Panther Commando

Chapter 4519: big smile

Angus looked at Wen Meng and said sincerely, and then he raised his right hand and gave Wen Meng a thumbs up. Several Falcon players around also gave Wen Meng a thumbs up, and several people looked at Wen Meng's Eyes lit up.

There has never been any opposite **** in the Falcon Base. This is a barracks full of masculinity. Now, after the fierce battle, they suddenly saw a charming female soldier, and she was also a brave sniper, which really surprised and admired them.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru saw that all the Eagle Falcon team members around gave their thumbs up to Wen Meng, and they also smiled proudly at Wen Meng, the junior sister. They knew that their junior sister had already conquered all the Eagles and Falcons on the battlefield with their brave and fearless actions.

The sky had dimmed, and Charlie instructed the Falcon team members to closely monitor the movements of the enemy behind them. He and Wan Lin and the others stepped up and walked along the rugged mountain.

Not long after, Wan Lin and the others had already rushed to the front of the Eagle Falcon team members, and Wan Lin looked around attentively. The Eagle Falcon team members have already tied seven or eight simple stretchers with small trees and branches in the mountains.

Feng Dao and Wu Xueying were lying on the two stretchers, Xie Chao and Xu Liang, who had thick bandages on their arms, were following their stretchers, and there were a few team members in front of them supporting some slightly injured team members.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru quickened their pace and ran to Feng Dao. Xu Liang and Xie Chao turned their heads and saw Leopard Head and Cheng Ru running. Excitedly, they ran to Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, the two stood at attention and raised their hands in salute, then reached out and grabbed Wan Lin and Cheng Ru's arms.

There were tears in Xu Liang's eyes. He looked at Wan Lin and the two excitedly, and choked up and said, "Leopard head, Instructor Cheng, you are back!" Wan Lin raised his hand and patted it lightly when he saw his excited expression. His shoulder, and then looking at his bloodstained injured arm, he asked, "How's the injury? Where's Yan Ying?"

Xu Liang raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, then took a deep breath and replied: "Report, my injury is fine, just a piece of meat was cut off by a bullet. Yan Ying has a waist injury and is inconvenient to move, but his life is not in danger. We came out. At that time, Yan Ying had to come with you to meet you, and it was the principal of Ying Falcon who strictly ordered him to stay at the base."

He glanced at Charlie behind him, and then looked at Wan Lin and Cheng Rushen and whispered mysteriously: "Leopard head, Lieutenant Colonel Cheng, you don't know yet? This Principal Eagle Falcon is the one you told us before. Charlie, the Black Hawk sniper that I used to play."

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru both laughed, Wan Lin replied in a low voice, "We already know, we can say that they are old friends." At this time, Feng Dao, who was lying on the stretcher, had woken up from the conversation of several people.

He turned his head to look at Wan Lin and Cheng Ru who were standing beside the stretcher, and hurriedly struggled to sit up from the stretcher. Wan Lin walked over to hold him down and said, "Don't move, how do you feel?" Cheng Ru also hurried over to bend The waist grabbed the hand of the wind knife.

Feng Dao squeezed Cheng Ru's hand, and he pushed Wan Lin away and struggled to sit up. He looked at Charlie who was walking from behind and said with a wry smile, "Wu Xueying and I are much better, it was Charlie who asked the medics to give it to us. After re-treatment of the wound, I ordered the team members to put us on the stretcher. Just now on the stretcher, I really had a good night's sleep." He twisted to get off the stretcher.

The two Eagle Falcon team members carrying the wind knives quickly shouted: "You can't come down, Eagle Falcon has an order not to let you go down." Wan Lin smiled at them, and he folded his fists and said in Y language: "Thank you."

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru immediately helped the wind knife down. Charlie came over, waved his hand at the two hands who were about to stop him, and said, "It's okay, you can rest for a while."

At this time, Wen Meng had already run to Wu Xueying who was in front. Wu Xueying was sleeping comfortably on the stretcher with her eyes closed, her long eyelashes trembling slightly. Her left sleeve and bulletproof suit had been stained red with blood, but her right hand was still clutching the depleted assault rifle.

Wen Meng looked at her good sister, her eyes turned red, knowing that this good sister had exhausted her stamina in the battle! She reached out and gently picked up the assault rifle that Wu Xueying was holding in her right hand.

As soon as her hand touched the assault rifle, Wu Xueying's two big **** eyes suddenly opened. She suddenly sat up from the stretcher and looked around blankly.

Wen Meng quickly grabbed her gun-carrying arm and called, "Yingying, it's me!" With that, she took her into his arms. When Wu Xueying saw Wen Meng standing beside her, she raised her head excitedly and shouted, "Mengmeng, it's you, you're back, I was worried about me and Lao Feng and the others just now! What about Leopard Tou and Big Brother Cheng?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru had already walked over with the wind knife, Charlie, Xu Liang, and Xie Chao also followed behind the three. Wu Xueying excitedly looked at Wan Lin and the others and shouted, "Leopardtou, Big Brother Cheng, you are back!" As she spoke, she helped Wen Meng to get off the stretcher.

At this time, the two Eagle Falcon team members who were carrying Wu Xueying were looking at Wen Meng and Wu Xueying The two then looked at Charlie who came over in astonishment and asked, "Principal, why are they female soldiers? "

Charlie nodded with a smile: "Yes, they are not only female soldiers, but also brave and very, very beautiful girls!" He knew that the smoke and dirt covered the natural beauty of these two Chinese female soldiers. , and now it is true that the gender of the two of them cannot be seen from the appearance.

When the two Falcon members heard Charlie's answer, one of them said with a smile: "Hehehe, I said why she is so light, it's not hard to carry the beauty at all." The two of them looked at the two female soldiers greedily. looking at the face.

Wu Xueying stood up with Wen Meng, she heard the words of the Eagle Falcon, she held Wen Meng's arm with a bright smile on her face and said in Y language: "Thank you two brothers, I can sleep soundly. If you think I'm slender, why don't we lie down together?" Wen Meng also laughed "puchi".

The two Eagle Falcon team members all laughed when they heard the playful voice of the little female soldier, and one of them said with a smile, "No problem, come up."

The surrounding Eagle Falcon team members heard Wu Xueying's hoarse female voice, and everyone looked here in astonishment. Looking at the bright smiles on the faces of the two female soldiers, they were all stunned.

They did not expect that there were actually two brave and charming female soldiers in the team fighting side by side with them. The eyes of the group of people were all bright. They raised their feet and surrounded Wu Xueying and the others, exhausted. The look has been swept away.


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