Panther Commando

Chapter 4517: cheers on the battlefield

Wan Lin looked coldly at the fire that erupted at the foot of the mountain behind him. He followed Wen Meng, who turned his head and said with dust on his face: "Yes, the enemy is sending us off to victory. Well, since they have such a big gesture to send us off, then We don't need to be polite, Lao Cheng, Wen Meng, let's go!" With that, he picked up his sniper rifle and accelerated to the foot of the mountain where the Eagle Falcon team members were in front of him!

Wan Lin and the three quickly ran to the foot of the mountain ahead with their guns in hand, and a cheer had already sounded from behind the rock. Hidden behind the surrounding rocks and trees, the Eagle Falcon team members raised their weapons while watching the three snipers approaching and cheered, while shaking their thumbs vigorously.

These three snipers really surprised them. They killed the enemy's snipers in the dangerous jungle, and protected the instructor Johnny and student Xie Chao to withdraw from the jungle, and they followed into the battle in the rocky beach.

The scene where the sniper ran back carrying Johnny in the rain of enemy bullets brought tears to the eyes of the Falcon team members. The three snipers approached the foot of the mountain and immediately turned around with accurate bullets to suppress the enemy's firepower in an instant, and covered the scorpion and they were safely withdrawn from the hillside.

The heroic performance of the three unfamiliar snipers in the battle really surprised and admired them, so they couldn't help cheering when they saw the victory of the three snipers.

Wan Lin and the others ran to the foot of the mountain amid the cheers of the crowd. Charlie, who had already stood up behind a rock, had his left arm hanging on his chest. He strode over to Wan Lin and the others. He stretched his right arm and gave him a strong hug. Wan Lin, following the release of Wan Lin, stepped in front of Wen Meng, who was running over with an excited look. He raised his right arm to hug Wen Meng. Wen Meng smiled and suddenly became short, and moved quickly from under Charlie's arm. drilled.

Charlie was stunned for a moment, followed by a "haha" laugh, he opened his right arm and hugged Cheng Ru who was behind him. At this moment, he had already remembered that this short-looking sniper was a female soldier, and they didn't like being hugged by outsiders! He immediately released Chengru, and reached out to touch the little flower lying on Wan Lin's shoulder.

Xiaohua didn't wait for him to stretch out his hand, and already jumped out of Wan Lin's shoulder with a "swoosh", and in a blink of an eye, he was already standing on Wen Meng's shoulder. There was a threatening sound of "whoosh".

Seeing Xiao Hua's fierce look, Charlie quickly retracted his outstretched right hand, and stumbled back two steps. He looked at Xiao Hua with embarrassment and smiled. The surrounding Eagle Falcon team members also burst into laughter when they saw the embarrassed appearance of this Eagle Falcon Principal. Everyone followed and curiously looked at the kitten standing on Wen Meng's shoulder, and their eyes followed with a look of astonishment.

There was a fierce battle just now, and the gunpowder and dust mist had blocked their sight. They did not notice the fierce battle of this magical little animal.

Therefore, except for Charlie and Scorpion, they did not know that this magical and brave little animal had already jumped up the hillside of the distant pass alone at a critical juncture, killed five or six enemies in one fell swoop, and made a fortune for the tens of thousands who were suppressed by firepower. Lin, these snipers, created fighter jets that stretched out their muzzles.

Wan Lin smiled when he saw Charlie who was staggering back. He stretched out his hand and took Charlie's arm and said, "My little brother doesn't like others touching it." He looked at Xiao Hua tenderly.

At this moment, Xiao Hua, who was lying on Wen Meng's shoulder, suddenly raised her head and looked towards the mountains behind, with a faint blue light in her eyes. Wan Lin turned around abruptly and looked back. Four or five black shadows had already rushed to the foot of the mountain where they blocked the enemy just now. There were also several black shadows on the side of the mountain.

Wan Lin was startled, stretched out his hand and dragged Charlie behind the rock on the side, turned his head and ordered Cheng Ru and Wen Meng: "Prepare to fight!" After saying that, he held the *** on his shoulder in his hand, " Crash." He pulled the gun bolt.

He followed and turned his head to look behind the foot of the mountain. A group of dark shadows were running in the distance. Most of the Eagle Falcon members were escorting the wounded to retreat to the distant mountains.

Charlie saw Wan Lin turned his head and looked back, knowing that he was worried about the injured Lao Feng and the female soldier named Wu Xueying, he quickly said: "Our medics have re-bandaged the wounds for Lao Feng and Wu, and they are in good physical condition. , and they took a fragrant pill just now, their bodies have recovered a lot, and there is no danger."

Wen Meng, who had already squatted under the rock and stretched out the muzzle, immediately turned to watch Wan Lin translate Charlie's words. At this time, Wan Lin had probably understood what Charlie said in Y language, and he immediately understood that Feng Dao and Wu Xueying had eaten the incense magic pill.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. How's the scorpion's injury? There's no danger, right?" Wen Meng squatted on the side of the rock, while raising his gun and aiming at the faint enemy in the distance, he translated Wan Lin's words past. She knew that Wan Lin and Charlie only knew some of the other's language, but they had not yet reached the level of proficient communication.

After listening to Wen Meng's translation, Charlie immediately replied: "The scorpion is seriously but it is not life-threatening for the time being, and it has been sent." Looking ahead at the foot of the mountain.

A group of black shadows have appeared around the foot of the mountain, and seven or eight shadows have also appeared on the hillside on the side of the boulder. A group of people were lying on the surrounding rocks, aiming their guns at the hill on their side.

Charlie saw that the other party was approaching the minefield at the foot of the mountain. He turned his head to look at the few falcon members who were lying on the surrounding rocks and ordered, "Open fire and attract me these **** into the minefield!"

"Bang bang bang", "da da da", a few Eagle Falcon members answered loudly and pulled the trigger, the deafening gunshots immediately rang from the quiet mountain, and a *** also whistled towards Fly up the hill in front.

With the loud explosion of "Boom", Charlie took Wan Lin's arm and stood up and said, "Go, let's retreat!" Wan Lin stood up and turned to look at Cheng Ru and Wen Meng who were lying beside him. Said: "Withdraw!"

Saying that, he raised the *** in his hand with one hand, "da da da" and swept a string of bullets into the distance, Cheng Ru and Wen Meng also raised the *** in their hands at the same time, "da da da" After a short burst, several people turned around and ran behind the foot of the mountain.

Wan Lin and the three had already understood what Charlie meant. He ordered his subordinates to drive the enemy into the area where the bombs were buried with a heavy rain of bullets.

Now Charlie asked them to stand up from the foot of the mountain, just to let the enemy see that they misunderstood that they had not withdrawn very far, and attracted the enemy to chase the mountains ahead.


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