Panther Commando

Chapter 4518: sincere thanks

Wan Lin and the others raised their guns and swept out a few strings of bullets at the foot of the mountain, and then strode to the back of the mountain. They knew that as long as they entered the minefield set up by the Eagle Falcon members just now, and touched the hidden line between the grass and rocks, Those two broad swords will definitely cause large-scale damage to the surrounding enemies within 100 meters! At that time, when the enemy suffered heavy casualties, they were too daring to pursue them.

With the sound of gunfire at the foot of the mountain on Wanlin's side, the gunfire of the enemy at the foot of the mountain in front also sounded, and the dense rain of bullets flew straight to the foot of the mountain. Charlie and Wan Lin ran for hundreds of meters behind the mountain, and Charlie commanded into the microphone next to his mouth, "Angus, you all retreat too."

Charlie's voice just fell, "Boom", "Boom", "Boom"... A series of violent explosions suddenly exploded from a distance! The mountains beneath Wan Lin and the others swayed violently. Wan Lin and the others quickly squatted down on the spot, then turned their heads and looked back.

Amidst the deafening explosion, two mushroom clouds rolled and rose from behind the top of the mountain. Charlie turned his head to look at the mushroom cloud that suddenly rose, and there was a strong murderous aura all over his body.

He stood up and shouted hoarsely: "George, Kuroda, come if you have the guts, this is your fate!" After speaking, he raised his right hand suddenly, and the **** in his hand "dada da" A burst of flames shot into the air.

The three of Wan Lin also stood up from the mountain, and they quietly looked at Charlie's face that had become distorted in anger. They knew in their hearts that the bad breath that Charlie had suppressed in his heart finally came out with this sudden explosion.

Charlie came out of seclusion and worked hard to set up this special forces training base. After several years of hard work, he had just brought this falcon training base on the right track and made a name for himself internationally. The two hired groups of Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security came to him, and he also made his brothers pay a heavy price. , which really made him furious.

Now, the explosions of several powerful cockroaches deployed at the foot of the mountain really made him release the bad breath that was pressing in his heart!

Wan Lin and the others followed and looked up at the mushroom cloud rising in the air. The three of them looked at the rising fire and smoke in the distance, and a large number of enemies immediately appeared in their minds. With the scene of the explosion of fire and the huge shock wave rolling in the air, a look of excitement appeared in the eyes of several people. .

For the sake of money, these mercenaries of Yamaguchi security guards and Black Hawks are unscrupulous in their actions. They sell drugs and kill people. Their actions have endangered the vital interests of some countries and people. It is not a pity for such people to die!

Wan Lin quietly looked up at the flames rising in the distance for a while, then glanced at the few Eagle Falcon members running from the mountains behind, he turned his head to look at Charlie with revenge flames in his eyes and said, "Charlie, let's go! "

When Charlie heard Wan Lin's greeting, he hung the *** in his hand on his chest, stretched out his hand and took Wan Lin's arm and said affectionately: "Leopard head, thank you and your brothers! Without your thousands of miles of help, I, Charlie and Falcon Base, cannot escape this sudden disaster, on behalf of myself and Falcon Base, thank you!"

After speaking, he released Wan Lin's arm, stood upright with his feet, straightened his waist and raised his hands to salute Wan Lin, Cheng Ru and Wen Meng! The three of Wan Lin quickly stood upright with their feet together, and raised their right hand in return salute.

In the rugged mountains, Wan Lin put down his arms and looked at Charlie's deep-set eyes. He knew that he was thanking these Chinese soldiers from the bottom of his heart, and he said sincerely, "What's there to thank? We're all people with guns in our hands, and it's our job to take out these evil things. Let's go, Charlie."

Charlie stared at the brave leopard head in front of him, he stretched out his hand to hold Wan Lin's arm, and said loudly to Chengru and Wen Meng: "Brothers, let's go back to my falcon base, those **** no longer dare to chase come up!"

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the top of the mountain behind him, and commanded into the microphone beside his mouth: "James, you all withdraw." In the voice, two shadows stood up from the top of the mountain and ran quickly towards the back of the mountain. .

Wan Lin and the others glanced at each other, and immediately understood that Charlie had established an observation post and a firepower point on the top of the mountain, ready to cover his own retreat in a critical moment. Several people glanced at Charlie silently, then lifted their feet and strode behind the Falcon team members in front.

It didn't take long, the following Falcon team members had already chased behind them, and the skinny Angus ran to Charlie's side, and he reported excitedly: "Falcon, those two broad swords have killed at least two of them. , more than 30 enemies, and a group of dark shadows flying in the firelight, it's so enjoyable for his grandmother!"

He wiped the sweat from his face, looked at the three of Wan Lin and said, "Thank you so much, if it weren't for your cover, we wouldn't be able to get Scorpion and Johnny out, and it's impossible. Successfully mine at the foot of the mountain!" After speaking, he stood at attention and looked at the three snipers in front of him raising their hands to salute.

Wen Meng quickly translated Angus's Lin quickly raised his hand and waved it between his foreheads, he followed Angus's arm and said, "If it weren't for your support, we would also It's impossible to get out."

Charlie looked at Angus with a smile and said, "Angus, this is from Huaxia..." Before he finished speaking, Wan Lin quickly said, "We are all new instructors, surnamed Wan." Wen Meng quickly translated his words.

Charlie was stunned for a moment, then realized that Wan Lin didn't want these Chinese people to reveal their identities, and he quickly said to Angus: "Yes, they are all the instructors I specially invited. This is Instructor Wan, this It's an instructor."

After speaking, he pointed to Wen Meng and said, "This is..." He really didn't remember the name of the female sniper. Wen Meng quickly said: "My surname is Wen." Charlie continued to introduce Angus with a smile: "Yes, yes, this is the new instructor Wen."

Angus and the others didn't seem to have heard Charlie's introduction. They all looked at Wen Meng, who was short and thin, in astonishment. During the battle just now, they didn't notice that this strange and brave sniper was actually is a female soldier.

Seeing the shocked expressions of several people, Wen Meng looked up at Angus and said with a smile, "Are you looking down on me as a female instructor?"

Angus and the others all laughed when they saw this little female soldier smiling, Angus quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, that's not what we mean. We at the Falcon Base are here for you to be with us. Proud to fight with you, a brave and skilled female sniper!"


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