Panther Commando

Chapter 4528: blue light in the dark

In the dim starlight, Wan Lin moved his gun to search the pitch-black hillsides around him, and asked in a low voice with a gloomy expression, "Falcon, what's going on, is there an enemy following?"

At this time, Charlie had stepped under a man-high rock on the side. He took a telescope handed over by Sean and looked up, and answered in a hurried voice: "Two blue lights suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain on the east side." Wan Wan When Lin Ji and the others heard Charlie's answer, they quickly raised their guns in the dark and aimed at the top of the mountain in the east.

In the dim starlight, there was a blue light on the top of the high mountain in the east that was passing through the darkness. The blue light rushed towards the steep hillside below like a bolt of lightning, followed by the scream of an animal from the pitch-black hillside. , the blue light also disappeared into the darkness.

Wan Lin quickly whispered: "Eagle, it's Xiaohua, immediately order Shougu's brother to cancel the operation!" Charlie quickly ordered into the microphone: "The alarm is lifted, and the observation post on the top of the mountain in the east will return to its original position immediately."

At this time, Charlie heard Wan Lin's cry and already understood that the blue light that suddenly flashed in the darkness was the light from the eyes of Xiao Hua, a beast that must be hunting a man many times bigger than him. animals below.

He issued an order, then looked at Wan Lin in astonishment and said in a low voice, "In such a short time, Brother Xiaohua climbed to the top of the mountain more than 1,000 meters high. This is too fast! The side of the mountain is extremely steep." Wan Lin Hanging his muzzle, he stood up and said with a smile, "This little baby is full of energy, let's leave it alone, let's go."

Hearing Wan Lin's answer, Charlie knew that he didn't want to talk about Xiaohua in front of outsiders. He stood up and said, "Okay, let's go drink! Sean, lead the way." Sean glanced at the steep mountain to the east in astonishment, and followed He and his two men turned on the flashlight and walked forward.

A few people passed through a large flat training ground in the dark and walked to a concave cliff opposite the canyon. Wan Lin and the others turned over a protruding rock in front of them. Only then did they discover that under the concave cliff. It was actually a large dining room built of rocks.

Wan Lin and the others had just walked over to the rock in front of him, when a hoarse voice suddenly sounded from the front: "Stand at attention, salute!" Following the shout, a bright light suddenly lit up from the auditorium in front. Wan Lin and the others quickly stopped and looked forward intently.

In the light from the door of the dining room, two rows of bandaged hawks stood in neat line at the door of the dining room, watching Wan Lin and a few others who were approaching and raised their hands in salute.

At the entrance of the dining room stood a scorpion with a bandage on his forehead. Johnny also leaned against the scorpion, and the two of them looked at Wan Lin and the others with bright eyes. The three of Sean who led the way had turned off their flashlights and stood by quietly, raising their hands to salute.

A bright light suddenly flashed in the eyes of Wan Lin and the others. They already understood that the people standing at the door were all Eagles and Falcons fighting side by side with them in the mountains, and Xie Chao and the three of them also stood among them. At this time, these brave team members have re-bandaged their wounds. They dragged their injured bodies and were waiting here to welcome them.

At this time, Charlie strode up to Scorpion and Johnny. He watched Wan Lin and the others raised their hands in salute, and shouted loudly, "Welcome to the new instructor who will fight side by side with us!" The two rows of eagles standing upright at the door The team members shouted: "Welcome to the new instructor!"

A warm current rushed out of Wan Lin's heart immediately, and he stepped forward excitedly and shouted, "Assemble." Cheng Ru and the others immediately stood in a row beside Wan Lin, and Wan Lin followed in a low voice and shouted: "Stand attentively... ..., salute!" Several people raised their hands and waved their right hands to their foreheads.

At this time, the faces of Wan Lin and the others were very excited. They understood that this was not a simple welcome ceremony. This was the gratitude and recognition of all the Falcon members who participated in the battle to these new instructors! It is the highest etiquette presented to these Chinese soldiers!

The dinner didn't end until very late. Wan Lin and the others drank a lot of red wine. Charlie personally sent Wan Lin and the others back to their station in the forest. He sent Wan Lin and the others to the tent door and stopped. He looked at Wan Lin and the others affectionately and said, "Instructor Wan, I, Charlie, will not say anything of gratitude, and can kill the enemy with you Chinese soldiers on the battlefield. , this is the glory of my life Charlie."

Following his expression, he stretched out his right hand, tightly clasped Wan Lin's hand, and said bluntly in Chinese: "Instructor Wan, you are my brothers and sisters all your life, if you have anything to do, just tell me, I, Charlie, will go through fire and water. No resignation!"

Wan Lin shook Charlie's arm vigorously. He looked at Charlie's deep-set eyes and said sincerely, "Okay, we are all brothers!"

Charlie nodded vigorously, and he continued: "By the way, before the dinner, I sent a thank you letter to your military region in the name of the principal of the Eagle Training Base, thanking you for everything you have done for our Eagle Base, and also I informed you and Xie Chao of their performance in the battle to your military region."

"In addition I also asked your military region in the letter to agree that you stay at the Eagle Base as an instructor, and you can call your superior later. It's too late today, I won't disturb you. You guys rest first, we'll talk about anything tomorrow." After that, he turned around and strode out of the forest.

A few people sent Charlie away, and Wan Lin was just about to let Wen Meng help Wu Xueying go back to rest, when the thick branches above everyone's heads suddenly swayed, and the little flower jumped on Wen Meng's shoulder like lightning in the dark, and it bowed its head. Looking at Wen Meng's body.

Wen Meng stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Hua, and said with a smile, "It's broken, this little thing still misses the two boxes of chocolates." Wan Lin looked at Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "Xiao Hua, if you don't eat it today, I'll give you another piece tomorrow."

He followed Wen Meng and Wu Xueying and said, "You guys should also go back to rest. Although this is the Eagle Falcon base, we are not familiar with the surrounding environment and personnel. You should take Xiao Hua with you." Cheng Ru and Feng Dao both ordered Nodding, Cheng Ru followed by turning on the flashlight to take a picture of the cabin on the side.

Although this is the Eagle Falcon Base, they are unfamiliar here, and there are big-nosed men like wolves everywhere. Wan Lin and the others are really worried about the safety of the two girls Wu Xueying and Wen Meng. Now Wan Lin Having Xiaohua by their side really made them feel at ease. With Xiaohua, the alert and fierce little brother, no one dared to approach Wen Meng secretly.

Wen Meng took Xiao Hua from her shoulders to her arms and nodded. She and Wu Xueying waved with Cheng Ru and Feng Dao, and they walked to the side cabin together, arm in arm.


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