Panther Commando

Chapter 4526: huge investment

Fengdao walked out of the bathroom, he looked at Wan Lin and said with a smile: "Hehe, it seems that Charlie invested all the money into this Eagle Falcon base, it's just a standard military camp, so to speak, Charlie still A real millionaire."

Wan Lin put the towel on the table. He looked around and said, "I'm afraid Charlie doesn't have the strength to build such a large training base. There should be a big moneymaker behind him."

Cheng Ru also nodded and said, "Charlie built two bases at the same time, and they all use the most advanced weapons. There should indeed be a big money lord behind him."

As soon as the three of them finished speaking, Charlie's blunt laughter suddenly came from the darkness outside the tent: "Haha, are you talking about me?" In the voice, he had already changed into a camouflage uniform, with his injured arm hanging on his chest. Charlie has appeared at the door.

Wan Lin hurried up to meet Charlie's hand and said, "Yes, we're talking about you. Your base's facilities are so good. Why did you come here in person?"

Charlie shook Wan Lin's arm vigorously and replied: "You are the guests I invited, of course I will personally invite you to drink." He looked at the bandaged wind knife and asked, "Instructor Feng , Has the injury not worsened?"

Feng Dao quickly replied: "No, it's much better now." Charlie looked at Wan Lin and said, "What kind of panacea did you use? At that time, Instructor Wu and Instructor Feng were seriously injured. I didn't expect them to recover so quickly."

Wan Lin replied with a smile: "There is no panacea, just using our Chinese herbal medicine, the effect of healing is really good, I will use some for you." After speaking, he pulled Charlie to sit down to check his wound.

Charlie smiled and waved his hand and said, "I just finished taking the medicine, so let's go drink first." He then glanced at the pitch-black woods outside the tent, and whispered, "Just now you seemed to be talking about my investment here?"

Wan Lin quickly replied: "We see that your weapons and equipment and base facilities are very advanced, so I think you must have invested a lot of money."

Charlie immediately said in a low voice: "Yes, the establishment of this falcon base did invest a huge amount of money. However, after I retired, I became a mercenary. Although I have earned a lot of money over the years, it is a drop in the bucket for this base. ."

As he said, he stared outside the hood and said in a very low voice: "The Falcon base is funded by an old comrade of mine, and I will operate it. Of course, I also invested all my savings here. This matter No one knows, so don't say it."

He sighed in a low voice: "I failed this old comrade in arms. He never asked about the base, but he trusted me so much, but I caused the Eagle Base to suffer such a big loss. It's all my fault. Ah."

While Charlie spoke in blunt Chinese, he gestured with his hands, and the three of Wan Lin barely understood what he meant. When they heard that Charlie's old comrade-in-arms invested at this time, they looked at each other, and Fengdao exclaimed in amazement: "That is, only comrades-in-arms can have such trust!"

Charlie nodded and said: "Yes, we were all serving in the special forces at the time. During another operation, this comrade was blown up by the enemy's mortar and broke a leg. I used a sniper rifle to kill the rushing few. an enemy, then rushed up to carry him from the enemy fire and saved his life."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the dark forest outside the tent and said in a low voice, "He retired after being disabled. He has been in business for so many years and has built a huge business empire. But like me, he can't forget the smoke on the battlefield. Gunfire, when we were together in the past, we used to talk about building a hunter school to train real special forces for the world."

"After I quit Black Hawk, this old comrade-in-arms approached me to discuss this matter. After careful discussion, we finally jointly established the Eagle Falcon base here. This base was bid for in my own name, you know, I There are many enemies, so I don't want to add risks to my old friend, he is only responsible for providing me with funds and supporting me fully, even Johnny and the others don't know about these things."

Wan Lin nodded deeply when they heard this. They already understood what Charlie meant and why he was so careful. He was worried about causing unnecessary trouble to his old friend, and was also afraid of disappointing his old friend. 's trust.

After Wan Lin listened to Charlie's narration, he looked at Feng Dao and Cheng Ru and whispered: "This matter ends with us, don't tell anyone else." Feng Dao and the two quickly replied: "Yes, you can rest assured. Bar."

At this time, a bright flashlight suddenly shot from the dark forest outside, and two girls laughed lowly from outside the tent. Wen Meng and Wu Xueying appeared at the tent door with guns on their backs.

Charlie stared at the two girls exuding youthful air, and he couldn't help but praise: "What a beautiful oriental beauty!" Said: "Wu, how is your wound? We have professional military doctors and medical equipment here, do you need them to check it for you?"

Wen Meng replied, "No need, I just stitched Yingying's wound a few times. She didn't allow anesthesia, and said she wanted to drink your good wine."

When Charlie heard Wen Meng's answer, he looked at Wu Xueying's pale face and sighed: "Strong female soldier! In the past, people used to say that the battlefield is a man's world, but this is not true. The battlefield should be the world of our real soldiers. , regardless of gender!"

As he said that, he sneakily glanced outside the tent, then took out a wine bottle from his waist and said, "This is another bottle of Romanée Conti Grand Cru red wine that I have in my collection. Let the **** like Johnny and Scorpion steal it. Girls, this bottle of wine is for both of you, and no one else!"

"Hahahaha..." Wan Lin and the others all burst into laughter. Wu Xueying snatched the wine bottle from Charlie's hand, "giggling" and said with a smile, "Thank you, principal! Hee hee, this bottle of wine is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. , Mengmeng and I can drink more than 1,000 yuan in one sip, we are the real daughters of gold!"

Charlie stared blankly at Wu Xueying and asked, "Miss Qianjin, what do you mean?" Wen Meng smiled and explained it to him in Y language, and Charlie laughed and said, "Yes, yes, you two must be Qianjin, Qianjin. It's not enough, 100,000 gold!"

Wu Xueying burst out laughing: "Principal, as for you raising pigs, it's not that the more serious we are, the better. Besides, how can we be so heavy."


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