Panther Commando

Chapter 4527: huge sinkhole

In the dim tent, Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they heard the voices of Charlie and Wu Xueying. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng also laughed and hugged each other, their whole bodies trembling with laughter.

Wan Lin said with a smile: "Okay, two 100,000-jin young ladies, are we going to eat? I'm really hungry." Wen Meng "giggled" and replied with a smile: "Okay, okay, anyway, we are already ten If you weigh 10,000 kilograms, then you don't have to worry about gaining weight again, let's hurry up to eat!" Wan Lin and the others heard Wen Meng's answer, and they all walked out of the tent with laughter.

At this time, Sean was already waiting in the dark forest with two soldiers. They saw Charlie and Wan Lin and the others walked out of the tent. They immediately turned on their flashlights and raised their hands to salute. Wan Lin and the others walked out of the forest.

Wan Lin and the others followed Xiao En and the others out of the path in the forest. They looked around by the dim starlight. Surrounded by mountains, there are trees with dense branches and leaves growing on the sunny slopes.

On the other side of the hillside is a steep rock wall. The rock wall is covered with black holes. Several bright streams are gushing out of several caves. The quiet valley echoes with the sound of "rushing" running water. .

Wan Lin looked around and said to Charlie, who was walking beside him: "This is really a hidden place, not only with lush vegetation, but also with such an abundant water source. It is indeed suitable as a hidden training place. How did you find such a place? Good place? I don't see such a big canyon in this area on the map."

When Wu Xueying heard Wan Lin's question, she was worried that Charlie didn't understand the meaning of Wan Lin's question, so she quickly translated the sentence in Y language, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao also stopped and looked at Charlie.

After Charlie heard Wu Xueying's reaction, he immediately replied: "Yes, this place is not marked on the map. When I first established the base, I took Johnny and Scorpion to disguise and inspected this mountain for several months. I During the field investigation, I discovered this hidden good place by accident, and it is really difficult to find this hidden place from the outside."

As he said that, he raised his finger and pointed to the waterfall that was flying down in the distance: "Actually, this is not a canyon, but it is shaped like a curved canyon, but there is no entrance or exit on both sides."

"This is a tiankeng formed by the impact of a dark river in the mountains. Even the locals don't know this place. There are no people within 100 kilometers. This place was originally a paradise for animals and plants. When we were tracking an animal, we found that After going in and out of the cave here, we discovered this huge tiankeng. Hehe, we were really surprised at that time, there are all kinds of animals and plants here, and the location is extremely hidden.”

When Charlie said this, he looked at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng next to him, and Wu Xueying quickly translated Charlie's words. When Wan Lin heard Wu Xueying's translation, he said with admiration: "The vegetation here is lush, the fresh water is abundant, and there are various animals inhabiting it. A complete biological chain has been formed here, and hundreds of people can fully support themselves in it. This Tiankeng is indeed a good place to train troops.”

Cheng Ru and several others nodded when they heard Wan Lin's admiration. Charlie said with a smile: "Yes, that's what we thought at the time. This sinkhole looks small, but it is rugged and tortuous inside. It actually covers a huge area, and there is sufficient fresh water and food. There is no problem in hiding two or three thousand people. Moreover, there are mountains all around here, and even if the live ammunition is fired here, it is difficult for the sound to reach the outside.”

After speaking, he raised his arm and pointed to some caves on the side cliffs and said, "The students' dormitories are in those caves. After these caves have been renovated, they are dry and spacious, and are completely suitable for students to live in. The material reserves of our base are also there. in."

He then pointed to a spacious piece of dirt in front of him and said: "This is the open-air training ground for the students, and under the cliff on the side is an indoor gym with all kinds of fitness equipment. Turning left from the cliff in front is A small lake with a water depth of four or five meters, this huge tiankeng has four or five places similar to canyons, and there are various mountain top terrains, mountains, lakes and woods, here is a natural special forces training place!"

When Wan Lin and the others heard Charlie's introduction, they all looked at each other in astonishment in the dark, and Feng Dao asked, "Falcon, according to your introduction, this should be a first-choice training base, but how did you put that Wild Elephant Valley is the preferred base, but it is used as a backup base?"

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru also looked at Charlie when they heard Feng Dao's question. This is a very hidden training base, and it covers a huge area. It is surrounded by towering and steep hills and cliffs. It is difficult for outsiders to attack the sinkhole with such a complex terrain. But Charlie used this as a backup base, which really puzzled them.

When Charlie heard Wu Xueying's translation, he waved his hand and said, "Our base's stated purpose of running a school is to train real special operations talents in actual Although the geographical environment is excellent, it is far away from the war zone. Therefore, I use this as a backup base, and in the event of an emergency, this is our shelter. Ensuring the safety of all students is the primary responsibility of our Falcon Base.”

He suddenly laughed when he said this, and said in blunt Chinese language: "This should be the 'Three Caves of the Crafty Rabbit' in your Chinese language, right? Hehe, let's go, let's go drink first, and I will take you around tomorrow. ."

As he said that, he glanced at the shoulders of Wan Lin and the others, and asked in surprise: "Hey, what about Brother Xiaohua? Just now Johnny asked his brothers to help him catch a few pheasants and hares, saying that he wanted to console him. Brother Xiaohua."

Wan Lin replied with a smile: "Don't worry about it, as long as there are animals in this mountain, it won't be hungry. It must be more curious when it first came here, so I wandered around."

As soon as Wan Lin's voice fell, a rapid report sounded from Charlie's earphone: "Report, two blue lights of unknown origin suddenly appeared on the top of the east side of the mountain, spying into the valley." "Hidden!" Charlie shouted in a low voice, The three of Sean who were walking in front immediately turned off the flashlights, pulled the bolt with a "clatter", and raised their guns to aim at the east hillside.

In the darkness, Charlie turned to look at the eastern hillside, and gave a hurried order to the microphone: "Order the observation post on the top of the mountain to quickly find out the source of the light source, and don't shoot blindly without an order!"

When Wan Lin and the others heard Charlie's "hidden" voice, they immediately spread out and stepped under the surrounding rocks. They knelt on one knee on the grass and raised their guns to follow Charlie's gaze.


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