the hillside of the pass were almost blown off by the sniper rifle at the same time, but the other party was far away from the kilometer!

This kind of marksmanship displayed in the fierce battle caused a cool air to rise on the backs of the mercenaries. At this time, they already understood that it was actually a few top snipers who were covering the retreat of the Eagles at the foot of the mountain. hand!

Wan Lin quickly pulled the trigger and fired up the last three sniper bullets in the gun. He didn't even look at the three pillars of blood rising in the distance. He grabbed the sniper rifle with his right hand and quickly pulled the sniper rifle out of the crack in the rock. came out.

He then raised his head and made a deafening leopard roar at the top of the side. Then he looked at Cheng Ru and Wen Meng who were hidden behind the rock on the side, and ordered in a deep voice, "Withdraw!" He jumped up, carrying his sniper rifle and ran towards the back of the mountain behind him like smoke.

Cheng Ru and Wen Meng rushed out from under the boulder at the sound of Wan Lin's command. They took the cover of the towering boulder and the hill behind them, and quickly ran to the foot of the mountain where the Eagle Falcon team members were in front of them. At this time, a deafening leopard roar was also heard from the top of the mountain on the side.

In the ear-piercing roar, Xiaohua's vigorous figure jumped from the top of the mountain like a flash of lightning. It crossed an arc in the air, and fell on the hillside behind, and rushed to the foot of the mountain ups and downs. Behind the three of them.

Amidst Xiaohua's deafening leopard roar, the dense gunshots of the enemy sounded again from the direction of the rocky beach and the pass. A rain of howling bullets smashed the foot of the mountain and the hillside behind Wan Lin and the others into pieces. Stones and explosions of fire also rose from the foot of the mountain and the **** one after another.

Wan Lin quickly ran forward for more than a thousand meters. He stopped under a rock, turned around and hugged Xiao Hua who rushed from behind. He placed Xiao Hua on his shoulder and held it with one hand. The sniper rifle, standing under a half-human-high rock, looked coldly at the fire that erupted behind him.

The hills two or three hundred meters high in the back have formed a natural barrier, blocking the dense rain of bullets from the enemy. Some stray bullets fired by the enemy just flew through the foot of the mountain and flew from the side of the mountain.

The sound of gunfire in the distance and the fires at the foot of the mountain, like firecrackers and fireworks to see off Wan Lin and the three of them, seemed very lively.

At this time, Cheng Ru and Wen Meng ran to Wan Lin from behind, their faces and bodies were covered with dust and gunpowder, and the color was no longer visible on the camouflage uniforms. Wen Meng ran to Wan Lin out of breath. stopped under the rock.

She panted and turned around, looking at the fire that erupted at the foot of the mountain behind, listening to the sound of gunfire resounding in the mountains like firecrackers, a bright smile suddenly appeared on her face blackened by gunpowder smoke. She showed two rows of white teeth and said with a smile: "Leopard head, Brother Cheng, are these enemies sending us off?"

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru heard the excited voice of this junior sister, and smiles appeared on their faces. The two of them stretched out their hands at the same time, took the backpack on Wen Meng's back and the sniper rifle that had been empty of bullets and carried them on their bodies.


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